Getting Tomcat to play well with Netbeans 6.7 on Linux - linux

I have an external Tomcat server configured to run J2EE applications on my development (Gentoo Linux install) machine. This works great if the server is started prior to opening Netbeans and deploying the code [within the IDE]. This fails when I try to restart the server or to debug the server application. The error I get is that it is unable to find "" and the shutdown/start scripts for tomcat.
The Gentoo guide for this suggests that the scripts were outdated and were replaced with the init.d scripts. Does anyone have a suggestion on where I could find these scripts or how they solved this issue?

The lack of a script is due to an issue with the Gentoo Tomcat ebuild... all of the script files were in the bin directory of the src build.
Gentoo Bug Site
1. un-tar the src
Copy all of the script files into the tomcat/bin directory
Change group ownership of the script files to tomcat
Enable execute and write group permissions to the script files


Running Spring Boot application in embedded Tomcat server in Linux

I am running Spring Boot application in embedded Tomcat server. I am placing the executable jar file with Tomcat server embedded in it in a path in Linux server, logging in to Linux environment using putty, navigating to the path where I have kept my jar file and running as
java -jar my-jar.jar
The problem is using this way the embedded tomcat server will stop and the jar file will stop running when putty is exited. Can you suggest a way how to execute the executable jar file so that it keeps running in the Linux environment without stopping.
One solution I found is to run the jar as a service of Linux. Is there any other way of doing this?
You can start it as background process:
java -jar my-jar.jar &
But the Linux service is the better way.

Jenkins deployment from linux server to windows server

In company i have 3 servers, 2 linux servers and 1 windows server. I build .war on Linux server and i want to deploy it on second linux and windows server, for linux i use deploy plugin and it doesn't support version of tomcat8, and also it doesn't have option deploy war on windows server.
So my idea is to deploy war to samba directory then use copy script to obtain .war file. For windows i can use samba folder and in tomcat configuration use a deploy Application from a Local Path. Is there some more gentle solution of this problem ? If there some risk from using that solution ?
In case when I try to use mounted directory, i use docBase="//ip/directory" and path="directory" i obtain error with The main resource set specified [\ip\directory] is not valid. I'm curious is even possible to do this ?
So if someone will face the same problem that is the solution:
On Jenkins server install plugin to execute shell scripts. That allow us to run cURL command.
To deploy .war on Windows server use command with cURL, example:
curl -T /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/(Path to war ) http://user:password#ip:port/manager/text/deploy?path=/(nameOfWar)&update=true
Also add role manager-script to your Tomcat user.
For deploy on Linux servers I use plugin Deploy war/ear to a container. So it's all in Jenkins and Tomcat.

Deploying a JSP Website

I am trying to deploy a jsp website that I worked on. I implemented it on my windows machine and in the PATH variable I had the path to some bin directory, I am wondering where should I place this path or directory on the server I am deploying to.
The server is based on linux so I am not sure if that would make a difference.
I upload a single WAR file
I tried to place it in the lib directory but it didn't work.
Thank you
Assuming you have Tomcat installed on your Linux server then you can just place your WAR file inside the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps directory as described in the Tomcat documentation.
If you do not have Tomcat installed you can follow the Tomcat documentation setup guide or this blog post. You can also use a package manager such as YUM or APT depending on the server Linux distribution.

Installing jBPM on Linux

I have been using the following to set up a jBPM/JBoss server on a remote machine (linux)
The above linked worked fine locally on my windows box, without any hitches. However, I am having numerous errors with starting/shutting-down the server, and having the drools-guvnor page run completely (or any other than the JBoss AS splash page on localhost:8080). Should this be working fine on linux as well, or are there any other references that I can seek? Also, I have no desire to install eclipse, just to get the jBPM designer going.
Or am I better off attempting to load jBPM into a separate JBoss install?
Running Red Hate Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8
Thank you for your time
I was unable to get the jBPM installer demo (packaged with jboss) to work. Instead I did a separate installation of jBPM and JBoss and set the JBoss home in the build.xml file. Then performed the individual installation of guvnor and designer using
ant install.guvnor.into.jboss
ant install.designer.into.jboss
Still having errors, but the designer/guvnor are up and running, now it is a database problem :(

Eclipse with Remote Unit Tests

I'm working on a Mac. My dev server is linux. My directory is mounted over SSH using FUSE. How can I execute my ant script on the remote server within Eclipse? Right now I'm just switching to a terminal and running ant manually.
Please, no suggestions that I run the tests locally.
I don't believe Eclipse has any built in support for running ant-scripts remotely (that is, after all, not a very common use case). The alternative is to run the ant-script using ssh as an external program. You won't get the ant builder's settings, but otherwise it should work.
If you are using Eclipse, have you checked out the Target Management plugin?
