Is there any advantage for developing on a 64 bit OS? - linux

I'm not sure I understand it properly: does a 64 bit OS run/compile code faster than a 32 bit OS on the same system?
We're using 64 bit OSs where I am and it seems to only cause compatibility issues with legacy and proprietary software. (We're running Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty amd64)

I will restrict this answer to x86-32 (IA-32) vs x86-64 (AMD64), as I believe that's the question you're actually asking.
At the processor level, there are a few advantages. First and most obvious is the expansion of the per-process virtual memory to a much wider range of 48 bits. (64 is allowed in the architecture but not required, if memory serves.) That enables applications to use a lot more of the system's memory available to them, as well as opening up a lot of space for things like memory mapped files that operate on virtual memory that isn't linked to real memory. It also opens up a lot of space for the OS in question to work, as it doesn't have to share your 4 GB limit for its data. In short, applications and the OS can make better use of your machine's resources.
Additionally, the AMD64 architecture addresses one of the biggest problems of IA-32, which is the utter lack of registers. In fact it doubles the available registers, which is a huge win for some types of code. (Actually it's a win for almost ANY code, but some applications suffer from the increased memory cost of 64 bits and it evens out.)
On the Windows side, MS has taken it as an opportunity to break a whole bunch of historical compability problems. It's not a clean break from the old world, but it's a start. I don't believe Linux suffers from the same problems to begin with, and I don't have much perspective to offer on their 64 bit advantages.

As a general rule, developing--or using--a 64-bit operating system, in any context, will be slower than the same 32-bit operating system. Because all pointers are suddenly twice as large, you are far more likely to blow the cache, and can fit less data in RAM. That slows down your application considerably. You normally would only use 64-bit systems when your applications need to address more than 2 to 3 GB of data simultaneously--something very common in scientific computing and some database situations, but otherwise extremely rare. This is why Apple does not advocate unconditionally compiling PowerPC applications in 64-bit mode, for example: the cost due to cache-misses and lack of memory are high enough that going 64-bit only makes sense when you truly can take advantage of the 64-bit space.
But x86 v. AMD64, which is what you're really asking about (since you're discussing Ubuntu), is a very special beast. AMD64 not only extends all pointers to 64-bit; it fixes many, many deficiencies in the x86 architecture, doubling the number of GPRs, simplifying the instructions to be more friendly to modern CPU designs, and more. Because of this, on AMD64 platforms only, you will frequently see a substantial performance boost by going to 64-bit.
There is one other area where, in software development, it makes sense to go to 64-bit: you need to run lots of VMs. Running a couple of VMs can easily blow you past the 3 GB memory barrier of the operating system, making using them very painful. (It will work due to a technology called PAE, or Paged Addressing Extensions, that Intel invented to bridge the gap between 32-bit systems and 64-bit systems, but the result is slow, painful to work with as a developer, and not very well supported on Windows.) Going to a 64-bit OS can provide tremendous benefits.

(As the commentators note, this answer is somewhat generic, some of these points do not apply to intel/amd chips.)
The answer is: it varies, for a few reasons:
With larger-width instructions, you're going to get more expressiveness (either a greater variety of instructions or a greater capacity to encode data into those instructions directly), which can mean a reduced number of instructions flowing through the machine, which is generally a win: so ++64bit here.
But sometimes larger instructions might take more cycles to decode and execute, because they may be more complex. So a possible --64bit here.
Also, you need to transfer these instructions to and from the CPU: 64 bit instructions are twice as big as 32 bit instructions, which means more traffic to and from memory and the caches. CPUs are structured to ameliorate a lot of this cost, but it is a slight --64bit here.
More registers are usually available in wider instruction sets, which causes less data traffic to and from the stack and or memory. So ++64bit here.
And as everyone's no doubt going to mention, you have the ability to address more memory.
(Nearly forgot this one) the native "long" or "int" size may go up, depending on architecture, meaning data structures based on these get larger. Larger = more memory to move around, which means more possible waiting on data moving: --64bit if you're not careful.
Depending on your architecture, a lot of other concerns may apply too. You can rest assured that the processor and compiler vendors are working their butts off to reduce the "--"s above and increase the "++"s.

