How to quickly learn Python and Ruby frameworks coming from a PHP background - kohana

I've been using CakaPHP and Kohanaphp but now I want to try out other frameworks from a more sophisticated OOP language for my next projects.
How can I learn the following frameworks quickly so I can immediately pick what to use:
Tutorials and examples from online resources would really be great.
For php developers who've already underwent this learning experience, please share yours.

Regarding Pylons. There is a good introductory book written by one of the creators of Pylons. It is freely available online at

For Ramaze, see:
the website
the wiki
the book
the mailing list
the IRC channel

You can also learn about setting up Sinatra with Google's App Engine (via jRuby) here:
Fairly quick and easy setup.
There's also this screencast at PeepCode


E-shop creation from scratch

I want to get familiar with web development, so I decided to create an e-shop website, just for practice. Are there any guidelines on how to get started?
Oh there's a log way to go.
First you'll need to learn some html and css. In my opinion it's a good site to get started but there are many other good tutorials out there.
Then javascript it would be the next step, trying to set some events etc. You can find some help at w3schools or here
Then you surely need to learn php, manage a database and so on. You can also learn that in the sites I already put the link to.
Good luck and have fun.

How do you make a Hapi.JS plugin/module?

I'm new to both Node and Hapi.js, but not to programming.
I've made a few simple Hapi.js servers, just for testing out Joi and other plugins.
I'm now trying to understand how best to package up chunks of functionality in a Hapi way, so we can re-use them in future projects and potentially share them with the world!
Are there any good resources for learning this available?
I've found a few good resources, but non which go into deep details about the plugin system. - Getting Started Tutorial Contest - Entry in above contest, with a section on plugins
I've made a sample project which groups functionality into plugins which might be what you're looking for:
If you're looking at sharing functionality between plugins, look at the usage of plugin.expose, plugin.depend.
If you have any questions on it, you can raise an issue on the github project.
The latest website has a good intro as well:
For some additional detail about hapi plugins (and hapi in general), see the following:
Developing a hapi Edge: A Rich Node.JS Framework for Apps and Services - This book is available now (also from Amazon), and has a chapter on how to create a plugin in hapi.
Matt Harrison's upcoming hapi.js in Action - This book is available currently in "MEAP" (Manning Early Access Program), and will soon (?) have a chapter available on plugins ("Building modular applications with Plugins").
hapi plugin search engine
Getting Started with hapi.js by John Brett also has a chapter on creating and using plugins.
Edit 2015-10-04: The chapter "Building modular applications with Plugins" in Matt Harrison's above mentioned book is now available in the MEAP edition.

Getting started with Haxe

Could you suggest me good articles and tutorials about Haxe besides the official documentation?
I am looking for resources that target not only beginners, but experienced Java / Javascript developers as well.
look at this guy and his lib, I believe it has good sources for you there.

JavaScriptMVC (JMVC) Tutorials

I'm interested in learning JavaScriptMVC. I've gone through Getting Started and a bunch of the official docs, but I learn best by looking at other people's code. I'm not finding much else in the way of tutorials or sample/open source apps using it.
Anyone know of good tutorials or open source apps I can look at to see how it's used in a more complex app?
PS: I'm aware of the Srchr tutorial, but the proxy at work is blocking me from getting the code with getjs. Is there someplace to download it from the web? If not, I'll grab it at home this weekend.
There are some small examples in the end of each article in JMVC documentation (read core - Model, Controller, View). Also read this
Ask on JMVC forum. My advice - start building your own app - it will the best tutorial.
Good luck.

Help with getting to grips with node.js

I work full time in a PHP and JavaScript team but we are looking at a new technology to adopt. We want to dive into node.js however we all want to get the same book but we have no idea which would be the best.
Any recommendations ?
Also links would be good.
There are no real - like in actual wood - books out yet, Yahoo! Press has one in the works though, title will be "Up and Running With Node.js".
Right now there's a community driven e-Book from the makers of the express.js framework, its source code is also available on GitHub.
If you like videos, then should check out a couple of talks by Node's creator Ryan Dahl:
Introducion to Node.js - YUI Theater (May 2010)
GoogleTeckTalk - JavaScript on the Server (July 2010)
Techniques for a single stack world - (Sep 2010)
You can find even more links on our tag wiki.
PS: Best thing IMO is to start a little side project and use that to explore Node.js.
