How do I overwrite the contents of the repository with my working copy in TortoiseSVN? - tortoisesvn

Lets say, I know there is going to be a conflict with me committing but I don't want to deal with merging or anything.
I simply want to overwrite the repositories version with my own. What is the tortoisesvn command to do so?

First you have to make an update (SVN Update), so the conflict is actually happening.
Then you get three files in your directory: yourfilename.mine yourfilename.rX yourfilename.rY (X and Y are the original and the new revision numbers)
Rename the .mine file to the original file name.
Mark the conflicted file as resolved. (TortoiseSVN -> Resolved) (The .r? files will be deleted automatically)
After that you can commit the file as it were a normal change. (SVN Commit)

Look at the svn resolve command from the red book. With a command line client, you would be able to run
svn update
svn resolve -R --accept mine-full
It doesn't appear that TortoiseSVN makes this available, but if you have the command line client as backup, it may be handy. Otherwise, I'd go with a hack of the sort Neil describes (move working copy files, update, replace working copy files).
A big caution: Using the Resolved... command instead will accept the conflict-containing version after the update; you really want the file before the update.

Another (horrible) possibility:
Check out the version you know you are going to conflict with into a separate directory from your own stuff
Copy your working files over the ones in the separate directory - take care not to copy the .svn files
Commit from the separate directory


How do I undo a deleted trunk that someone else has checked in?

My project directory inside trunk has been accidentally deleted by another user.
I can see my project when browsing it through the web at one revision (364), but the top of the tree it is missing (370)
How do I undo those commits and get my source tree back using the command line subversion client?
Thanks for all the hints. It was a combination of answers that helped me solve it. Although Avi's answer is the closest to the one that allowed me to restore the source tree. So I'll accept that. Although to be totally correct, below is what worked for me since even the trunk directory was eventually removed!
Final solution was:
svn cp
I then checked this out locally:
svn co
Copied my changes into this. Double check it builds without issues.
Followed by:
svn up
svn commit
You can copy it back to the current revision:
svn cp -r<revision where it existed> <project-url> <project-url>
Note that if you have changes to your working copy, you need to take care that they don't get overwritten when updating the working copy.
In this case, I suggest you copy them somewhere safe, then doing the svn cp I suggested above, and doing svn up to update your copy, before copying your local changes back in and committing.
svn up -r[revision]
Find the revision number first by doing svn log

SVN Ignore Not Applying?

I am trying to figure out svn:ignore. I am using:
svn propedit svn:ignore file://path/myrepository/project
Within there I am adding 'files' to that and then saving. It commits the revision fine. When I now go to a machine to SVN Update it, it downloads the files directory. How come that isn't applied? With SVN, do you need to apply things by doing some sort of restart? I am using a Red Hat Linux box.
Looks like I misunderstood ignore.
svn:ignore only works for untracked files. once you have added a file to your repository it cannot be ignored again (unless removed again). Why should you ignore a file that you initially wanted to track?
svn:ignore only saves you from accidentally adding garbage (build products, backup/swap-files, log files, etc.). It will not forbid downloading of files from the repository (if I understood your last sentence)

rename file problem under subversion

I have a problem when I rename the checked out working file from Tortorise under subversion. After rename the local file, my local file got lost. I want to know how I can get my local copy back, either from Tortorise or other?
have you tried "svn add path/to/your/local/file"?
If the file name was changed on the server then you just need to update to get the latest version, the old name problably will remain but just delete it.
If you haven´t committed the changes on your WC then just do a revert to undo all changes done on your side and then update the folder.

