Difference between association and dependency? - uml

In a UML class diagram, what is the difference between an association relationship and a dependency relationship?
From what I know, an association is a stronger relationship than a dependency, but I'm not sure how it is stronger.
Any example would be more than welcome :)

An association almost always implies that one object has the other object as a field/property/attribute (terminology differs).
A dependency typically (but not always) implies that an object accepts another object as a method parameter, instantiates, or uses another object. A dependency is very much implied by an association.

In OOP terms:
Association --> A has-a C object (as a member variable)
Dependency --> A references B (as a method parameter or return type)
public class A {
private C c;
public void myMethod(B b) {
There is also a more detailed answer.

What is the difference between dependency and association?:
In general, you use an association to represent something like a field
in a class. The link is always there, in that you can always ask an
order for its customer. It need not actually be a field, if you are
modeling from a more interface perspective, it can just indicate the
presence of a method that will return the order's customer.
To quote from the 3rd edition of UML Distilled (now just out) "a
dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of
one element (the supplier) may cause changes to the other (the
client)". This is a very vague and general relationship, which is why
the UML has a host of stereotypes for different forms of dependency.
In code terms, such things as naming a parameter type and creating an
object in a temporary variable imply a dependency.

Dependency is like when you define a method that takes a String(in Java, C#, as string is a object in them) as a parameter, then your class is dependent on String class.
Association is like when you declare a string as an attribute in your class.
then your code is associated with the string class.
String name = null //: is a association.

Dependency - A change in a class affects the change in it's dependent class. Example- Circle is dependent on Shape (an interface). If you change Shape , it affects Circle too. So, Circle has a dependency on Shape.
Association- means there is a certain relationship between 2 objects
(one-one, one-many,many-many)
Association is of 2 types-
1) Composition- stronger Association or relationship between 2 objects. You are creating an object of a class B inside another class A
public class A {
B b;
public void setB(){
this.b= new B();
If we delete class A , B won't exist( B object is created inside A only).
Another example -Body & Liver .Liver can't exist outside Body.
2) Aggregation - weaker type of Association between 2 objects.
public class A {
B b;
public void setB(B b_ref){
this.b= b_ref;
/* object B is passed as an argument of a method */
Even if you delete class A, B will exist outside(B is created outside and passed to Class A)
Another example of this- Man & Car . Man has a Car but Man & Car exist independently.

Here: "Association vs. Dependency vs. Aggregation vs. Composition", you have a great vade mecum with uml class diagrams and code snippets.
The author gives us a list of relationships: Association, Dependency, Aggregation, Composition in one place.

A dependency is very general and lowering complexity is about diminishing dependencies as much as possible.
An association is a strong (static) dependency. Aggregation and Composition are even stronger.

I was always checking this answer as it didn't stick in my mind. I found this one more helpful after reading the accepted answer

Association is when one object just has a link to another and don't use relational object methods. For ruby for example
class User
has_one :profile
user = User.first
profile = user.profile
It means you can get a profile object from user but user don't use profile's methods inside himself(has no dependency on a Profile's interface).
Dependency means that User has link to another object and call that object's methods inside himself
class User
has_one :profile
def personal_info
Here if Profile's info method will be changed or renamed our Dependent User class also need to be changed.


Puppet passing parameters from profile to module

I have a module "base" with an init.pp class which has some parameters as such:
class base (
$listen_ip = "xx.xx.xx.xx",
$listen_port = 3306,
$admin_username = 'admin',
$admin_password = 'admin',
Then I have created a profile "base" where I want to set some of the parameters:
class profile::base {
class { 'base':
$listen_ip = "xxx.xxx.xx.xx",
$listen_port => 6033,
Then the is a secondary profile where I want to set the username and password:
class profile::department::sales::base {
class { '::profile::base':
$admin_username = "some_user",
$admin_password => "some_pw",
However it's not possible to set the parameters from the "sales" profile.
The idea is that some values will be always the same for the base class and that some differ based on the department.
However it's not possible to set the parameters from the "sales" profile.
Not exactly. What is not allowed is using two different resource-like declarations for the same class while building one manifest. If you use even one then you must make certain that it is the first (or only) declaration of that class that the catalog builder evaluates.
To understand this, you need to appreciate that assigning parameter values is not the principal purpose of declarations such you are using. The principal purpose is rather to specify that the class in question should be included in the catalog in the first place. In service to that goal, values are bound to all the parameters of a class at the point where its first declaration is evaluated. Thus, your two class declarations do not supplement each other. Instead, they conflict with each other.
Even if the parameter values it specified for class base were identical to those declared by class profile::base, however, Puppet would still object to all uses of class profile::department::sales::base. To simplify evaluation and be absolutely certain to avoid inconsistency, it implements a stronger constraint than is actually required: that only the first-evaluated declaration of any given class may be a resource-like one.
Note: the latest docs actually specify an even stronger constraint than that: "Resource-like class declarations require that you declare a given class only once." In practice, however, this is a simplification (in every version of Puppet so far released since the introduction of parameterized classes). It is likely inspired by the fact that the order in which Puppet manifests are evaluated can be difficult to predict, so if you use include-like declarations along with a resource-like declaration of the same class, in different manifests, then it can be hard to ensure that the resource-like one is always evaluated first.
The idea is that some values will be always the same for the base
class and that some differ based on the department.
For most purposes it is best to avoid resource-like class declarations altogether, relying instead on external data (Hiera) for binding values to class parameters. Hiera recognizes a hierarchy of data sources (hence the name) and supports specifying different parameters at different levels, and even overriding data from one level at a higher-priority level.
My suggestion, then, is to leverage Hiera to assign appropriate parameter values to class base. There are many ways the specifics could play out.

