CruiseControl.Net switch from console to service -

I have set up a build server. When running it in console mode it works fine, but when trying to run it as a windows service it doesn't work. The log file shows the following message:
Source control operation failed: No VSS database (srcsafe.ini) found.
Use the SSDIR environment variable or run netsetup.
The ssdir is set in ccnet.config, so what am I missing here?

Not sure if it's applicable but when I had problems switching between the Console version and the Service version it was down to access rights for the user I was starting the service as.
Perhaps the Service does not have access rights to the srcsafe.ini file and your account does(assuming that's what your using to run the console).
Apologies if I'm way off the mark, just trying to help!

I ran into similar issues when setting up our CI environment at work. If you can get log-in permissions for the service account you are using, you can log in as that account and run CC.NET via the console and debug your issues.


Visual studio 2012 tf command not working in logged off state

I'm using visual studio 2012 and tfs to do my development When I try to get the latest files using get command in tf.exe through batch in a logged off state, below error is shown.Where else running the batch manually in logged in state gets the latest file. Could anyone please help me on this regard. Thanks in advance
TF30063: You are not authorized to access
What I have tried:
I have tried to turn on alternate authentication credential also,
tried with correct -login:credentials
You have to use an Active Directory account for on-premise TFS -- you can't directly provide a hotmail account.
According to the error info, you need to specific credentials with the command in the batch script.
Use /login option to specify credentials when running a command
Use the /login option to specify the Team Foundation Server user
account to run a command. This option can be useful when you are
working at the machine of another team member.
For example:
c:\code\SiteApp\Main\SolutionA\Project1>tf get program.cs /login:JuliaI,JuliaPassword

kentico continuous integration failure

I am try to synch my Kentico 9 database using ContinuousIntegration.exe -r.
I'm getting the following error message:
"The application is not a web application, it cannot provide database installation wizard. Please install the database externally, and setup the connection string."
The app has been setup as a web application.
I've run this through PowerShell and at the Command Prompt (Admin) and always get the same error. I've followed the online procedure exactly. No joy.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
Run the ContinuousIntegration.exe utility from bin folder (not Lib).

MSBuild publish task fails - Unable to create directory

I have a web project that I want to publish after a successful build.
In the Edit Build Definition Window i enter the following in the MSBuild Arguments textbox:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=PushtoDrott
This profile is working very well locally, and even on our TFS server machine when run in the command line. On the server i use an account with local admin priviliges.
What does not work however is the task. The following error is presented:
(93): Unable to create directory
"\\remote_server_name\disk$\directory". Access to the path
'\\remote_server_name\disk$\directory' is denied.
This is most likely a security problem, but how do i go around and solve it?
Wich user is the task run by?
Is MSBuild handing over this task to some other process?
When you ran the task on the TFS server machine, what user did you login as?
When Tfs build runs on a server the process will be run under the user which is configured to run tfs build agent service. So find that user and provide it access to the mentioned path and it will work.
We found out that the profile could publish the site when the site was stopped. It was most likely a case of IIS locking some file when there are users on the site.

What is this vague error with 'redirection.config' while building a Web Deploy package?

I'm trying to build a Web Deploy package via msbuild on a new machine and it's not working. It builds fine on other machines, but here I get the following vague error:
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Filename: redirection.config
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Error: Cannot read configuration file
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error :
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Unknown error (0x80005000)
I'm not sure what 'redirection.config' is, and the line reference to the .targets file doesn't help at all.
How can I fix this?
redirection.config is a file that lives in the IIS configuration directory, typically %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\config. Here are two possibilities:
The account building your project doesn't have access to the IIS config dir. This might happen if you have an automated build identity with special permissions, or you if you need to start Visual Studio as an administrator.
You don't have IIS installed at all on the new machine. Check to be sure the IIS config directory, and redirection.config in particular, even exist. If not, you'll need to install IIS.
If you receive this error when deploying with Release Managment (via IISConfig.exe) be sure that the deployment agent service account is in the local Administrators group. You may need to restart the deployment agent service.
Similar Issue resolved below - Might help
Insufficient Permissions Problems with MSDeploy and TFS Build 2010
For me, simply running visual studio as admin gave it the elevated permissions it needed to operate against this folder.
May work for others.
I got this error when I tried to use a relative path for the contentPath setting. I fixed it by settings the contentPath to the full path of the folder. Without the full path, the contentPath provider thinks it is a site path or application path and looks for it in in the IIS configuration.
This error just appeared to me when my C# project was referencing the Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version= assembly. It looks like this assembly only works with IIS Express. For IIS, we must use Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version=
After hours of testing and troubleshooting this problem turned out to be an issue with the users profile.
This was found by logging in as myself and I didn't receive the same issue.
To fix this issue:
Log into the machine as an administrator and delete the contents of the corrupt profile from C:\Users (or rename the folder to username.OLD)
Open up the registry and navigate here – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Find the corrupt profile and rename this to .OLD or remove it.
You can read more about it at this article.
As this is high in search engines when looking for this error, I'll post my solution.
I used Azure Pipelines to release the app to IIS and had this error. My issue was that I mistakenly used Build Agent job instead of Deployment Group job when configuring the release pipeline.
On server 2012 this error can be caused by UAC which needs to be disabled via the registry.
This article explains why...
change DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0

CSUPLOAD Error: Cannot find the VM Role Agent-Failed the verification tests

I'm about ready to cry so any help is appreciated:
I have prepared a VM Role, installed the Azure Integration Tools and run the sysprep, running csupload from a 64bit command prompt machine, but still am getting this error:
Cannot find the VM Role Agent
Failed the verification test
Cannot prepare VHD.....
I tried just bypassing with skipverify, but when trying to run, the instance is declared unhealthy.
Any ideas?
I think you might need to check the Version of the SDK
