Automatically update AddedBy and EditedBy fields in SubSonic - subsonic

I have a data model that includes common columns like addedBy, editedby (user), addedDate, editedDate.
Is there a setting I can use in SubSonic 2.1 that will automatically update these fields appropriately instead of having to explicitly specify in every update?

Check out SubSonic uses a convention-based approach when it comes to audit columns. If you can change your column names to CreatedBy, ModifiedBy, CreatedOn, and ModifiedOn respectively, then they will be updated automatically. I don't think there's a way to change what those names can be without making changes to the SubSonic source code.


Is it possible to create my own custom KvExt table to fully implement and manage User Defined Fields for my custom table and page?

I have a custom table in SQL Server called AnimalBreed and maintenance page.
I wish to add User Defined Field support via the KvExt approach instead of
traditional practices involving either CSAnswers or a CacheExtension of the
DAC and underlying "Usr" fields.
Is this possible?
Can it be done for line-level (child) DACs, such as
existing INLocation and INLocationKvExt?
It appears the feature needs at least:
ensure your table has the NoteID column as uniqueidentifier datatype and the DAC has the corresponding field: Guid? NoteID and [PXNote()] attribute.
In the ASPX, if not ListView, add the following to the PXDataSource tag:
By making these changes, I can Manage User Defined Fields, choose Attributes to include, and I can store values to the KvExt table.
I am using Version = 19.205.0023
Sales Order page observation: if I add two UDFs on SO Order Entry page, one is combobox and one is checkbox, setting their values saves just fine, but then updating the combobox and save leads to loss of the checkbox (from true to false), unless you uncheck and recheck prior to the save. Is this a bug?
Maybe technically possible but definitely not recommended to use undocumented feature like KvExt.
If you need to deploy User Defined Fields on a page which already contains them. Configure them manually and then add them in a customization package in the user defined fields section for deployment as described here:

add extra fields to a brightway activity from an existing database

I want to store information in some activities that are modified versions of activities imported from an existing database (ecoinvent).
I know we can add fields to activities created from scratch (example). (I guess this is because the structure of the database has not yet been defined...) but is there a way of adding it to activities of an already defined database without breaking it?
The way around I found is to add entries to the author dict, which I can easily access later on. e.g.
but I admit it is not a very elegant solution.
You can just add whatever data you want. Brightway is a (semi-)schemaless database for exactly this reason.
act['foo'] = 'bar'

Restrict User input for PXSelector and use it only as a lookup

I have a case in my customisation project, were I have a PXSelector that I want it to solely act as a lookup, and would not like the users to input any data via the selector and create new records.
I could not find a way to limit this from the attribute itself, therefore I tried to limit it from the events that the control fires. The idea was that in the FieldUpdating Event I would verify whether the value inserted by the user can be found in the selector's key column, if not I would revert it back to the old value. The problem was that cancelling the event had no effect on the selector and since I did not know what the previous value was, I could not revert it back manually.
It sounds like you are trying to use a filter. You need a PXFilter view which then could be used to display data in a grid for example.
You can search the source for "PXFilter to find good examples. One I found is APVendorBalanceEnq which uses public PXFilter<APHistoryFilter> Filter
PXFilter views are not committed to the database. Typically you would create a new DAC for the filter based on your needs but you can use existing DACs that are bound to tables without the fear of the data making it to the database. With the filter you simply use the field values rather than load records into the view.

Extending Kuali Document Business Object

I am facing an issue with extended attributes on a document (trying to extend a document table). I created the original table’s PK (FDOC_NBR) in the extended table and linked the two via a foreignKey of the customized original table’s ojb entry (as an “extension” reference-descriptor). I created the bo and dd for the extension and customized the original document’s dd to add the new attributes. On the extended BO itself I also added members (with setters and getters) for the 2 new columns + for the PK column of documentNumber. I also added the new attributes to the documet’s jsp. The pertinent module definition was already extended to include custom dd, ojb, etc. files.
Indeed, when opening the document the new fields are shown- however, when trying to submit the document (regardless of doing anything with the new fields) I get an error-
Error Details: OJB operation; SQL []; ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL
exception is java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into
Seems like somehow the system tries to insert a value of NULL into the extension’s PK field, instead of the actual document number. Trying to debug this, in the action’s route method and all the way down to (which is as far down as I can go) I see the document with the real doc number is passed on, so the problem seems to be purely with ojb trying to set this number to the extension table.
Does anyone have any experience with extended attributes on documents that could help shed some light on this?
KFS is using the KNS, and in the Kuali Nervous System, the primary key on the extended attributes object must be set through manual intervention.
In this case, it looks as if you're adding an extended attribute to a transactional document, the Travel Arranger document (TAA), which simplifies things. Basically, you'll need to extend org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.document.TravelArrangerDocument and override prepareForSave to set the document number there (it may be set already since prepareForSave should be called several times during the routing process, but there's no real harm from overwriting that information as the base document's number will remain the same).
Hope this helps!

I'm missing functionalities on SubSonic 3

I'm starting to do some test on SubSonic 3 and I'm missing some stuff.
1st: Where's the Table names constants? The place where we could ask for the same of a certain table using intelisense...
2nd: Same as the above but for the table columns... where are they?
This is very useful mostly when you need to pass those names as string... it you need to refactor your DB we don't need to look through all the code to find where was I using that column!! Once you re-generate the code the compiler tells you!
3rd: Now how can I perform an ExecuteReader on a certain table like I'm used to on 2.x through the Query object? I used this a lot for list where I really don't need the business objects (BO) overhead... When I needed a BO (for showing a grid row details) I create it from the row itself...
I'm using ActiveRecord btw...
Thanks guys!
1st: Where's the Table names constants? The place where we could ask for the same of a certain table using intelisense...
In find the following line of code at line 47:
<# foreach(var col in tbl.Columns){#>
Add the following code above it:
public static string TableName { get { return "<#=tbl.Name#>"; } }
Now you'll have a property that returns the name of the table.
2nd: Same as the above but for the table columns... where are they?
In the generated Structs.cs file, this is included in the version
3rd: Now how can I perform an ExecuteReader on a certain table like I'm used to on 2.x through the Query object? I used this a lot for list where I really don't need the business objects (BO) overhead... When I needed a BO (for showing a grid row details) I create it from the row itself...
If you're using SqlQuery object you can call ExecuteReader on it. Alternatively you can use Linq syntax to generate return custom shaped objects and they'll get mapped automatically.
1st and 2nd: It's not implemented in the default tt-files.
A similiar question:
SubSonic 3 Simple Query Tool
Problem is that's not a correct implementation if you want the 2.x way - the XColumn properties used to be column objects and not string constants, those were found under the Columns struct. So I hope that check-in will not be accepted and that someone will 2.x-ify it correctly.
Anyway as you can see it seems pretty easy to fix it on your own.
