ExpressionEngine wiki talk forum module - expressionengine

I just started using the ExpressionEngine wiki talk forum extension and it is great for creating forum topics per each wiki article but, I also need it to add discussions for wiki file pages too.
My users have the need to not only discuss wiki articles but, to also discuss uploaded files. Any thoughts on how to add this feature to wiki talk forum extension?

From my experience, this isn't a nativity available feature--you'd have to do some hacking...if I were you, I'd wait until EE 2.0 comes out--some time in December!


Can you create a new project through Quire API?

How to create a new project through Quire API? I can't find it in the documentation.
No, as of now this function is not implemented (and not included in the api-documentation accordingly).
If this is an important feature for you, you can propose a feature on github so others can vote for it as well. (Please only post specific bugs or feature requests there, for usage questions stackoverflow is the preferred forum)

Need help learning Liferay 7 MVC

Are there any basic tutorials for creating my first liferay 7 portlet like a Hello World App?
I am new to Liferay and need some help getting started. I have read over the liferay 7 tutorials and I have tried following the Liferay 7 Creating An MVC Portlet, but having trouble understanding where everything goes and how it all works together, and I feel that it is not a comprehensive tutorial.
About Me and My Liferay Aspirations:
I have experience with JAVA, JavaScript and Node.js.
I'd eventually like to be able to display a google map and display content on it, but just want to make some baby steps understanding portlets. Correct me if a portlet is not the right thing for me to be focusing on for this goal.
There is an excellent book "Liferay in Action". It helpls a lot, but there are a lot of mistakes in code. On the other hand, there is "Portlet in action", but it doesn't have free pdf-version :\
Also, you can visit, I don't like this forum but there are good questions from time to time.
And any other issues you can only google, google and google again. Unfortunately, there is no alternative way.
The tutorials are not going to give you all the details, because they must be as short as possible. That said, the Creating an MVC Portlet tutorial should get you pretty well on your way. Which parts, specifically, are you having trouble understanding?
Have you read the Liferay MVC Portlet introductory tutorial? It's even sparser on details but it might fill in a few gaps.
If you are first time developing using liferay then this link might help you. It is guide to liferay 6.2. Creating plugin portlets is same in liferay 6.2 and 7. Just setup is different.
For creating liferay modules refer liferay 7 documentation.

How can I create pagination for a tumblr blog embedded on my personal website?

I have embedded a Tumblr blog onto my website using the script provided in the goodies section of the Tumblr website as well as added the code to limit my posts to 5 of the most recent... indicated by ?num=5 at the end of the script below:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
What I am trying to do is build pagination for the blog on my personal website so that all posts are accessible to people wanting to view all of; even the oldest posts. I want to show 5 posts per page in the pagination. Does anyone know how to do this?
I have searched through this forum, Google, Tumblr and I even sent a question to the Tumblr support team but still haven't found the answer. THeir support team suggested I use frames but I don't know how to build that.
I hope someone can help!!
Thank's in advance!!!
What you could do, as the Tumblr support suggested, is to use an iframe and simply embed the whole Tumbleblog inside. Like this:
<iframe src="" width="42px" height="42px">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
The pagination has to take place on the actual Tumbleblog, like it is by default. Biggest downside is that it will be tricky to differ the design/layout and behaviour for the one that's embedded on your blog and the direct one (because it's the same, duh).
I've created a jquery plugin for consuming your tumblr feed - I've just added pagination support.
Its called jquery-tumblr -

How to quickly learn Python and Ruby frameworks coming from a PHP background

I've been using CakaPHP and Kohanaphp but now I want to try out other frameworks from a more sophisticated OOP language for my next projects.
How can I learn the following frameworks quickly so I can immediately pick what to use:
Tutorials and examples from online resources would really be great.
For php developers who've already underwent this learning experience, please share yours.
Regarding Pylons. There is a good introductory book written by one of the creators of Pylons. It is freely available online at
For Ramaze, see:
the website
the wiki
the book
the mailing list
the IRC channel
You can also learn about setting up Sinatra with Google's App Engine (via jRuby) here:
Fairly quick and easy setup.
There's also this screencast at PeepCode

How to show recent topics from my phpBB forum in my drupal website?

I have setup a phpBB forum and people are using it. It has a decent level of activity.
I have setup a Drupal 6.15 website and I want to show the recent topics from that phpBB forum on this website.
Both are separate domain names, if it matters.
I've been searching since morning in Google for a module to do that but the results beat around the bush and so far I haven't found one.
I don't want any merging or porting of data from phpBB to drupal database. People will still use the phpBB thing for forums and visit my website for other things. I just want to showcase the recent posts in my phpBB forum, on my Drupal website.
Can someone help please?
Install phpbbforum module, setup it and turn off user synchronisation and just use recent posts block.
No module exists. You have to provide yourself ( I did successfully ) but if databases are from different providers I find it quite difficult