I have this 5GByte database that needs converting. On a 64-bit system, I just put all data in collections. In the 32-bit system, I had to think about the order in which to load and convert. The problem is not run-time, it is engineering time. Switching to 64 bit saves weeks of development time.
The compatability issues: that's no bug, that's a feature. It shows you who has written clean software.

There are also some security advantages to using 64-bit operating systems. There have been some buffer overflow exploits that circumvent address space layout randomization by brute force. On a 64-bit OS, there are simply too many addresses for this kind of attack to be successful.

It will speed up compilation if your compile process is memory-bound and you use your 64bit OS to increase the amount of memory usable by your system.

I expect it to be slightly slower, I had that experience with FC10. I don't have real reasons, but it is definitely not the sizeof(pointer) issue. (*)
My own hunch is that it simply is a matter of less optimized drivers or tweaked chipsets.
Also NTFS-3g was funny under 64-bit, while it worked under 32-bit (same distro, same kernel same partition, it just "hung" in some circumstances)
(*) most compiling is disk bound, not CPU bound. Moreover there are other improvements in the x86_64 architecture that cancel out that fact (better PIC, more regs, SSE2 default on, 686 cmov default on) . Unless your app does nothing than randomly moving small blocks around.


What can make a program not capable to take advantages of 64 bit system?

I am looking into Google V8 Javascript Engine. It is said that they are having problems for porting to 64 bit systems.
What kind of programming or programming constraints can make a program a 32-bit or 64-bit specific, apart from building and testing them on 64 bit machine with 64 bit settings ?
You may check this wiki which says:-
The main disadvantage of 64-bit architectures is that, relative to
32-bit architectures, the same data occupies more space in memory (due
to longer pointers and possibly other types, and alignment padding).
This increases the memory requirements of a given process and can have
implications for efficient processor cache utilization. Maintaining a
partial 32-bit model is one way to handle this, and is in general
reasonably effective. For example, the z/OS operating system takes
this approach, requiring program code to reside in 31-bit address
spaces (the high order bit is not used in address calculation on the
underlying hardware platform) while data objects can optionally reside
in 64-bit regions.

How to programatically detect a 64 bit or 32 bit machine?

