Number of threads in a middleware application - multithreading

I am writing an application server (again, non-related with a question I already posted here) and I am wondering what are the strategies to use when creating worker threads that work on the database. Some preliminary dates: the server receives xml and sends back xml, all the requests query a database - each request could take a few milliseconds to a few seconds.
Say for example that your server services a small to medium number of clients which in turn send a small number of requests per connection. Is it safe to have one worker thread per connection or should it be per request? Also should a thread pool be used to limit the resources used by the server or a worker should be added each time a new connection/request is made?
Should the server limit the number of threads it creates to an upper limit?
Hope I am not too vague ... I can hardly keep my eyes open.

If you don't have extensive experience writing application servers is a daunting task. It can be eased by using frameworks like ACE that allow you to build different configurations of your app serving infrastructure like thread per connection, thread pools, leader follower and then load the appropriate configuration with an extensible service framework.
I would recommend to read these books on ACE to get
C++ Network Programming: Mastering Complexity Using ACE and Patterns
C++ Network Programming: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks
to get an idea about what the framework can do for you.

The way I write apps like this is to make the number of threads configurable via the command line and/or a configuration file. I then do some load testing with different numbers of threads - there is always an optimal number beyond which performance begins to degrade.

If you follow the model adopted by Java EE app server developers, there's a queue for incoming requests and a pool of worker threads to service them. It's one thread per request. When a worker thread fulfills a request it goes back into the pool. If the incoming requests show up faster than the worker thread pool can service them, the queue allows them to stack up until a worker thread is released. Both the queue size and the thread pool can be tuned to match for your situation.
I'd wonder why anyone would feel the need to write their own server from scratch, especially when the scenario you describe is solved so well by others. If your wish is education, good luck. If you think you're going to improve on what's been done in the past, I'd re-examine that assumption.


Is it a good practice to use multithreading to handle requests in bulk in a micro services architecture systems?

I have to design a micro service which performs search query in a sql db multiple times(say 7 calls) along with multiple third party http calls(say 8 calls) in sequential and interleaved manner to complete an order, by saying sequential I mean before next call of DB or third party previous call to DB or third party must be completed as the result of these calls will be used in further third party or search operations in DB.
I) CPU: 4 cores(per instance)
II) RAM: 4 GB(per instance)
III) It can be auto scaled upto at max of 4 pods or instances.
IV) Deployment: Open Shift (Own cloud architecture)
V) Framework: Spring Boot
My Solution:
I've created a fixed thread pool of 5 threads(Size of blocking queue is not configured, also there are another 20 fixed pool threads running apart from these 5 threads for creating orders of multiple types i.e. in total there are 25 threads running per instance) using thread pool executor of Java. So when multiple requests are sent to this micro service I keep submitting the job and the JVM by using some scheduling algorithms schedules these jobs and complete the jobs.
I'm not able to achieve the expected through put, using above approach the micro service is able to achieve only 3 to 5 tps or orders per second which is very low. Sometimes it also happens that tomcat gets choked and we have to restart services to bring back the system in responsive situation.
I've observed that even when orders are processed very slowly by the thread pool executor if I call orders api through jmeter at the same time when things are going slow, these kind of requests which are directly landing on the controller layer are processed faster than the request getting processed by thread pool executor.
My Questions
I) What changes I should make at the architectural level to make through put upto 50
to 100 tps.
II) What changes should be done so that even if traffic on this service increases in
future then the service can either be auto scaled or justification to increase
hardware resources can be given easily.
III) Is this the way tech giants(Amazon, Paypal) solve scaling problems like these
using multithreading to optimise performance of their code.
You can assume that third parties are responding as expected and query optimisation is already done with proper indexing.
Tomcat already has a very robust thread pooling algorithm. Making your own thread pool is likely causing deadlocks and slowing things down. The java threading model is non-trivial, and you likely are causing more problems than you are solving. This is further evidenced by the fact that you are getting better performance relying on Tomcat's scheduling when you hit the controller directly.
High-volume services generally solve problems like this by scaling wide, keeping things as stateless as possible. This allows you to allocate many small servers to solve the solution much more efficiently than a single large server.
Debugging multi-threaded executions is not for the faint of heart. I would highly recommend you simplify things as much as possible. The most important bit about threading is to avoid mutable state. Mutable state is the bane of shared executions, moving memory around and forcing reads through to main memory can be very expensive, often costing far more than savings due to threading.
Finally, the way you are describing your application, it's all I/O bound anyway. Why are you bothering with threading when it's likely I/O that's slowing it down?

Server with thread per request vs pool of fixed threads

Which one of these are better to implement in a server? I was wondering about the tradeoffs between spawning a thread per request versus using a worker pool consisting of a fixed number of threads, and how the performance will vary as the number of users increases. These are some questions that came up to my mind what I started to think about the way I want to implement my server.

Controlling the flow of requests without dropping them - NodeJS

I have a simple nodejs webserver running, it:
Accepts requests
Spawns separate thread to perform background processing
Background thread returns results
App responds to client
Using Apache benchmark "ab -r -n 100 -c 10", performing 100 requests with 10 at a time.
Average response time of 5.6 seconds.
My logic for using nodejs is that is typically quite resource efficient, especially when the bulk of the work is being done by another process. Seems like the most lightweight webserver option for this scenario.
The Problem
With 10 concurrent requests my CPU was maxed out, which is no surprise since there is CPU intensive work going on the background.
Scaling horizontally is an easy thing to, although I want to make the most out of each server for obvious reasons.
So how with nodejs, either raw or some framework, how can one keep that under control as to not go overkill on the CPU.
Potential Approach?
Could accepting the request storing it in a db or some persistent storage and having a separate process that uses an async library to process x at a time?
In your potential approach, you're basically describing a queue. You can store incoming messages (jobs) there and have each process get one job at the time, only getting the next one when processing the previous job has finished. You could spawn a number of processes working in parallel, like an amount equal to the number of cores in your system. Spawning more won't help performance, because multiple processes sharing a core will just run slower. Keeping one core free might be preferred to keep the system responsive for administrative tasks.
Many different queues exist. A node-based one using redis for persistence that seems to be well supported is Kue (I have no personal experience using it). I found a tutorial for building an implementation with Kue here. Depending on the software your environment is running in though, another choice might make more sense.
Good luck and have fun!

