Lotus Notes R5 email formula - lotus-notes

I currantly have a simple agent running for forwarding email to an alternative email address, unfortuately the formula's i have tried for also keeping the subject have failed. the subject come in as the server it was sent from.
last code tried
"[" + #Implode( SendTo; ";")+ "] " + Subject

I agree that it would help if you post some code, but I'm going to take a stab at this anyway. I'm guessing you mean to say that the sender appears as the server it was sent from. That's a common gotcha when sending email from agents. The agent is running on the server and uses the server's context to send the email.
The fix in R5, I believe, is to sign the agent with another id. You'll have to make sure this Notes id has rights on that server to run agents and has at least designer rights to the database that holds the agent.
I'm still using R6 and there is a field in the Agent properties called "Run on Behalf Of", where you can choose a user and have the agent run in the context of that user. I can't remember if that's available in R5, but the trick above essentially yields the same result.

I guess your problem could be avoided by setting the field Principal to the original sender.
Is there any reason why you are developing your own agent instead of using the built in functions ("Forwarding address" in Domino Directory) or "Mail Rules" in the mailbox?


Best way to change the sender name?

My environment is configured for Directory Assistance so users from our LDAP can also authenticate to our Domino applications.
The issue I have is that the the current user that is returned has this format:
uid=abc#mail.com/ou=customers/DC=ACME/DC=COM so when
is triggered; the From feld gets populated with this value and the SMTP communication fails when doing the domain lookup with this message = Data format error
I'm using emailBean from Tony McGuckin for sending emails.
Is there an alternative way to change the Sender name like noreply#mycompany.com?
I'm trying to avoid to create the message directly on mail.box.
Depends on what your use case is:
You want to have "proper" eMails individually per user
The application sends out eMails with a single sender name
In the first case an address book entry for your users is needed where you can map the external name to a proper Full name and eMail.
In the later case: use creation in the mail.box. It's your best option

The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly Office 365

Here i developed one Info Path form and when user submits the form then approval process start in Office 365.
First approval goes to manager of the submitter and he got the email for that it will work fine.but recently one user got below log in workflow history.
"The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly."
i Google it and in many blogs and forums they have mentioned that it is permissions issue but i checked it also User has permissions because,After this record i enter another record and approved it with this user and got the email.
and it is also not SMTP issue because i developed and published Info Path form on Office 365
Now so much confused what to do.
Any help highly appreciated.
Problem: I had a workflow that was supposed to pause, and thereafter send an email reminder. Results: nothing. Tried: everything. Got the same error every time: The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail setting for the server are configured correctly.
Clues: SP was sending other emails, so I knew the email config was probably OK.
Tests: I moved the Pause Step after the email Step, and POW! it worked immedioately. So, there problem seems related to the Pause Step.
SOLUTION: Following the idea of Johan_0904, I returned the Pause Step to the front; and on the Send Email Step, I clicked "Add Else Conditional Branch". I never used the "Add Else Conditional Branch". But I did add the condition: "%Complete" "Greater Than" "-1". This condition is always TRUE. And the "Send Email" command worked thereafter. QED.

Eliminate server name from from "From" field in documents sent through the Agent

I've an agent which runs everyday and sends email notifications. I'd like that it will run on behalf of specific user, for example "Joe Waker/New Yourk/BTC" and this name will be displayed in field "From". But when agent sends mails it appears as "Joe Waker/New Yourk/BTC#SERVERNAME", how can I eliminate this #SERVERNAME and leave only "Joe Waker/New Yourk/BTC"?
I've tried to change value of field Principal and change value in properties of agent in field "run on behalf on", but didn't success.
If anybody know the solution please share, thank you.
You could simply run the agent using your regular application signer ID (the one you use to sign all your production code), and use the trick of depositing the mail directly in mail.box. Then you can set the "from" field to anything you like.
You can take a look at my mail notification class here:

How to prevent emails from a specific address going to Hotmail SPAM?

I have a site on a dedicated server with it's own IP range that has been running for a good few years. We have a notification email address (mailout#domain.com) which we use to send automated emails (activation emails when a user signs up and notification emails if something relevant to them happens, eg someone befriends them or comments on their picture etc). Users can select whether to receive these notifications or not. We have SPF and RDNS setup.
Email from all our other email accounts go to hotmail/gmail/yahoo mail etc correctly into the inbox. However any mail sent from the mailout#domain.com account (whether automatically by the server or manually via outlook) is delivered correctly to the inboxes for yahoo and gmail however goes into Junk in Hotmail (but other #domain.com addresses deliver to hotmail's inbox correctly). It says at the top of the message that MS Smartscreen marked this message as junk. I signed up for MS Smart Network Data Services to monitor the IP and it says it's not blocked but it displays Bot-like behaviour (which kind of makes sense as our notifications are kind of bot like even though they're not spam).
I can't work out what to do to prevent this from happening, we've authenticated the email, there's obviously not a general block on the IP as emails from different accounts on the same domain are going through successfully. It doesn't seem to be the format of the email either because if I send identical emails from mailout#domain.com and contact#domain then the one from contact# gets through to the inbox but the one from mailout# goes through to junk.
I can't really work out what to do and obviously trying to get MS to sort it out is never going to happen and i've used all their available tools. I can obviously try setting up a new email address (eg noreply#domain.com) and using that for notifications but i assume it will only be a matter of time before that gets blocked as well.
I would be immensely grateful for any suggestions anyone has!
Thanks so much,
You don't have many options. Try to do as many of the following as you can:
Reach out to MS support (don't discard this notion)
Implement DKIM and possibly DMARC (which are vastly more informative than SPF)
Change your IP address to something cleaner
Find and follow bulk sender best practices, e.g. M³AAWG's BCPs, perhaps the Help – I'm on a Blocklist doc

Jira, Component specific outgoing email address

I have some problem with the latest Jira (4.3.4). In this version you can set a specific outgoing email address in every project. That's a great feature. But I want to go even further and give every component a specific outgoing email address to. Why? Because we have our Support in one project and every different support customer has their own component representing them.
Every support customer have their own email address ex, support-customer#*.*. It is to this address we want them to email. But the Jira system as it works right now emails from a no-reply address. And a project specific address wouldn't do it either. Thats because we have a mailerdaemon which task is to modify the subject to JEMH (Jira Extentable Mail Handler) valid subjects. That mailerdaemon checks the To: address to add the right component.This works great and every issue gets their specific component.
Wanted scenario.
customer emails to address support-customer#*.*. Mailerdaemon picks the mail up and formats the subject. JEMH read the formatted email and creates the issue. Jira emails the customer that the issue is created using From: support-customer#*.*.
Same as commented and so on.
A potential approach would be to create a specific listener which sends a mail to the component lead.
An approach is using the script runner
Check out the example script to construct the email
Logic to retrieve the component lead is straightforward. Getting the email address from the component lead also.
The listener would only act on 'my-create-event'. the my-create-event is included in the workflow create transition ...
