Installing jBPM on Linux - linux

I have been using the following to set up a jBPM/JBoss server on a remote machine (linux)
The above linked worked fine locally on my windows box, without any hitches. However, I am having numerous errors with starting/shutting-down the server, and having the drools-guvnor page run completely (or any other than the JBoss AS splash page on localhost:8080). Should this be working fine on linux as well, or are there any other references that I can seek? Also, I have no desire to install eclipse, just to get the jBPM designer going.
Or am I better off attempting to load jBPM into a separate JBoss install?
Running Red Hate Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8
Thank you for your time

I was unable to get the jBPM installer demo (packaged with jboss) to work. Instead I did a separate installation of jBPM and JBoss and set the JBoss home in the build.xml file. Then performed the individual installation of guvnor and designer using
ant install.guvnor.into.jboss
ant install.designer.into.jboss
Still having errors, but the designer/guvnor are up and running, now it is a database problem :(


Installers created using install4j on linux are unable to launch the application in Windows

I have an install4j setup on Linux machine. When I install the application on windows, installation process completes but then the application is not launched.
I have checked installation.log and found that an action is not executed properly and so some variables are not assigned values.
I have the same setup on Windows machine that creates installers for all platforms fine. So there is nothing wrong with the setup I have.
Install4j version I am using is 6.1.5
This happened because of the known bug in install4j version 6.1.5. Working fine for former and later versions.

Installing a oracle forms development machine

After working with Oracle databases and Apex for many years, I want to get some knowledge about Oracle forms & reports, because they are still quite widely used.
I've never seen Oracle forms & reports, so I want to create a development installation for learning purposes. Unfortunately installing Oracle forms seems a bit more tedious than I expected and I'm a bit stuck.
Windows installation
I first tried installing Oracle 12c (from on windows 7 x64. I installed the "Standalone forms builder", because when I chose "Forms and reports deployment", I got this error:
After installation I tried to start frmbld.exe, but immediately got this error:
FRM-91135: fatal error: message file D:\oracle\client\user123\product\12.1.0\client_1\forms\mesg\fmcus.msb not found
My oracle client is installed in that directory, but the mentioned file is certainty not there.
linux installation
Googling around I did not find any solution for this problem, so i decided to switch to a Linux virtual box machine. I installed Oracle linux x64 and then installed with a download from the same page again.
Once more I could only choose "Standalone forms builder", when I chose "Forms and reports deployment" I got exactly the same error as on windows. The installation ran successful.
After installation I tried to start formbuilder, this time I was presented this error:
./frmbld: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So now I'm a bit stuck. My questions are:
Am I going the right way with the way I'm trying to install Oracle forms? or is there a better / easier way?
Do I need a "Forms and reports deployment" to be able to experiment with Oracle forms? or is the standalone installation the right way to go?
Are there any pre-installed virtual machines available for this? (I googled but couldn't find anything.)
Do I need a running Oracle database to be able to experiment with Oracle forms?
Linux installation:
Yes you are going the correct path installing Forms/Reports. There is no easier install method (Oracle does not have a prebuilt VM with Forms/Reports).
You will require an Oracle database to connect to.
To fix the linux error you will need to install additional OS packages, probably motif - you can run (to find the packages required): yum whatprovides libXm*
I have installed Forms Builder 12c (standalone install) on Fedora and it is working correctly.
The windows error might be related to you OS PATH ENV - if you have any other Oracle products installed, the PATH order may need to be changed, put the Forms related paths at the beginning.
Unfortunately I was unable to get it properly working with my previous attempts. In the end I restarted an installed a windows 10 x64 virtual machine, after which i followed these excellent video's to get everything working:

Unable to configure Tomcat 7 on Eclipse Juno

I have Eclipse Juno with Spring Tools Suite plugin installed.
I need to deploy a newly imported web project to Tomcat 7, which I installed on my system via repository.
The problem is that the New Server Wizard screen won't allow me to select Tomcat 7, as the description is empty and unmodifiable.
How can I fix this? I can select other versions of Tomcat but when I select the installation path of Tomcat I get an error that the installed version is 7.
As per the instruction s provided in this site
Follow these steps, as this is a known issue
Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
Rename the org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs to org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs.bak (or you can delete this file). This file can be found at \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
Rename the org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs to org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs.bak (or delete the file). This file also can be found at the same location as above.
Follow these steps
1.)Go to Window–>Preferences–>Server–>Runtime Environments and fix the broken path/link for the server.
2.)delete this file org.eclipse.jst.server.tomcat.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
3.)delete this file org.eclipse.wst.server.core.prefs under this location \workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings
After following these step's you can configure tomcat in eclipse.
Click on Add Configuration Runtime environments
On the Server Runtime Environments Window you will more than likely see Apache Tomcat 7.
If you remove the runtime environment and then go Back to the New Server Wizard Tomcat 7 will be available to add again.
Hope that helps. That drove me nuts for a few days
The Eclipse Juno may not be fully compatible with the Apache Tomcat 7 yet. Installing and configuring with Tomcat 6 works. Simple.

Problem in creating package through "Package for Linux" in Mono 2.8

I am using mono 2.8 with Visual Studio 2008. I have installed "mono-2.8-gtksharp-2.12.10-win32-9".
I am creating a windows application and its setup solution is working fine on Windows OS. But when I am creating package for Linux and follow the instruction from
Step-1 to Step-5 are done but after Step-5, I am clicking on Create Package and its do nothing even its not create any file into selected folder.
Please help..
When you choose the host for it to build the package on, make sure you are choosing a SUSE or RHEL server, or the process will silently fail.

Getting Tomcat to play well with Netbeans 6.7 on Linux

I have an external Tomcat server configured to run J2EE applications on my development (Gentoo Linux install) machine. This works great if the server is started prior to opening Netbeans and deploying the code [within the IDE]. This fails when I try to restart the server or to debug the server application. The error I get is that it is unable to find "" and the shutdown/start scripts for tomcat.
The Gentoo guide for this suggests that the scripts were outdated and were replaced with the init.d scripts. Does anyone have a suggestion on where I could find these scripts or how they solved this issue?
The lack of a script is due to an issue with the Gentoo Tomcat ebuild... all of the script files were in the bin directory of the src build.
Gentoo Bug Site
1. un-tar the src
Copy all of the script files into the tomcat/bin directory
Change group ownership of the script files to tomcat
Enable execute and write group permissions to the script files
