How to Install Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart? [closed] - sharepoint

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Closed 14 years ago.
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I'm trying to use the Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart with a project that I'm working on and I can't seem to get a clear indication on exactly where it comes from (or maybe I just don't understand?). This page indicates that it's "installed by the Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies". However, I can't seem to figure out exactly where/what that is.
Could somebody please point me in the right direction?

Actually, I think I just found it!


Contribute a Module in joomla [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have finished a module in joomla name mod_widget now i want to deploy on joomla website to another users.
User download and use it.How can i upload this Please someone help me
Thanks in advance
First you need a JED account. Register for that here. Then browse until you reach your perfect category to which you need to upload. After reaching you will find a button to submit your own extension. read more about it here under Submitting an extension.

Google Sites: Clicking link mailto: does not open gmail anymore [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Clicking link mailto: on my Google Site does not open gmail anymore. Has something changed? Thanks for information!
I don't know that which browser you are using. May be it's a browser specific problem.
Check with different browsers to see if it's same for all.
Also, try this link. It may help you -

Side by side configuration error - Excel [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I recently opened one excel file and from then on, anytime I open Excel, it throws me an error 'Side by side configuration'. I've tried many solutions found on the internet, but with no success (.Net framework, registry, MS Visual C++).
Please help, thanks, regards
I figured it out: I copied excel.exe.manifest file from the other computer to my computer and it worked!

SharePoint 2010 - multiple URLs? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Currently sharepoint responds to I want it to respond to also. This is an intranet site.
Is a DNS alias and alternate access mapping all I need to do? If not what are the necessary steps to accomplish this?
It seems so. Take a look at this: and this: According to the second link you may want to set Zone setting to Extranet.

Is CouchDBX still available for download? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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If it is, can someone provide me with a download link? I've been looking through google and through the couchbase website, and so far haven't found any reference to the dbx builds.
Couchbase is different from CouchDB, so if you can't use it in your shop (like me), CouchDBX is still available here:
(Please don't take it down :-)
If you follow the link from CouchDBX page, you will land on Couchbase's site, where to find the OS X binary package under its new name, Couchbase Server Community Edition (direct link to download page).
This is were I got it, at least.
