Multiple copies of a Sharepoint list view - sharepoint

We have a Sharepoint website with a different page for each of our products and another page displaying a list of all our product release dates. You can change the view in this list so that only the release dates of a particular product are shown.
Is is possible to have a list view showing release dates of one product show up on the page dedicated to that product? We would like to have each product page show its own release dates, but if someone updates the master list, each individual product list should be updated as well.

You would want to use the dataview webpart to view a "master" list. You will be able to define a different filter for each webpart. With XSLT you are also able to completely customise the output of the HTML, but I prefer to use only one to avoid all the work.

A simple way to make the master list available on the product pages is to syncronize the content of the master list into a hidden list on the product pages, you could use a Event Receiver for this. This solution will require some custom code but it is pretty simple.


Converting SharePoint List Form to a PowerApp

I'm looking for input on the best approach to converting a SharePoint list form to a PowerApp. The list currently has the following field type:
15 text fields
5 choice fields
5 multi-select choice fields
3 multi-line text fields (not rich text)
There are 20,000+ items in the list, with 1k+ new items added every month.
When creating the PowerApp, should each choice field be converted to a new list? I'm wanting to make the fields as dynamic as possible and avoid hard coded values.
I'm not opposed to moving all of the list items to a CDS entity if it helps.
You can use PowerApps to customize the SharePoint list form. There is a command in the command bar of a modern list to do that
If you don't want to use Choice fields, you can use simple text fields and in PowerApps connect to SharePoint lists as the source of the dropdown options. Then you can let the end users maintain the values for the dropdowns easily.
With this approach, the SharePoint list maintains all other functionality, i.e. you can use list views and embed list view web parts in SharePoint pages. A customized form will not work on a mobile device, though.
You can also build a stand-alone PowerApp that stores items in the SharePoint list. This is independent of the SharePoint list form customization. Such an app could be used on a mobile device, but there are limitations around the number of list items that the app can pull from the SharePoint server at any one time. It may not be suitable for big lists.
PowerApps is easy to learn and there are lots of resources just a web search away.

Infopath Form to submit data to two sharepoint lists

Novice in Sharepoint and looking for some advise.
we are trying to setup a infopath form with the below fields.
ReqID (Autogenerated with a workflow based on ID like Req-1 etc.),
when the user submits the form, we would like to save the information to two separate lists on sharepoint like...
List A - ReqID, Description, User, Date
List B - ReqID, Description, Testing, Tester, Date
Can someone please advise if this is doable without using any coding.
Thank you so much for all the help.
Several possible solutions:
One list:
If it is a matter of hiding clutter from selected users then: create one list for all of the fields and then create two views, one with your first set of columns and the other with the second set of columns. This has the advantage of no duplication of data, and if you need to update the Description column, it only has to be done in one place.
Two lists:
From the InfoPath form, post all of the fields to the first list and create a View that only displays what's needed for the "A" users. Create a workflow that adds a new item to list "B" with only the data needed.
Three lists:
From the InfoPath form, post all of the fields to a master list. Create a workflow that copies selected fields to List A and to List B. This has the advantage of the master list being an unchanged source of the original data for audit or tracking purposes.
Using Web Services
I believe InfoPath can call web services. This will be more like "coding", but you can write data directly to SharePoint lists using SharePoint's REST API.

Sharepoint 2007 Count Modifications View

Is it possible to create a list view that contains a column for how many times a document has been modified? I would also like a "Total Modifications" value that sums the modifications from that column.
I am new to sharepoint. If this is possible, where should I start looking for the information on how to achieve this?
Turn on versioning control in the document library settings and edit the views to include [version]. This will only work going forwards of course.

In SharePoint 2007, how can I have one list displayed on two different sites/workspaces?

I have a site A. I created two events(meetings) on the site, each one with its own workspace. In one of the meetings, I added a list--a "Project Tasks" list, in particular--and I want to be able to display that list on the other event's workspace. I also want to be able to synchronize the two, so that any items added to one list get added to the other.
Any ideas on how I can do that in SharePoint 2007?
I'm assuming that you are saying that you have a top level site with two sub-sites which you are referring to as workspaces. In one of them you have the Project Tasks list. If my assumptions are correct...
I recommend that you use just one list and then use SharePoint Designer and the Data Form Web Part to display the content in another site.

SharePoint List That Pulls From Other Lists

can someone point me in the direction as to how I would do the following:
I want to create a list, which pulls say (top 3) items from other lists (more than one), and displays them in one consolidated list. Is this possible? If so please point me in the direction as to how I can accomplish this, thanks.
As long as all of your lists are in the same site collection, the Content Query Web Part should do what you want (cite). You'll need some expertise in XSLT to keep the top three list items displayed (example). There's a lot that the CQWP doesn't do that would seem common sense, and this is one of them.
If you have MOSS then what you need is the Content Query Web Part.
Ray, I'm not sure how lookup fields will handle his two chief requirements: limiting return sets (top three items) or consolidating multiple lists into one data source. Lookup columns accept one list as a data source, and I'm not sure how you'd get it to accept many lists aside from custom code development.
Without using custom code, you are going to have to use several dataquery or content query webparts and modify their xslt to show as one integrated display.
Personally I would create a custom control, hosted by a webpart that runs several CAML queries and displays the top results of each query.