SVN: Ignoring an already committed file

I have a settings file that is under version control using subversion. Everybody has their own copy of this file, and I need this not to be ever committed. However, like I said, there is already a copy under version control. My question is: how do I remove this file from version control without deleting everyone's file, then add it to the ignore list so it won't be committed? I'm using linux command line svn.
Make a clean checkout, svn delete the file and add the ignore. Then commit this. Everyone else will have to take care (once) that their local copy isn't deleted on the next svn update, but after that, the local file would stay undisturbed and ignored by SVN.
If you remove the file from version control, how does a developer new to the project (or the one who accidentally deleted his local copy) get it after initial checkout? What if there are additions to the settings file?
I would suggest the following: Keep a default settings file (with no passwords, hostnames, connection strings, etc.) in SVN, name it something like settings.dist, and let the code work with a copy of this, named settings. Every developer has to make this copy once, and can then work with her personalized settings. If there are additions, add them to settings.dist – everyone else will get them with a update and can merge then into her personalized copy.
After you delete the file, your users will have to recover the file from the repository using svn export.
$ svn export -r x path ./
Where x is a revision where the file existed before it was deleted, path is the full path to the file, and ./ is where the file will be placed.
See svn help export for more information.
simply define a file containing settings that will override the default ones. This file is not checked into Subversion and each developer is responsible for maintaining this file according to their environments.
In an Ant-based world, you would have the files: (ignored for Subversion)
and in your build.xml file
<property file=""/>
<property file=""/>
For those who couldn't connect the dots:
modify the build.xml file like proposed
set the as ignored
in an init target of your build, copy the to
wait a couple of days until everyone had the chance to run this target
delete the from Subversion
Voila, every developer has its own and everything was done automatically (and no developer lost his or her settings, which happens if you brutally delete the file from Suvbersion and there is no "Everyone else will have to take care...")
I have a similar issue. In my case it's an auto-generated user settings file (visual studio) that was accidentally checked in very early in the project. While just deleting it might work, it seems more correct to have it removed from the history, as it was never supposed to be in there in the first place.
I came across this, which might be a new feature since this question was originally posted 7.5 years ago:
Seems like an idea would be to:
1) create a dump of the project.
2) filter the dump using `svndumpfilter` to exclude the unwanted file(s).
3) load the dump as a new project.
This might be the only way to completely get rid of the file. In most cases the "delete and ignore" approach might be good enough.
[[ I'm new to subversion, so maybe this doesn't make sense. marking this as wiki -- if you know the right answer, please APPEND in the later section ]]
Couldn't you have a custom set of checkout steps so each user gets a different settings folder?
$ svn checkout project
$ dir project
original_settings\ folder1\ folder2\
$ svn checkout project\settings
$ dir project
original_settings\ folder1\ folder2\ settings\
Or for new users
$ svn import project\settings
What I'm getting at is you want each user to have a custom view of the repository. In other version control systems, you could set up a custom listing of which projects you were using and which you weren't and which you put in odd places.
Does this work in subversion? The above code looks really risky, but maybe i'm doing it wrong.
(nothing yet)

In Perforce, can you rename a folder to the same name but cased differently?

Can I rename a folder in Perforce from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Foobar/?
I've tried this by renaming from //depot/FooBar/ to //depot/Temp/ to //Depot/Foobar/ but the end result ends up the same as //depot/FooBar/.
Once it is in Perforce, the case remains set. As mentioned by Johan you can obliterate, set the name up correctly, and add it in again. However, there is a slight gotcha....
If anyone else (running Windows) has already synced the wrong-cased version, then when they sync again the right one, it will not change the case on their PC. This is a peculiarity of the Windows file system acknowledging case but still being fundamentally case-independent.
If a number of users have synced, and it is not convenient to get them to remove-from-client too (and blasting the folders from their machines), then you can resort to a dark and dirty Perforce technique called "Checkpoint surgery". It's not for the fainthearted, but you do this:
Stop your server, take a checkpoint.
Using your favourite text editor that can handle multi-megabyte files, search & replace all occurances of the old case name with the new. You could of course use a script too.
Replay your checkpoint file to recreate the Perforce database meta data.
Restart your server.
This will affect all user client specs transparently, and so when they sync they will get the right case as if by magic.
It sounds hairy, but I've had to do it before and as long as you take care, backup, do a trial run etc, then all should be OK.
Maybe not needed anymore, but here's the official Perforce HowTo about changing file cases on Windows and Unix:
I'm not sure about directories, but we've had this problem with files. To fix it, we have to delete the file, submit that change, then p4 add the file with the correct case and submit the second change. Once that's done, unix users who have sync'ed the incorrect-case file have to p4 sync, then physically delete the file (because p4 won't update the case) and then p4 sync -f the file.
Our server is on Windows, so that might make a difference.
I guess it treats files and folders the same.
For files:
It depends (on whether you have a Windows or Unix server). We have this problem with our Windows perforce server (which versions our Java code), where very occasionally someone will check in a file with a case problem (this then causes compile errors because it's Java). The only way to fix this is to obliterate the file and resubmit it with the correct case.
I think you should remove the Perforce Cache, so that your modification can be shown.
You can rename with ABC rename to abc_TMP, then abc_TMP rename to abc, then clear cache.
Setps to clear cache:
Open windows user home folder (on windows7 ==> C:\Users\)
Locate the folder called ".p4qt"
Rename the folder to "old.p4qt"
Launch Perforce, now everything works!
NOTE: these steps will rest your default setting.
The question is over 3 years old, but I ran into an issue like this while doing a Subversion import into Perforce and figured the info I got could be useful to some. It's similar to the obliterate method, but helps you retain history. You use the duplicate command that may not have been available back then to retain the history. The process basically being:
Duplicate to temporary location.
Obliterate the location you just duplicated.
Duplicate from the temporary location to the renamed case location.
Obliterate the temporary location.
Through this you retain the history of file changes, but get them all in the new path as well. Unfortunately there will be no history of the path case change, but that seems to be unavoidable. Similar to other methods mentioned here, users will need to either manually rename the directories in their workspace or delete and re-sync to get the new path name.
Also, P4V caches the paths it shows in the tree so after doing this it may still show up as the old name. a p4 dirs command however will show the new case.
