SharePoint 2007 Approval Workflow - Any other person can approve requirement - sharepoint

How can I use SharePoint's Content Approval to enforce the rule that any two people in a group can make a change?
We have a policy library that any two individuals can update (a modifier and an approver). If I do a group parallel approval, the modifier can approve their own work (I believe).
Unfortunately, I don't have access to Visual Studio or even SharePoint Designer (as these have been disabled by corporate).

It is straight forward
Add two users to approver group, Assign the workflow task to the Approvers group. Any one from the group can approve the workflow to initiate its next phase


Secure the 2-stages approval application using SharePoint & Power Apps & Power Automate

We have a travel request application. where a user submit a request which should go into 2 stages of approval process before it gets Final Approval.
Now we did the following:-
Create a SharePoint list which contain those fields; Title, Description, StareDate, EndDate, FirstApproval (the requestor direct manager), SecondApproval (the requester regional approval), Statues (system-generated with those options; open, first-approved, second-approved, Final-Approved).
Power Apps, which send emails to the first-approval and the second-approval users , and show-hide the Approved & Reject buttons based on the item status.
Power Automate,to set item-level permissions, so for example when the item needs first-approval only the approval's direct manager can edit the item, while all stakeholders can read-only.
now the process is not 100% secure, as a requestor using API call or using SharePoint built-in forms, can easily create a new request and define its status as Final-Approved. so in other words the requestor can bypass the Power Apps business logic. so how we can secure our process? so if an item has a status = "Final-Approved", then we can 100% sure that it actually went through the 2 approvals users?
One Approach i am thinking of, is as follow:-
To create additional SharePoint list >> which stores the ItemID + ItemStatus.
Grant all users Read-Only on this new list while grant the service account Contribute.
Update this new list from Power automate Only. so for example only if the submitter's direct manager did the approval, to change the status inside the new list to First-Approved, and so on.. Also only if the submitter's regional manager approve the request + there is already an approval from the direct manager to change the status from First-Approved to Second-Approval.. so what ever the status is inside the new lit i can be sure that it has not been hacked, as end-user will have read-only on this new list.. can anyone advice please?
I believe this question is not unique to you, many SharePoint developers need to make specific configurations or use some artifices to ensure a certain process developed in SharePoint.
Using exclusive/custom permission control into List and uses the PowerAutomate layer to conntrol List Item permission only to approver will secures some update from Rest API, for example.
If you want to block New Insert items and/or block Update items by PowerApps, you can substitute the instruction into "OnEdit" and/or "OnNew" events using ResetForm(SharePointForm1);; RequestHide();; with this instructions in these events block some user to create or update SharePoint Items.
Into SharePoint list settings, in advanced settings, you can disable attachments, disable comments in list item, disable search, disable quick edit, disable launch form in dialog.
I think that's all.

how to change share point workflow are complete

In SharePoint 2010, i created an info path form and submitted it to SharePoint.
With Microsoft SharePoint designer i created a workflow for this form.
At this workflow I implemented removing permission from some group and getting contribute access to 2 person.
Now after 3 month, there are 450 item in form library.
And i want to add another person to (2 persons) that have contribute access.
So, i changed workflow in SharePoint designer.
It is correct for new items that created after this time. but i want this new workflow set to old item that before 3 month created!
how can I do that?
If I've understood the question correctly. That you want to add the new person to the existing permissions. Then don't do it through workflow.
Assuming that your 450 forms mean that there are 450 groups that need to be changed, the easiest way is to create a list of the group names and use PowerShell to add the new user to all of the groups.
Better still if you can, would be to create an Active Directory Security Group with the 3 people in it and apply that to all of the SharePoint groups. Then you will never have to go through the same exercise again as you can simply change the AD group and the SharePoint groups will all be correct.

SharePoint 2010 - Three-State ootb Workflow with multiple user for a step?

I want to use the three state out of the box workflow in SharePoint 2010.
My problem is now, that I only can assign a task to one user for a step (It is not possible to add a second person in this field)
Is there any way to assign a task to a group? Like a exchange group or something else?
You are correct that multiple users are not allowed for the field. But you can assign the respective task to an Active Directory group. If you would want more customization you would need to implement the workflow yourself.

SharePoint Designer 2010 Out of Box Approval Workflow

I am using SharePoint Designer (SPD) 2010 Approval Workflow. I have a Lib with two people fields. Approver 1 and Approver 2. I want to pass these values to SPD 2010 Approval Workflow (Instead of doing hardcoded on Approval Stages in browser) so that I can assign approver dynamically. my SPD 2010 OOTB WF is not receiving the approvers from the form. Email is always sent to person who initiate the request and gets the message that "Instead of xxx person assiggning the Task to "originator"
Can you please provide me the solution on this
I can't see any easy way you will be able to do this. I would advise you rethink your workflow?
Perhaps you could just use the standard approval workflow (library settings -> workflow settings -> create new workflow (approval)) - there is an option when setting this up to allow users to specify who they want the approvers to be. So when the user starts the workflow manually, they can choose who the approvers are. This might fit your needs?

MOSS: Approval Workflow: how to make the document readonly after it has been approved

I am new to MOSS development and while I'm learning it I have a problem waiting to be solved.
We are using the standard approval workflow in one of our test sites just to get the feel of the approval workflow. We have the standard approval workflow in place and working but what has become more desirable is to have the document set to readonly mode after its approval.
What should be my approach to configure/implement this feature?
Custom ItemUpdating event handler on the workflow task list - check the status of the task, and if it is Approved, get the Item object through the task workflow association and adjust permissions on the Item.
Or you start a second workflow - depending on the approval workflow outcome. Create a SharePoint Designer Workflow using the custom activities to set the item permissions.
To set the item permissions download the Useful Sharepoint Designer Custom Workflow Activities
The advantage of this approach is, that you do not need to write code to create an Eventhandler.