Connecting Node.js applications running in different servers

It is not uncommon to think about distributing the logic of an application between different servers whether because of scalability, security or any other arbitrary concern. In such a scenario it's important to have reliable channels of communication between the separate modules or applications.
A practical case could look like this:
(Server #1) You have a DB table filling up with tasks (in the form of table entries) that need to be processed.
(Server #2) You have an arbitrator that fetches these tasks one by one so as to handle them in some specific fashion.
(Server #3 -- #n) You have multiple worker applications that receive tasks from the arbitrator and return the results back to it.
Now imagine that everything is programmed with Node.js. You want the worker servers to be able to spawn when more resources are needed and be terminated when the processing load is low. When a worker node is created it has to connect back to the arbitrator to signal that it is ready to receive tasks.
What are the available options for communicating the worker nodes with the arbitrator such that the arbitrator can detect when a new worker node is connecting to it and data between both can start to flow. Or, in other words, how to go about creating reliable state-full channels of communication between two remote Node.js applications?
As much as this shouldn't turn into a battle of messaging technologies, another option is RabbitMQ. They have quick tutorials for both worker queues and remote procedure calls (rpc).
Although these tutorials are in python, they are still easy to follow though (and I believe a bit of googling will find you Node translations on github).
In your situation, Rabbit will be able to handle dispatching messages to particular workers, however I think you will have to write your scaling logic yourself.
zeromq is a good option for that.

Seeking tutorials and information on load-balancing between threads

I know the term "Load Balancing" can be very broad, but the subject I'm trying to explain is more specific, and I don't know the proper terminology. What I'm building is a set of Server/Client applications. The server needs to be able to handle a massive amount of data transfer, as well as client connections, so I started looking into multi-threading.
There's essentially 3 ways I can see implementing any sort of threading for the server...
One thread handling all requests (defeats the purpose of a thread if 500 clients are logged in)
One thread per user (which is risky to create 1 thread for each of the 500 clients)
Pool of threads which divide the work evenly for any number of clients (What I'm seeking)
The third one is what I'd like to know. This consists of a setup like this:
Maximum 250 threads running at once
500 clients will not create 500 threads, but share the 250
A Queue of requests will be pending to be passed into a thread
A thread is not tied down to a client, and vice-versa
Server decides which thread to send a request to based on activity (load balance)
I'm currently not seeking any code quite yet, but information on how a setup like this works, and preferably a tutorial to accomplish this in Delphi (XE2). Even a proper word or name to put on this subject would be sufficient so I can do the searching myself.
I found it necessary to explain a little about what this will be used for. I will be streaming both commands and images, there will be a double-socket setup where there's one "Main Command Socket" and another "Add-on Image Streaming Socket". So really one connection is 2 socket connections.
Each connection to the server's main socket creates (or re-uses) an object representing all the data needed for that connection, including threads, images, settings, etc. For every connection to the main socket, a streaming socket is also connected. It's not always streaming images, but the command socket is always ready.
The point is that I already have a threading mechanism in my current setup (1 thread per session object) and I'd like to shift that over to a pool-like multithreading environment. The two connections together require a higher-level control over these threads, and I can't rely on something like Indy to keep these synchronized, I'd rather know how things are working than to learn to trust something else to do the work for me.
IOCP server. It's the only high-performance solution. It's essentially asynchronous in user mode, ('overlapped I/O in M$-speak), a pool of threads issue WSARecv, WSASend, AcceptEx calls and then all wait on an IOCP queue for completion records. When something useful happens, a kernel threadpool performs the actual I/O and then queues up the completion records.
You need at least a buffer class and socket class, (and probably others for high-performance - objectPool and pooledObject classes so you can make socket and buffer pools).
500 threads may not be an issue on a server class computer. A blocking TCP thread doesn't do much while it's waiting for the server to respond.
There's nothing stopping you from creating some type of work queue on the server side, served by a limited size pool of threads. A simple thread-safe TList works great as a queue, and you can easily put a message handler on each server thread for notifications.
Still, at some point you may have too much work, or too many threads, for the server to handle. This is usually handled by adding another application server.
To ensure scalability, code for the idea of multiple servers, and you can keep scaling by adding hardware.
There may be some reason to limit the number of actual work threads, such as limiting lock contention on a database, or something similar, however, in general, you distribute work by adding threads, and let the hardware (CPU, redirector, switch, NAS, etc.) schedule the load.
Your implementation is completely tied to the communications components you use. If you use Indy, or anything based on Indy, it is one thread per connection - period! There is no way to change this. Indy will scale to 100's of connections, but not 1000's. Your best hope to use thread pools with your communications components is IOCP, but here your choices are limited by the lack of third-party components. I have done all the investigation before and you can see my question at
I have a fully working distributed development framework (threading and comms) that has been used in production for over 3 years now across more than a half-dozen separate systems and basically covers everything you have asked so far. The code can be found on the web as well.