I don't understand what 32 bit and 64 bit means. It seems that people say 64 bit computers run faster - but why? Does it mean that there are 64 bit integers instead of 32? If it's something like that, is there a way to write a program to determine if we're on a 32 bit or 64 bit machine?
On 64-bit machines pointers are 8 bytes (64 bits). On 32-bit machines they are 4 bytes (32 bits). Thus we can determine by the size of a pointer what we are dealing with, in it's simplest form:
#define IS_64BIT (sizeof(void *) == 8)
The only drawback is that a 64 bit computer running in 32 bit mode will register as 32 bit. Of course, this isn't actually important as for all intents and purposes a 32 bit OS on a 64 bit computer will be a 32 bit computer.
There's actually several different things your asking here.
First of all there's the CPU. Most modern day CPUs (within the past 5-years approx) will support 64-bit.
Now just because the CPU supports it doesn't mean the OS supports it, that's where you have either 64-bit OS or 32-bit OS (32-bit is also known as x86, there's small technical differences in the x86 refers to the CPU instruction set, but for most common usage x86 and 32-bit are interchangeable)
Even if the OS supports it, it doesn't mean the specific program you're running supports 64-bit. What most (if not all?) 64-bit OS's do is they have a 32-bit emulation mode so you can still run 32-bit programs.
Now for your question of how to determine which architecture you're running on, the most reliable way is to ask the OS through some API call.
As for why 64-bit is sometimes considered faster, it because with 32-bits it is only possible to address 4GB of memory, whereas with 64-bit the limit imposed by address space is much higher (as in about 4 billion times higher) and the limiting factor is hardware not address space. As to when and why more memory is faster, that's a separate topic altogether.
64-bit machines do not run faster than 32-bit machines except in cases where 64-bit math is being done or in cases where more than 4 GB of RAM is needed.
64-bit AMD (and later Intel) machines run faster than 32-bit x86 machines because when AMD designed the new instruction set they added more CPU registers and made SSE math the default.
32-bit x86 systems can waste a lot of CPU time pushing data around in RAM, while a x86_64 system can store that data in CPU registers instead. Registers are much faster than level-1 CPU cache. Having more registers also saves CPU instructions that otherwise need to store the old value of a register in RAM, load in a different value from RAM, then load the original value back from RAM.
In some especially register-starved cases the extra registers can gain 30% speed for a program. The benefit is usually much less than that.
The speed benefits from assuming SSE2 are many. In 32-bit CPUs SSE instructions may or may not exist, so to use them the software needs to have clumsy test code and two (or more!) implementation of the math functions. Most software just doesn't care enough and so it never bothers, always falling back on x87 FPU math from the 486 days. The 64-bit CPUs made SSE2 a required part of the instruction set, so all x86_64 programs are free to assume it exists and use it in all cases.
64bit computers do not run faster, per se. It just can support higher precision (larger integers, more precise floats).
In some rare cases, libraries might jam two 32bit numbers into 64bits to perform a large number of parallel operations, possibly resulting in potentially up to 2x speedup. This might occur for some highly optimized scientific/numeric libraries, or in special applications that (for some reason or another) have been highly optimized at a very low level. For example, some multimedia software. It should be noted that such applications could always have made this tradeoff even in 32bit mode, but chose not to; they are merely trading away precision (which they may not need) for parallelism.
Operating system benchmarks which reveal faster performance (maybe <10% improvement) are not necessarily related to 64bit-related optimizations. 64bit architectures may be correlated with having for example more registers or advanced features that programs can take aware of [citation: ], which may be the cause of a performance difference (as well as other variables).
How to determine whether a CPU is 32bit or 64bit depends on what OS you are using. For example on Linux, you can call uname -a, though there's probably a better way to do so. If you're using C/C++, see the other answer for a way to determine it in a program.

How to develop to take advantage of 64 bit systems?

Is there any specific sectors of Software Engineer/Computer Science where there's a marked difference when developing for 64 bit systems? I've been coding for around 10 years now, and since the break of 64 bit systems, my code hasn't changed one bit.
What applications that a single coder can code as a side project require you to use 64 bit technology?
Anything that requires more than 4 GB of working and program memory would certainly qualify, since that is the maximum amount of memory that a 32 bit system can address directly.
Since 64 bit numbers can reside in the CPU registers, calculations requiring numbers of these sizes would see a performance improvement.
Aside from address space or big calculations, doubling your word size helps more in the low level stuff, and mostly for people who are going to be doing kernel hacking or writing device drivers. For instance, let's say you have a stream of bytes from a network connection and you have to process them. You can now pull those bytes in from main memory to CPU registers 8 at a time rather than 4. But I would think you need a "64 bit aware" string library to take advantage of this.
Anecdotally, we did observe a performance increase when upgrading from 32 bit SQL Server to 64 bit SQL Server (2005) on the same hardware (a 64 bit machine).
We recently ported some of our internally-used libraries to 64-bit. The C code didn't change at all; we just had to get the 64-bit versions of the third-party libraries we link against and figure out which new compiler directives we needed to use. The biggest headache was finding 64-bit versions of our dependencies and refactoring our build system to handle both 32-bit and 64-bit.
That's not to say that other software wouldn't require modification. For example, if you pack your data to fit within word boundaries, you might now be inclined to pack it differently when programming for a 64-bit system.
If you need to ask, you probably will not get any advantage, as you are probably not building into your code any assumptions about size of ints. Rather few use cases, and all fairly low-level, will see any speedup. Bignums and heavy integer arithmetic on very large numbers will be quicker (like crypto).

