Infopath Form Template Conflict - sharepoint

We have a bunch of story libraries in Sharepoint 2003 for all of our different projects. We created a nice Stories Library with a bunch of useful views in Sharepoint. Then I exported it from Sharepoint designer and I use that template to create a library for each new project.
The problem is, the Infopath template always has the same ID. So when you open a story from a different project, you get a "Form Template Conflict" in InfoPath. The only way I found around this is to upload the form template to a Library of a unique name (this changes the Form template ID). But the problem with this is when I create a new, unique library I lose all the cool useful views which were included when I exported the Library. I tried changing the ID:
Form Template Conflict - Same Form ID When Copying Template
But this didn't work, when I published it, it reverted back to the generated one.

Upgrade to SharePoint 2007


Migrating InfoPath Form from Sharepoint 2013 to Sharepoint Online

We're migrating a very complicated Infopath template from Sharepoint 2013 to Sharepoint Online. This template requires domain permissions and a lot of custom code, so a browser-enabled form is not possible.
In Sharepoint 2013, we share the template file (.xsn) which people can click on and it will open in InfoPath Form Filler, where they can do their work. Nobody actually submits the form, because the data is kept on a database.
In Sharepoint Online, the .xsn file will open in Designer view. This is an issue because the users are non-technical people and we don't want them to have to click through to preview or accidentally change something.
We've published the form in a Form Library, but when someone tries to create a new Form, it'll open correctly in InfoPath Filler Form, but give an XML error.
"The form contains XML that cannot be parsed: An invalid character was found in text content. Line 1, Position 5 MSCF"
When I check out the underlying template, I can Edit the Template, which again opens up InfoPath Designer with no issues.
I've also exported out the XML for the template and spot no XML errors and can open it in InfoPath designer, so I'm at a loss about how to debug the XML error.
So, we can go either route to resolve the issue:
1) Continue putting the template file on the Sharepoint folders and having users click on it and fill in data, but it must open in Filler Form, not Designer.
2) Fix the issue with the XML Form error (how do I go about even debugging this?) I've exported out the template as a .XML file, but can not spot any XML errors.
Your other option is to get rid of infopath and use a custom form using javascript in classic UI mode OR develop an SPFX webpart that achieve the same thing as your infopath ?

How to add Custom Content Type Fields to Template in a SharePoint Add-In

I'm trying to recreate this functionality in a SharePoint add-in using Visual Studio 2015. I'm stuck at customizing the MS Word template to include metadata fields (DevNumber, DevOpen, etc). If I create a content type in SharePoint itself, I get a template that includes my fields as custom proprieties. How can I get similar functionality in a SharePoint add-in?
Run the app, then create a document using the default template.dotx. Update the document how you want the template to look, including adding property fields, then save the file as template.dotx in the appropriate folder - something like: https://myAppWeb/MyProjects/Lists/MyList/Forms

SharePoint 2010 site template with a form library - the form template contains site URL