UML - How to show a class instantiated by its static main method

It is a Sequence Diagram HowTo question, not a HowTo code.
I am using Visio 2010 and developing >> reverse engineering from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 / X++. Yes people its all about how to map static on UML.
My class is instantiated from FORM using at its void static main(). This calls another static method, say construct() which returns an instance of the same class.
I want to show the class (in static methods) and the resulting object separately some like the meta class runs (self msgs) and finally produces the class object which finally takes over. But how will a self msg call return a value ? How do I connect it with the resulting object of the class ? I hope I make enough sense to make you guys understand.
Note, the class is not a static class, but it has a static constructor.
If you want to depict a call to constructor (i.e. static operation that is responsible for creating an object and (usually) returning it as a reply) then you have to use a createMessage construct i.e. a dashed line with an open arrow and the word create on it. While this is not directly stated in specification, usually in such case the arrow points on the lifeline box (rectangle) rather than a line itself (however I've seen information that both notations are correct).
Note that in this case the logic of constructor is hidden (encapsulated) which is a good idea in general.
You can find more details in UML specification in section 17.4, especially and an example in section 17.6.5 on Figure 17.14.
If you want to use a static operation other than constructor and call it without a use of class instance you have to model class as object (after all class is an object itself at least on analytical level). Note that the type of message can be either synchronous or asynchronous depending on your needs.
With this approach you can provide details on how the class handles this function (i.e. what other calls does it make).
For more details see "Applied UML and Patterns" by Craig Larman, section 15.4, Figure 15.20. Note however that Larman suggest a use of <<metaclass>> stereotype. Yet the called object is a class (metaclass is a class whose instance is class so this is not our case) so the stereotype should be <<class>>.

UML Class Diagram - Generalization

This image illustrate the UML I must follow in this project.
The problem is, I don't know what means the private parameter "ator" in the arrow. It should be declared in the class Ator or Personagem? I do know that Personagem is a subclass of Ator.
Because the arrow is unidirectional, you can be sure that -ator should be placed just next to the Ator class. This implies that a private attribute ator exists for class Personagem.
Then, from any method in the Personagem class, you can use some code like this.ator.getId()

OCL constraint to force strings not to be empty

I have a class diagram with numerous classes, some of them containing attributes of type string. I want all my strings to be of length at least 1.
The easy (yet ugly) solution is as follows:
context Class1
inv: self.attributeOfTypeString.size > 0
context Class2
inv: self.attributeOfTypeString.size > 0
Do you know a way to define an OCL constraints for all attributes matching a template? Something like:
global.select(attr | attr.TYPE = string) -> forall (str : string | str.size > 0)
Finally got an answer from somewhere else. I share it in case someone needs it someday.
There are three possible ways to solve the problem.
1°) The first one is to remember that multiple inheritance is allowed in UML. Therefore, we can make all classes with a string attribute inherit from a WithString class, and set the OCL constraint on this parent class. However this makes the diagrams kinda unreadable.
2°) Another possibility is to create a class String and to store an instance of this class instead of all string attributes. The problem with this encapsulation solution is the performance (use of a getter for all strings).
3°) Finally, the cleanest solution to my opinion is the following: we can declare the OCL constraint at the meta level. In the class diagram describing class diagrams, we can just state that all strings are non-empty.

optional parameters for immutable classes

I am not sure whether this is the right forum to ask this question, but it refers to code, so I am asking here.
In the book "Groovy in action", section 7.1.4 (named parameters), the author says that usage of named params "crops up frequently in creating immutable classes that have some parameters that are optional".
What has immutability of the class got to do with optional parameters? I thought these 2 topics were completely orthogonal.
crops up frequently in creating immutable classes that have some parameters that are optional
the sentence above is a bit blurry as there is no such thing as "class parameters", i can only assume it relates to method/constructor parameters.
when we're talking about constructors, Groovy's named parameters make sense when its about optional parameters:
class Person {
String firstName
String lastName
Integer age
def p = new Person(age: 42, lastName: 'Doe')
The above example shows how to create an immutable Person instance. The firstName is not provided as named parameter, it's optional. In fact, with named parameters it's possible to specify any parameter combo when making the constructor call without actually having to implement constructors for all combinations.
There is also the possibility of using named parameters in instance/static method calls, as shown in this blog post by Mr. Haki.
The key to that statement is that if you're dealing with an immutable class, the implication is that you have only one chance to set state - in a constructor. Normally you'd be able to manipulate an (mutable) object via setters, one-at-a-time, to build up the desired state. For an immutable, you'd have to create a ctor for every possible set of instantiation states instead, if a facility like optional params were not available. For a class with many fields, this could get messy.