What is the Maximum Java Heap Space for SuSE Linux

This question is related to Java Refuses To Start - Could Not Resrve Enough Space for Object Heap and should be easy enough to figure out. However; my searches haven't yielded anything useful.
Essentially we have 2 32 bit OS's (RedHat & SuSE) on different machines with the same hardware. Both use the same JVM both executing the same command line. RedHat works perfectly fine but SuSE reports there isn't enough Memory.
We just need to know if this is a limitation of the version of SuSE we're using or if it's something else.
'cat /proc/version' gives us:
Linux version 2.6.5-7.244-bigsmp (geeko#buildhost) (gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)) #1 SMP Mon Dec 12 18:32:25 UTC 2005
'uname -a' gives us the following on BOTH types of machines:
UTC 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
The JVM memory limit is related the largest free contiguous block available, not the amount of free memory. The limit varies from about 1.4 GB to a bit over 2.0 GB, and depends on where your operating system puts various things in memory. I don't know the particulars of where Redhat or Suse load stuff into memory, but it could be that suse is mapping some library to an address in the middle of RAM, where Redhat might map it at the end (speculating).
And remember that your actual memory usage in java is more than what you specify for Xmx. The other memory settings also affect the size of your heap (like permgen). So it could also be that the perm space on Suse has a larget default than on Redhat.
Also, depending on the memory allocation profile of your application, you might get away with a smaller heap size and different garbage collecting options. There are some details here ( and other places. For example, if you allocate a lot of small, temporary blocks, you'll want different GC settings than if you have a lot of bit, long-lived objects.
Regarding the linked question, why not just use Redhat? That might be a simplistic solution, but I guarantee it's going to fix your problem faster than deeply delving into the arcane world of java tuning and OS memory management :P
Firstly, you are crazy to be running a 32-bit OS when you have this much address space pressure. Migrate to a 64-bit JVM on 64-bit Linux. How much time have you wasted already trying to diagnose this problem which you must have suspected from the outset would go away with the larger address space of a 64-bit system ?
Secondly, it's well known that out of all the Linux vendors Red Hat has the most kernel engineers on staff and makes some serious tweaks for the kernels in their RHEL products. These often include patches for large workloads like yours (well, it's a large workload for a 32-bit system, it's nothing special on 64-bit). So there's some chance the reason ultimately is that RHEL has other customers doing the same crazy stuff as you and you're benefiting from work they did to support those customers.
Finally though, since I suspect you're going to insist on trying to find a way to do this on 32-bit SuSE I will point out that Linux offers a variety of address space trade-offs on 32-bit x86, and it's possible (but not certain) that your SuSE systems just have a different trade-off selected. If you can bring up the configuration of the running kernels (often in /boot/config....) then you can compare settings like HIGHMEM.
The conventional option until a few years ago was 2:2 split, that is userspace is limited to 2GiB of address space, an easy solution to program and it has decent efficiency but in this scenario obviously you can't have your requested heap since it would leave no space for the program text, stack etc. More recently the trend has been for 3:1 (similar to the Windows /3GB switch) which expands userspace address space at the cost of cramming the OS kernel itself into less space which potentially causes its own problems. This might work, but it would be very cramped so I also wouldn't be surprised if it didn't work for your jobs. Finally newer Linux kernels also offer an option where you get 4GiB 32-bit userspace, which might be enough to make your jobs run reliably, at a significant performance cost since then obviously userspace and kernel addresses can't co-exist.
To try this you'd need a new kernel. You may be able to just install one provided by SuSE (see if they offer others to choose from, e.g. a "PAE" option) or you may have to compile your own, in which case it probably invalidates your support contract.
But really, you should just go with option 1, switch to a 64-bit JVM and put your feet up.

What are the advantages of a 64-bit processor?