I am working on a site template that will be used to create hundreds of sites for different org units. The site should contain a form library, with an InfoPath form template.
My question is - is it possible to create a template and let power users create sites, without any administrator or developer involvement? If not - what's the easiest alternative?
The problem is that the form template contains the site URL and I don't know if this can be avoided. As a consequence, when a site is created and a form submitted - it ends up in the library of the original site.
I have created a handful of sites for the pilot project and what I've been doing so far is to uncab the XSN file, edit the URL manually, repackage into XSN and publish to the new library. This works, but involves a manual step in the site creation process that I wish to avoid. Here are the lines I'm editing:
<xsf:submit caption="Submit" disableMenuItem="no" onAfterSubmit="close" showStatusDialog="no">
<xsf:davAdapter name="SharePoint Library Submit" submitAllowed="yes" overwriteAllowed="no">
<xsf:folderURL value="http://my_farm_url/subsite1/form_lib"
Also here:
<xsf2:solutionPropertiesExtension branch="wss">
<xsf2:wss path="http://my_farm_url/subsite1/form_lib"
I'm changing subsite1 to subsite2.
I tried to set a relative URL, first to the submit element, then to both, to no avail. The form was being rendered (in browser), the submit worked (no errors) but then the submitted form was not in the library. Looking further into this, the forms ended up being submitted to a form library on the root site - http://my_farm_url/form_lib! It makes sense when you think about it, that's where a relative url of form_lib takes you to, from the site, from the root site perspective.
For the moment the only solution I envision is to create a tool that will help users create sites based on the template, fixing the XSN behind the curtains. I don't know how to publish a form template programmatically but it should be possible. Apart from this unknown, it's also not very automated and I'll be very happy if a proper solution is possible that will work with SharePoint/InfoPath tools only.
You need to schedule a EventReceiver there is no way to do it for configuration.
In EventReceiver you have to read the file "Manifest.xsf", update the XML node is defined where the url and save the file "Manifest.xsf".
To read the XML node is necessary to use System.Xml.dll

Creating an item in a SharePoint Form Library from a SharePoint Designer Workflow

I'm using MOSS (SharePoint 2007) and InfoPath 2007.
I have a Form Library with an attached InfoPath form, and would like to create new items (forms) in this library during a workflow built in SharePoint designer.
I've tried using the "Create List Item" action, but it doesn't assign the correct metadata (the new item looks fine in a view of the list, but can't be used to render the form (the generic "form has been closed" error comes up if you try to view the item)).
I'm not adverse to writing my own custom WFA to do this in .NET if need be, although it'd be nice to find a simpler solution.
Can anyone provide any resources for how to achieve this in SPD, or programmatically? My searches on the topic so far have been unfruitful...
Found the solution to this, thanks to a video on YouTube:
For anyone else out there who (like me) might not be able to watch YouTube content where they need this information, here's the process:
Create IP form
Publish to SP Server (as doc lib)
On document library, change settings:
allow management of content types
display in browser
"Fill out" a blank version of the form and save it to the doc lib with name "template"
Open context menu for "template" form and select Download a Copy
Delete "template" form from document library
Open library in windows explorer
Open Forms dir
Paste downloaded copy of "template" form into the Forms dir (as template.xml)
Go back into doc lib settings
turn off management of content types
change template url to template.xml
press OK to save changes
Go back into advanced settings ago, and turn management of content types back on
In SPD, make a WF which uses Create List Item to put an item in that library
And that's it. Just 12 steps needed to publish an InfoPath form so that it behaves as you'd expect, and any SharePoint developer should be familiar with 12-step programs.

SharePoint 2010 - Creating a custom document library template

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to create a custom document library template for SharePoint 2010. When a user clicks on the Libraries link on the quick launch menu of a new SharePoint site, and then clicks the Create button, the Create dialog is launched.
I know this dialog window hosts a Silverlight control, but obviously there is a way to create custom template types in this window. There is even a category that is called Blank & Custom. I've tried copying and modifying the DocumentLibrary feature located in the following location - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks for reading, I'm sure the answer is obvious but I've been stumbling over Google and MSDN all morning trying to figure this out but I haven't had any luck.
Well, unfortunately the answer is not that obvious. You'll have to create a new List Definition (a document library is actually a list). For that there are several ways, but as a developer, I guess the most common way is to do that through Visual Studio.
A basic tutorial that will guide you through the steps can be found here:
After you deploy your solution, a new list template (or document library, depending what you created) will show up in the dialog.
Yes, it is not that obvious at all.
Most of the Microsoft documentation is now based on using Visual Studio 2010 and are more focused on the lists than on the document libraries.
By the way, as told by Erwin, document libraries in SharePoint 2010 seems to have become lists, but the lack of documentation regarding the creation of custom lists remains anyway, so after having perform some successful trials I have decided to publish a step by step guide.
Sharepoint 2010 custom ducoment library
