SharePoint List That Pulls From Other Lists - sharepoint

can someone point me in the direction as to how I would do the following:
I want to create a list, which pulls say (top 3) items from other lists (more than one), and displays them in one consolidated list. Is this possible? If so please point me in the direction as to how I can accomplish this, thanks.

As long as all of your lists are in the same site collection, the Content Query Web Part should do what you want (cite). You'll need some expertise in XSLT to keep the top three list items displayed (example). There's a lot that the CQWP doesn't do that would seem common sense, and this is one of them.

If you have MOSS then what you need is the Content Query Web Part.

Ray, I'm not sure how lookup fields will handle his two chief requirements: limiting return sets (top three items) or consolidating multiple lists into one data source. Lookup columns accept one list as a data source, and I'm not sure how you'd get it to accept many lists aside from custom code development.

Without using custom code, you are going to have to use several dataquery or content query webparts and modify their xslt to show as one integrated display.
Personally I would create a custom control, hosted by a webpart that runs several CAML queries and displays the top results of each query.


SharePoint Advanced List Relations

Ok - so here's the preface. I realize that SharePoint isn't really the best solution for this, and if I have to use SharePoint, then coding this would be preferable. However, my wings are clipped due to IT policy, and they have no time to do this "for me".
I am developing a document control system for an Environmental Management System. The basic concept is that there is a list of 'General Responsibilities', which identifies a regulatory agency, some category info, links to laws, etc... There's a second list 'EMS Responsibilities', which basically just links (via a lookup) a particular site to a general responsibility, to identify which sites have which responsibilities. We have many sites, and most have most responsibilities so it doesn't make sense to combine the two lists and repeat all this stuff 10x. Finally, I have a document library (for simplicty sake I am ignoring the draft/published libraries aspect) which contains the actual documents. These documents should reference an EMS Responsibility, which in turn references a General Responsibility. The categorization from 'General Responsibilities' needs to propagate all the way to the document library.
Currently, I use workflow to automatically copy the secondary lookup columns referencing the 'General Responsibility' to a 'Single Line of Text' column in 'EMS Responsibilities' so that it is available to the lookup in 'EMS Documents'. However, despite the values being present in both responsibility lists, the values do not propagate to my final list.
This workflow-based approach is stupid. The lookup columns are stupid. There's no way to get this to work elegantly using out of the box components. I want to believe that the reason this isn't working is because I am missing something... but I have searched for hours and can't find any more effective relational capabilities.
First of all, any theories as to why the values do not end up in the final list despite referencing a single line of text column that is filled?
Second, is there a better overall approach that doesn't rely so much on workflows copying data back and forth, and these pathetic lookup columns?
Thanks in advance!
Given the requirements you gave above together with your answer to my question I believe you won't need a workflow to link all three items together. I have two options for you:
1st Option:
Create a General Responsibility list. This list should contain at least two columns. The ID and Title column.
Create an EMS Responsibilities list. This list should contain at least three columns. The ID, the Title column and a lookup column linked to the General Responsibility list.
Create a Document Library. Add a lookup column linked to EMS Responsibilities.
Since the lookup list you are using is already linked to General Responsibilities then there is no need to have another column solely dedicated to point to General Responsibilities. If however, you need to have specific columns in your document library so that it explicitly has columns for both General Responsibilities and EMS Responsibilities use option 2 below.
Option 2
Create a General Responsibility list. This list should at least contain the ID and Title column.
Create an EMS Responsibility list. This list should at least contain the ID, lookup column linked to General Responsibility and Title columns.
Create a document library. You should add two lookup columns. One pointing to General Responsibility the other to EMS Responsibility.
(now the fun part starts)
Follow the guide to edit both your NewForm and EditForm aspx in this link so that your lookup dropdowns will be a cascading dropdown. This will make sure that items from EMS dropdown will only be populated once you select a value from the General dropdown.
Let me know if you need any more clarifications.

Sharepoint 2007 Count Modifications View

Is it possible to create a list view that contains a column for how many times a document has been modified? I would also like a "Total Modifications" value that sums the modifications from that column.
I am new to sharepoint. If this is possible, where should I start looking for the information on how to achieve this?
Turn on versioning control in the document library settings and edit the views to include [version]. This will only work going forwards of course.

Retrieving a sharepoint list in Infopath only shows first 100 records

I am retrieving a list of values from a sharepoint list, which works well but my problem is that it only retrieves the first 100 records. there are currently 500 records that should be available.
Scenario: I have two comboboxes on an infopath form:
A List of Locations
A list of areas within the locations
the list of locations will filter the list of areas but as infopath seems to only retrieve the first 100 records so most of the locations do not show any areas as there is nothing to filter.
By design, the query will only return the first page of results from the default view for the list. Change the item limit for the default view in SharePoint, and you'll change the returned values for InfoPath.
EDIT (links from my comments, here for greater readability):
Here are sources describing this fix in MSDN forum (scroll to the bottom), a blog comment that describes the SharePoint setting step-by-step, one with a screen cap of the somewhat counter-intuitive interface, and another describing performance implications on the server side.
Hope this helps.
Just documenting what I have discovered trying to resolve the problem. I have not been able to change the default view as yet as I dont have the permission to. That should change though.
One possible workaround I have found is that you can export the list to Excel which contains all the data that I was looking for. the file that sharepoint produces is an Excel Query file like "export.iqy". You can save and open the file in notepad. which will look something like the following
RootFolder=/Lists/My list
You can take the third line which is -
And use that to retrieve the complete list. I added an new receive data connection, selected an xml document and added the above URL.
It is not formated particullary nice but it will return all the data that I was expecting.
I think that Argalatyr solution is much simpler at this point, but it depends on if i am able to get the default view changed.
there is yet one workaround of this without such hardcoding. If you open Query editor, then you have there available ribbon with menu items. Open "Home" -> "Select top rows" and enter there some realy high number (I have in my list 596 rows, so I entered there as limit of top rows 20000 and I got whole list).
Sorry, I don't have available English version of Excel, so I cannot add screenshots.
enter image description here

SharePoint list based on another SharePoint list

I have a list in SharePoint that contains several fields. I need to do some calculations on this list (filter and count) and display the results on a different page. We are currently using SharePoint 2007.
I can't get what I need by creating a view from the list. I need to create a new list based on the first list to get the proper level of filtering.
The result I am trying to get from this view needs to be displayed on a separate page.
Since you edited with "I need to create a new list based off the first list to get the proper level of filtering" I would suggest writing a console app with some CAML to query exactly what you need and then dump that into a new list.
However, it sounds like you could be using some calculated columns and then do what Moo suggested.
I think some more details about the question would help you get a better answer.
In the list settings, you can add filters and counts/totals/sums to the view.

Multiple copies of a Sharepoint list view

We have a Sharepoint website with a different page for each of our products and another page displaying a list of all our product release dates. You can change the view in this list so that only the release dates of a particular product are shown.
Is is possible to have a list view showing release dates of one product show up on the page dedicated to that product? We would like to have each product page show its own release dates, but if someone updates the master list, each individual product list should be updated as well.
You would want to use the dataview webpart to view a "master" list. You will be able to define a different filter for each webpart. With XSLT you are also able to completely customise the output of the HTML, but I prefer to use only one to avoid all the work.
A simple way to make the master list available on the product pages is to syncronize the content of the master list into a hidden list on the product pages, you could use a Event Receiver for this. This solution will require some custom code but it is pretty simple.
