SharePoint list based on another SharePoint list - sharepoint

I have a list in SharePoint that contains several fields. I need to do some calculations on this list (filter and count) and display the results on a different page. We are currently using SharePoint 2007.
I can't get what I need by creating a view from the list. I need to create a new list based on the first list to get the proper level of filtering.
The result I am trying to get from this view needs to be displayed on a separate page.

Since you edited with "I need to create a new list based off the first list to get the proper level of filtering" I would suggest writing a console app with some CAML to query exactly what you need and then dump that into a new list.
However, it sounds like you could be using some calculated columns and then do what Moo suggested.
I think some more details about the question would help you get a better answer.

In the list settings, you can add filters and counts/totals/sums to the view.


Create Unique Sub List within List in Sharepoint Online

Im trying to create a Unique sub list within a list in Sharepoint Online (2013).
I realize that sub lists arent exactly possible and you can use lookup fields to attach another list. This doesn't seem like it will work for my situation.
I am trying to have a list item that allows you to upload unique files per list item. For Example:
Reports May 2015
Reports Jun 2016
Each list item will have a set of unique files related to it.The user needs to be able to make the List item themselves (Reports ... in this case), this will of course have other fields and descriptions attached to it (hence the list) and then be able to upload unique documents to that list item.
Im having problems figuring out how to do this in SharePoint. If there is another way to go about this better i am up for it.
You're right - sublists aren't a thing in SharePoint. Reading your requirements, I'm not sure if you need two lists to get what your looking for. Would it be possible to have a single Document Library with a custom field for "Category" or "Report Month". This field could either be a Single line of text field or Choice field. From there you could create a custom view to group by this field and give the hierarchical view from your example.
If you need separate metadata for the grouping/top level, you may need to use Lookups. If I was putting together the solution, I would set up a List and a corresponding Library with a Lookup field to the List. Each of the documents uploaded to the Library would reference the List via that Lookup. To provide an interface for interacting with both within the same view, you'd need to frontend it with some custom code such as a SharePoint-Hosted App.

SharePoint 2010 Relationships between lists - difference with referencing custom list column

Just curious, if I try to create a look up (relationship) from source list that is based on a custom list template, I can't access columns that users have defined on the list level (within the list). however, this doesn't seem to be the case with any other content type selection that was made to create the list from. for example, if they selected contacts content type, and define a new column on the list level, it will.....
just a bit confused here.
Are you saying that you cannot make a LookUp Field for a custom column you created?
I do not understand the question completely..
But can give an idea.
If you are able to solve your problem from sharepoint itself or somehow, you can get the schema.xml file of the list where you solved the problem by this.
to get the list guid of the list that you solved the problem.
go to the list settings of that list. And in the address bar you can see the list GUID.
add the web application url , then paste this line in the address bar, it will prompt to save an xml file. Save the file, open it, There you go, the schema.xml file of that list.

Performing join between document library and list

I have a document library where i have columns called Title and Category(is a lookup field) and User.Also,I have a list where i am just storing categories. I would like to join both document library and list so that i can dispaly all categories and the documents associated with it. once i get everything i would like to perform filtering so that it dispalys only selected user's documents.The displaying of the documents is working fine but not filtering. My questions is CAn we perform join between doc library and list? Plesae help me.
The content query web part (CQWP)is probably the easiest way to do this without code. Since you only have one field in your lookup (categories) you don't need to do a join as SharePoint stores the lookup value in the Document Library. You will need to edit your CQWP to add this field, there is a good tutorial on doing this here. It also explains how to filter your CQWP.
Finally you will need to clean up your lookup field as SharePoint will store the value like this: 1;#Category1.
The CQWP uses XSLT to display the results so in your case you probably don't want to show 1;#Category1 you probably only want to show Category1. You can use the following XSLT to accomplish this:
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after(#Name_Of_Your_Lookup,'#')"></xsl:value-of>

Sharepoint custom list, dynamic field?

Hey guys, just wondering if their is a simple way to create an Item in a custom list but i need that item to be dynamic. The user can click add more to get another field that would hold the same type of data an unlimited amount of time.
If i could even just add an excel spreadsheet type of field that would work also. But excel wouldnt need to be a requirement on the users machine.
I thought i had read somewhere you could do this using info path but i cant seem to find anything relating to it on google.
The InfoPath feature is called a "repeating section". There is information on how to set that up in Office Online.
If you wanted to achieve this entirely in SharePoint, the problem is that there can only be a fixed number of fields in a list. So you could create as many that would ever be used and just display all of those. Or to make it much nicer for the user incorporate jQuery to hide all of the fields except the first one and provide a button for them to click that unhides the next one.
There is good information on how to access list form fields using jQuery in the question How can I set the default value in a SharePoint list field, based on the value in another field?

SharePoint List That Pulls From Other Lists

can someone point me in the direction as to how I would do the following:
I want to create a list, which pulls say (top 3) items from other lists (more than one), and displays them in one consolidated list. Is this possible? If so please point me in the direction as to how I can accomplish this, thanks.
As long as all of your lists are in the same site collection, the Content Query Web Part should do what you want (cite). You'll need some expertise in XSLT to keep the top three list items displayed (example). There's a lot that the CQWP doesn't do that would seem common sense, and this is one of them.
If you have MOSS then what you need is the Content Query Web Part.
Ray, I'm not sure how lookup fields will handle his two chief requirements: limiting return sets (top three items) or consolidating multiple lists into one data source. Lookup columns accept one list as a data source, and I'm not sure how you'd get it to accept many lists aside from custom code development.
Without using custom code, you are going to have to use several dataquery or content query webparts and modify their xslt to show as one integrated display.
Personally I would create a custom control, hosted by a webpart that runs several CAML queries and displays the top results of each query.
