Launching cab file from Visual C++ dll - visual-c++

Does anybody know how to launch a cab file from a Visual C++ dll thats being used as a setup dll when installing an application on windows mobile.
Basically, I need the dll to detect if compact framework is not installed and run required cab file if needed.
I've beeg googling for something similar for ages with no luck. Surely this has been done and there are some examples out there.
Your help is very very very much appreciated.

If your talking about windows mobile cab file then Ants answer is incorrect.
You need to run the wceload.exe tool to start a install of a windows mobile cab file on the WM device.

You don't "launch" a .CAB file. You extract files out of it.
Here's a Microsoft KB article about one way to extract files out of a CAB.


How can i get Setup.rul file of an old InstallShield Installer from its exe file?

I have an old InstallShield installer which i believe was made using InstallShield 2012. I don't have the install script code for the same. I only have exe of the installer with me.
I need to create a new installer containing some of the same features from old installer, so is there any way by which i can get the setup.rul file of the installer from its exe?
I did some googling but got no help.
Setup.exe Extraction: If you run an extraction of your setup.exe, do you get an *.ins file?
Programmatically extract contents of InstallShield setup.exe
Extract MSI from EXE
Decompiler: I believe there are some hacky solutions to decompile *.ins to *.rul. I do not have such a tool, nor have I ever tried one and I can't recall seeing any trace of them for a whole decade. Perhaps Installshield support can help?
Alternatives: Off the top of my head: Contact Installshield support, they might have better advice? Check with Installshield community? Check with Stefan Kruger - Installshield consultant? Check any source repositories you can find based on setup.exe timestamp? (search for *.rul, *.ism, or similar as relevant). Check backups? Check backups of setup developer PC? Check even? (for samples of similar tasks). Check external media, email attachments, network shares, etc...

Is it possible to create an MSI file from a Windows 8.1 Store Application?

I am trying to create an MSI file format from a Windows 8.1 store application in visual studio instead of the standard APPX file format it usually creates using the create app packages function in visual studio.
I have tried using the visual studio installer project but when the MSI file is created. I have tried to use the file to install the application then when I try to run the file it does not run.
There is no documentation on this. So is it possible to do so and if so how can I do this?
There are two approaches you can take in this case:
Figure out what dependencies your app requires and include them in the setup.
Put enough debugging in your program to tell you what's failing. If the first code you run is (fort example) a messagebox and it never shows then you know your code isn't being loaded, probably because of a missing dependency.
Your question is currently to general to be specific about an answer.

Visual Studio 2012 InstallShield Nightmare

Being forced to use the garbage version of LE in VS 2012, I cannot get things to build because it is telling me that my install folder path is too long. It literally looks like it is creating the same path, verbatim, inside of another folder. First this fails on the DVD so can I disable that? Second, this appears to be controlled by the variable ISProductFolder but I cannot find how to modify that location.
Can somebody please help?
Well, it is not surprise that each setup tool has its problems. Please note that there are no tools which can accurately detect your application dependencies. The best a tool can do is make suggestions. This is why most setup developers determine the dependencies themselves and manually include them in the installer.
If you're not happy with InstallShield, you can try a different setup tool:
The free version of Advanced Installer includes a Visual Studio setup project which may help.

Why my App's Dll is not loading in win2000 and loading in XP

We have an installer application.
In that we have one dll related to our application.
We created setup with all respective files.
We used "Install Shield 6.3" and created a setup file.
After created build. The build is working in xp, not working in 2000.
It is showing error message as Couldn't load .dll only in win2000.
What could be the issue any idea?
It looks like one of the system/third party dll you are loading is either not available or of wrong version. Use a tool like dependency walker to check whether all the required dlls are available or not.
You have probbely missing prequsits that exits on XP but not on Win2000.
You need to run the Dependency Walker tool on Win2000 and load the problematic DLL, the tool will tell what is missing.
Try running installation with Filemon in the background, filtering with the missing DLL's name. Then, see where the DLL is searched for, and fix the problem. Hard to say without any further information, but first difference I have in mind is that the system folder in XP is C:\windows\system32, while in win2000 it is C:\winnt\system32. If you've hardcoded the system path for any reason, it might be the problem.

Issue during installation of web based project installer cab file with InstallShield

I have created a web based project and I have to install an ActiveX Control through web by a CAB file.
When I build my InstallShield Web project installer, it generate MSI package and a CAB file.
I have to register a DLL in CAB file.
If I install the MSI package locally, it works fine: it installed the activeX and registered the DLL.
But when I place the CAB file on the server and call that file remotely through web, it failed to register the DLL and it is not installed properly.
I don't know what I am missing.
sounds like static paths or a different type to system for your server. So he can not find the real path to an DLL.
For Information about this Topic read:
Nice Sybase Documentation about it
Nice Guide for creating CAB Files
MSDN Documentation for INF
From MSDN Documentation:
"...For this reason, if multiple files within a .cab are given the same name but different install directories, only one of the files will be installed in all locations. To work around this behavior, be sure to use unique names for all files within a single .cab file...."
and look up this Keywords:
Hope that will fix it! :-)