Obviously, a 64-bit processor has a 64-bit address space, so you have more than 4 GB of RAM at your disposal. Does compiling the same program as 64-bit and running on a 64-bit CPU have any other advantages that might actually benefit programs that aren't enormous memory hogs?
I'm asking about CPUs in general, and Intel-compatible CPUs in particular.
There's a great article on Wikipedia about the differences and benefits of 64bit Intel/AMD cpus over their 32 bit versions. It should have all the information you need.
Some on the key differences are:
16 general purpose registers instead of 8
Additional SSE registers
A no execute (NX) bit to prevent buffer overrun attacks
The main advantage of a 64-bit CPU is the ability to have 64-bit pointer types that allow virtual address ranges greater than 4GB in size. On a 32-bit CPU, the pointer size is (typically) 32 bits wide, allowing a pointer to refer to one of 2^32 (4,294,967,296) discrete addresses. This allows a program to make a data structure in memory up to 4GB in size and resolve any data item in it by simply de-referencing a pointer. Reality is slightly more complex than this, but for the purposes of this discussion it's a good enough view.
A 64-bit CPU has 64-bit pointer types that can refer to any address with a space with 2^64 (18,446,744,073,709,551,616) discrete addresses, or 16 Exabytes. A process on a CPU like this can (theoretically) construct and logically address any part of a data structure up to 16 Exabytes in size by simply de-referencing a pointer (looking up data at an address held in the pointer).
This allows a process on a 64-bit CPU to work with a larger set of data (constrained by physical memory) than a process on a 32 bit CPU could. From the point of view of most users of 64-bit systems, the principal advantage is the ability for applications to work with larger data sets in memory.
Aside from that, you may get a native 64-bit integer type. A 64 bit integer makes arithmetic or logical operations using 64 bit types such as C's long long faster than one implemented as two 32-bit operations. Floating point arithmetic is unlikely to be significantly affected, as FPU's on most modern 32-bit CPU's natively support 64-bit double floating point types.
Any other performance advantages or enhanced feature sets are a function of specific chip implementations, rather than something inherent to a system having a 64 bit ALU.
This article may be helpful:
This one is a bit off-topic, but might help if you plan to use Ubuntu:
And this pdf below contains a detailed technical specification:
Slight correction. On 32-bit Windows, the limit is about 3GB of RAM. I believe the remaining 1GB of address space is reserved for hardware. You can still install 4GB, but only 3 will be accessable.
Personally I think anyone who hasn't happily lived with 16K on an 8-bit OS in a former life should be careful about casting aspersions against some of today's software starting to become porcine. The truth is that as our resources become more plentiful, so do our expectations. The day is not long off when 3GB will start to seem ridiculously small. Until that day, stick with your 32-bit OS and be happy.
About 1-3% of speed increase due to instruction level parallelism for 32-bit calculations.
Just wanted to add a little bit of information on the pros and cons of 64-bit CPUs.
The main difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors is the speed they operate. 64-bit processors can come in dual core, quad core, and six core versions for home computing (with eight core versions coming soon). Multiple cores allow for increase processing power and faster computer operation. Software programs that require many calculations to function operate faster on the multi-core 64-bit processors, for the most part. It is important to note that 64-bit computers can still use 32-bit based software programs, even when the Windows operating system is a 64-bit version.
Another big difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors is the maximum amount of memory (RAM) that is supported. 32-bit computers support a maximum of 3-4GB of memory, whereas a 64-bit computer can support memory amounts over 4 GB. This is important for software programs that are used for graphical design, engineering design or video editing, where many calculations are performed to render images, drawings, and video footage.
One thing to note is that 3D graphic programs and games do not benefit much, if at all, from switching to a 64-bit computer, unless the program is a 64-bit program. A 32-bit processor is adequate for any program written for a 32-bit processor. In the case of computer games, you'll get a lot more performance by upgrading the video card instead of getting a 64-bit processor.
In the end, 64-bit processors are becoming more and more commonplace in home computers. Most manufacturers build computers with 64-bit processors due to cheaper prices and because more users are now using 64-bit operating systems and programs. Computer parts retailers are offering fewer and fewer 32-bit processors and soon may not offer any at all.
