Is it possible to create an updater that downloads files from a web server using NSIS? - nsis

I have created a mini installer in NSIS that installs patches for my application. I want to create an NSIS software updater that would download this mini installer from the web server. Is it possible?

You probably want the NSISdl plug-in.


How to convert a Yii2 local website to a desktop executable?

I currently have a local basic Yii2 website with an external database on XAMPP. Is there a way I could convert this application to a native desktop application that can run on Windows and the Linux OS?
I wish to build the desktop app myself and not use automatic builders like Web2Desk
It'll come as an .exe file which can be run to install the app. The app would not need any 3rd-party software (for the database for example). I'm thinking kind of like the Slack desktop application.
Can you please help?

Electron Windows Installer with wizard

I have created an app using Electron and I want to create a Windows installer with a wizard.
I am currently using the electron-installer-windows module to create my installer. But this create a single .exe file with no wizard at all.
I need the wizard to allow user to select destination folder and the possibility of creating a desktop icon
So, there is a way to generate an installer with a wizard using this module? or I need to create my own installer?
also, will this installer manage dependency issues? for example if the end user does not have npm installed, or any other dependency
I ended up using Inno Setup to create the installer.
I've had success with electron-builder. I would recommend giving it a try.

How to convert .msi file for windows 10 UWP apps

I'm working in windows 10 UWP cordova application and my client wants setup as .msi. How could I convert my .appxbundle to .msi?
Is there any proven option to create windows 10 UWP app package as .msi file?
There is no direct way to create msi file.
But you can side load your app. You can find at the end of this article
Packaging UWP apps how to sideload app package. You should run with Powershell file Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 and follow instructions.
Probably, you can create some exe file that could copy files to machine and run this script in Powershell

How to create ProgramData folder with InstallShield?

Using InstallShield LE with Visual Studio 2013, dev and target machines are Windows 7.
How do I create a folder under ProgramData and place a file in it? I have a text configuration file that I need to put there so the user can edit it as needed.
[I know this isn't a forum for ranting, so use your imagination to insert some nasty non-family-friendly comments about InstallShield here.]
InstallShield is a Windows Installer authoring tool. InstallShield rants aside, let's talk about the Windows Installer pain of what you are trying to do.
Installing per-user components is a pain. It requires a repair in each user context to populate the file. It's very ugly and has issues such as source resolution.
There is an easier way. Install a "seed" of the file in [ProgramFiles]Company\Product or [CommmonAppData]Company\Product and when the user runs your program copy the file to the users ProgramData if it does not exist.
This way you keep it simple for the installer, only add a few lines of code to your startup and don't have to worry about MSI trying to "fix" the user config file when the user edits the content because the installer doesn't know anything about it.
Easy, heh? Application design and Installer design have to go hand in hand.

Where does Windows Platform Installer (WPI) save the downloaded files in my computer?

I have a network with one server that is connected to the internet and some clients that are not.
I want to download and install Microsoft products on my server first and let the client computers download the installer later from the server.
The questions are
where does the WPI save the downloaded files?
is it possible to run WPI and force it to install the Microsoft products from the already downloaded files rather than downloading again from Microsoft's server.
Note: Assume there is no license issue, hopely :-)
It will be cached under %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers if you are on Vista or above, or in the equivalent location on XP (there is no %LocalAppData% environment variable in XP).
If the products are downloaded, they will be installed again from the cached location, unless they were updated, which would change their hash and force Web PI to download them again. Moreover, you can copy the cache folder from one computer to another to the same location and Web PI will pick it up automatically and install products from cached installers.
Microsoft has released a tool called Web Platform Installer v4 Command Line which has a switch to prepare an offline installation. Quote from the page above:
Creates an offline cached copy of a specified set of products and
applications so you can install while offline
Ex: >WebPICMD.exe /Offline /Products:WebMatrix,SQLExpress /Path:c:\OfflineCache
The above will create an offline cache at c:\offlineCache that contains WebMatrix and all it's possible dependencies!
Update 2017
The link above is no longer valid (404). The page i found is
Web Platform Installer v5 Command Line (WebPICMD.exe) - RTW release
WebPI Command line
The Web Platform Installer v5 (WebPI) command line tool is now
available as part of the WebPI MSI! We've added a bunch of new
features and fix several issues, and now it's ready for it's full
On the page are two links
WebPI v5 x86.msi
WebPI v4 x64.msi
Microsoft has released a beta tool that will do this.
In windows 8 I found it here
%AppData%\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers
