How to determine nationality based on IP address? - globalization

How can I tell the nationality of a user of my web site based on client ip?
Edit: Like commented, this question have been answered before:

use the GeoIP databse. there is a free one. there are also a lot of GeoIP webServices you can use.

If you're thinking localization, let the user choose the correct language instead of doing it automatically -- or at least provide an easy way for them to change it and make it sticky via cookies. You can do ok most of the time at guessing using GeoIP, but sometimes you'll get it really wrong. Google sometimes sends my wife to the German version of their web site even though we're in the middle of the US. Using anonymization services (like TOR) will also likely result in guessing errors. Having the option to choose and keeping the choice on the computer will make it a better experience for your users.

Besides the already mentioned GeoIP database, you could also use IP2LOCATION service. It's a paid one but it will also work.
Keep in mind that all these services will give you an estimate of the location but not a very accurate geographic position. I read a networking paper once stating that this is an impossible task to accomplish (give an accurate position of an IP address).


How to block users accessing site outside of UK?

Searched the web and unable to find a solution. I have an umbraco site using IIS to host on a Windows server. Any ideas on approach to block users accessing site outside the UK? Htaccess approach would be too slow.... thank you in advance!
That's quite hard to do accurately, as you could have someone based in the UK using a European network provider, which means that they might appear to come from say Holland instead of the UK. It's also possible for people to spoof their location fairly easily if they really want to get at your site.
As Lex Li mentions there are plenty of commercial databases and tools for looking up a user's location, but the accuracy of these varies considerably, not to mention the fact that some of them only support IPv4. Any of these options are going to be slow though, as you'll have to check on every request. You also have to make sure you keep the databases up to date.
Another option would be to proxy your site through something like CloudFront or CloudFlare which both support blocking traffic by country.

Creating a honeypot for nodejs / hapi.js

I have a hapijs application and checking some logs I have found some entries for automated site scanners and hits to entries to /admin.php and similar.
I found this great article How to Block Automated Scanners from Scanning your Site and I thought it was great.
I am looking for guidance on what the best strategy would be to create honey pots for a hapijs / nodejs app to identify suspicious requests, log them, and possibly ban the IPs temporarily.
Do you have any general or specific (to node and hapi) recommendations on how to implement this?
My thoughts include:
Create the honeypot route with a non-obvious name
Add a robots.txt to disallow search engines on that route
Create the content of the route (see the article and discussions for some of the recommendations)
Write to a special log or tag the log entries for easy tracking and later analysis
Possibly create some logic that if traffic from this IP address receives more traffic than certain threshold (5 times of honeypot route access will ban the IP for X hours or permanently)
A few questions I have:
How can you ban an IP address using hapi.js?
Are there any other recommendations to identify automated scanners?
Do you have specific suggestions for implementing a honeypot?
Let me start with saying that this Idea sounds really cool but I'm not if it is much practical.
First the chances of blocking legit bots/users is small but still exisits.
Even if you ignore true mistakes the option for abuse and denial of service is quite big. Once I know your blocking users who enter this route I can try cause legit users touch it (with an iframe / img / redirect) and cause them to be banned from the site.
Than it's effectiveness is small. sure your going to stop all automated bots that scan your sites (I'm sure the first thing they do is check the Disallow info and this is the first thing you do in a pentest). But only unsophisticated attacks are going to be blocked cause anyone actively targeting you will blacklist the endpoint and get a different IP.
So I'm not saying you shouldn't do it but I am saying you should think to see if the pros outwaite the cons here.
How to actually get it done is actually quite simple. And it seem like your looking for a very unique case of rate limiting I wouldn't do it directly in your hapi app since you want the ban to be shared between instances and you probably want them to be persistent across restarts (You can do it from your app but it's too much logic for something that is already solved).
The article you mentioned actually suggests using fail2ban which is a great solution for rate limiting. you'll need to make sure your app logs to afile it can read and write a filter and jail conf specifically for your app but it should work with hapi with no issues.
Specifically for hapi I maintain an npm module for rate limiting called ralphi it has a hapi plugin but unless you need a proper rate limiting (which you should have for logins, sessions and other tokens) fail2ban might be a better option in this case.
In general Honey pots are not hard to implement but as with any secuiry related solution you should consider who is your potential attacker and what are you trying to protect.
Also in general Honey pots are mostly used to notify about an existing breach or an imminent breach. Though they can be used to also trigger a lockdown your main take from them is to get visibility once a breach happend but before the attacker had to much time to abuse the system (You don't want to discover the breach two months later when your site has been defaced and all valuable data was already taken)
A few ideas for honey pots can be -
Have an 'admin' user with relatively average password (random 8 chars) but no privileges at all when this user successfully loges in notify the real admin.
Notice that your not locking the attacker on first attempt to login even if you know he is doing something wrong (he will get a different ip and use another account). But if he actually managed to loggin, maybe there's an error in your login logic ? maybe password reset is broken ? maybe rate limiting isn't working ? So much more info to follow through.
now that you know you have a semi competent attacker maybe try and see what is he trying to do, maybe you'll know who he is or what his end goal is (Highly valuable since he probably going to try again).
Find sensitive places you don't want users to play with and plant some canary tokens in. This can be just a file that sites with all your other uploads on the system, It can be an AWS creds on your dev machine, it can be a link that goes from your admin panel that says "technical documentation" the idea is that regular users should not care or have any access to this files but attackers will find them too tempting to ignore. the moment they touch one you know this area has been compromised and you need to start blocking and investigating
Just remember before implementing any security in try to think who you expect is going to attack you honey pots are probably one of the last security mesaures you should consider and there are a lot more common and basic security issues that need to be addressed first (There are endless amount of lists about node.js security best practices and OWASP Top 10 defacto standard for general web apps security) OR

I'm developing a new website with membership. Do you think any of these has advantages or disadvantages? I thought today that a mobile version will be available and I was planning for that but in "" case, this won't work. On the other hand, I think is ugly.
I need and also want to know your ideas about this.
From a management standpoint, will surely be greater. You have to create a new DNS record for each user. In order to do that programatically, you are going to have to manage your DNS with a service that has a API. I am pretty sure registrars like GoDaddy do not have this. Amazon has something called Route 53 that might? will never work as domain names are propagated via DNS servers and through millions of network devices. Any change to the domain name takes time.
Usually, if you want to handle users you can do something like this: so mobile version will differ only by m. prefix.
It's a lot harder to make a script that sets up subdomains than it is to make a folder for a user.
If you have a mobile site, you could fix the by making it, if you really want the subdomain.
My half a cent.

I want to use security through obscurity for the admin interface of a simple website. Can it be a problem?

For the sake of simplicity I want to use admin links like this for a site:
So the actual URL and the parameter would be some completely random string which only I would know.
I know security through obscurity is generally a bad idea, but is it a realistic threat someone can find out the URL? Don't take the employees of the hosting company and eavesdroppers on the line into account, because it is a toy site, not something important and the hosting company doesn't give me secure FTP anyway, so I'm only concerned about normal visitors.
Is there a way of someone finding this URL? It wouldn't be anywhere on the web, so Google won't now it about either. I hope, at least. :)
Any other hole in my scheme which I don't see?
Well, if you could guarantee only you would ever know it, it would work. Unfortunately, even ignoring malicious men in the middle, there are many ways it can leak out...
It will appear in the access logs of your provider, which might end up on Google (and are certainly read by the hosting admins)
It's in your browsing history. Plugins, extensions etc have access to this, and often use upload it elsewhere (i.e. StumbleUpon).
Any proxy servers along the line see it clearly
It could turn up as a Referer to another site
some completely random string
which only I would know.
Sounds like a password to me. :-)
If you're going to have to remember a secret string I would suggest doing usernames and passwords "properly" as HTTP servers will have been written to not leak password information; the same is not true of URLs.
This may only be a toy site but why not practice setting up security properly as it won't matter if you get it wrong. So hopefully, if you do have a site which you need to secure in future you'll have already made all your mistakes.
I know security through obscurity is
generally a very bad idea,
Fixed it for you.
The danger here is that you might get in the habit of "oh, it worked for Toy such-and-such site, so I won't bother implementing real security on this other site."
You would do a disservice to yourself (and any clients/users of your system) if you ignore Kerckhoff's Principle.
That being said, rolling your own security system is a bad idea. Smarter people have already created security libraries in the other major languages, and even smarter people have reviewed and tweaked those libraries. Use them.
It could appear on the web via a "Referer leak". Say your page links to my page at, and I publish my web server referer logs on the web. There'll be an entry saying that was accessed from
As long as the "login-URL" never posted anywhere, there shouldn't be any way for search engines to find it. And if it's just a small, personal toy-site with no personal or really important content, I see this as a fast and decent-working solution regarding security compared to implementing some form of proper login/authorization system.
If the site is getting a big number of users and lots of content, or simply becomes more than a "toy site", I'd advice you to do it the proper way
I don't know what your toy admin page would display, but keep in mind that when loading external images or linking to somewhere else, your referrer is going to publicize your URL.
If you change http into https, then at least the url will not be visible to anyone sniffing on the network.
(the caveat here is that you also need to consider that very obscure login system can leave interesting traces to be found in the network traces (MITM), somewhere on the site/target for enabling priv.elevation, or on the system you use to log in if that one is no longer secure and some prefer admin login looking no different from a standard user login to avoid that)
You could require that some action be taken # of times and with some number of seconds of delays between the times. After this action,delay,action,delay,action pattern was noticed, the admin interface would become available for login. And the urls used in the interface could be randomized each time with a single use url generated after that pattern. Further, you could only expose this interface through some tunnel and only for a minute on a port encoded by the delays.
If you could do all that in a manner that didn't stand out in the logs, that'd be "clever" but you could also open up new holes by writing all that code and it goes against "keep it simple stupid".

Dynamic IP-based blacklisting

Folks, we all know that IP blacklisting doesn't work - spammers can come in through a proxy, plus, legitimate users might get affected... That said, blacklisting seems to me to be an efficient mechanism to stop a persistent attacker, given that the actual list of IP's is determined dynamically, based on application's feedback and user behavior.
For example:
- someone trying to brute-force your login screen
- a poorly written bot issues very strange HTTP requests to your site
- a script-kiddie uses a scanner to look for vulnerabilities in your app
I'm wondering if the following mechanism would work, and if so, do you know if there are any tools that do it:
In a web application, developer has a hook to report an "offense". An offense can be minor (invalid password) and it would take dozens of such offenses to get blacklisted; or it can be major, and a couple of such offenses in a 24-hour period kicks you out.
Some form of a web-server-level block kicks in on before every page is loaded, and determines if the user comes from a "bad" IP.
There's a "forgiveness" mechanism built-in: offenses no longer count against an IP after a while.
Extra note: it'd be awesome if the solution worked in PHP, but I'd love to hear your thoughts about the approach in general, for any language/platform
Take a look at fail2ban. A python framework that allows you to raise IP tables blocks from tailing log files for patterns of errant behaviour.
are you on a *nix machine? this sort of thing is probably better left to the OS level, using something like iptables
in response to the comment, yes (sort of). however, the idea is that iptables can work independently. you can set a certain threshold to throttle (for example, block requests on port 80 TCP that exceed x requests/minute), and that is all handled transparently (ie, your application really doesn't need to know anything about it, to have dynamic blocking take place).
i would suggest the iptables method if you have full control of the box, and would prefer to let your firewall handle throttling (advantages are, you don't need to build this logic into your web app, and it can save resources as requests are dropped before they hit your webserver)
otherwise, if you expect blocking won't be a huge component, (or your app is portable and can't guarantee access to iptables), then it would make more sense to build that logic into your app.
I think it should be a combination of user-name plus IP block. Not just IP.
you're looking at custom lockout code. There are applications in the open source world that contain various flavors of such code. Perhaps you should look at some of those, although your requirements are pretty trivial, so mark an IP/username combo, and utilize that for blocking an IP for x amount of time. (Note I said block the IP, not the user. The user may try to get online via a valid IP/username/pw combo.)
Matter of fact, you could even keep traces of user logins, and when logging in from an unknown IP with a 3 strikes bad username/pw combo, lock that IP out for however long you like for that username. (Do note that a lot of ISPs share IPs, thus....)
You might also want to place a delay in authentication, so that an IP cannot attempt a login more than once every 'y' seconds or so.
I have developed a system for a client which kept track of hits against the web server and dynamically banned IP addresses at the operating system/firewall level for variable periods of time for certain offenses, so, yes, this is definitely possible. As Owen said, firewall rules are a much better place to do this sort of thing than in the web server. (Unfortunately, the client chose to hold a tight copyright on this code, so I am not at liberty to share it.)
I generally work in Perl rather than PHP, but, so long as you have a command-line interface to your firewall rules engine (like, say, /sbin/iptables), you should be able to do this fairly easily from any language which has the ability to execute system commands.
err this sort of system is easy and common, i can give you mine easily enough
its simply and briefly explained here
the scripts as written arn't downloadable {as no commentry currently added} but drop me an e-mail, from the site above, and i'll fling the code at you and gladly help with debugging/taloring it to your server
