Create WCF client programmatically - wcf-client

I have a website with a Silverlight-enabled WCF service. The service works fine, and I can browse to the WSDL page in the browser with no problems.
Now, I am trying to create a client in a DLL. I need to create the whole client programmatically though, because it is being called in a DLL, which for whatever reason (by design?) won't read the ServiceModel section from its own config file.
So here is my code:
Dim endp As EndpointAddress = New EndpointAddress("")
Dim bind As WSHttpBinding = New WSHttpBinding()
Dim svc = New lnt.licClient(bind, endp)
Dim rsp = svc.CheckIt(key)
But when i call the svc.CheckIt method, i get the following error:
Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service
The client and service bindings may be mismatched.
{"The remote server returned an error: (415) Cannot process the message because the content type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+msbin1'.."}
How do I properly create my client so that these are properly "matched"??
Thanks in advance!!!

Ah --- found it. The ServiceModel section in the website's web.config was set to customBinding. Changed it so it matched what the client was sending, and now it works beautifully.

I ran into this same issue. More spefically my fix was to update the type of bindings I was using. I was using wsHttpBindings instead of basicHttpBindings. This was causing failures as wsHttpBindings uses SOAP 1.2 while basicHttpBindings use SOAP 1.1 and the service I was using required SOAP 1.1

I had the same error. Service was compiling, client aplication too. Service reference in client aplication was updating reference succesfully. I've tried deleting and add reference once again and it was'nt helpfull. The problem was in removed interface in web service.


Office-js addin with webapi on Azure. Fetch error

Windows 10 20H2, VS 2019 Community
Application contains one office-js addin (typescript) + one Webapi core (c#) in a container, both components communicating with a fetch function thanks to cors.
It works properly on my local computer.
I published both components on azure, the webapi component being derived as a container instance. I checked that the correct azure addin address was entered in the webapi startup module.
Now, each individual component works properly (proof with messages from the addin and with postman for the webapi) but fetch function raises errors (message = "failed to fetch).
Could someone tell me what I did miss ?
Thanks in advance.
Closed. Finally it was about :
debugging in localhost is not enough. You have to test with Swagger. In my case I had a wrong return with a String[] and the decoration of the controller was not ok
having a plain Web api application (ie : with a wwwroot)

How do i use the Kenitco API from a Console App

I'm using Kentico V10 and I can run the website locally. However, when i try to use the API from a console app, i'm getting the following error.
{"Object type 'cms.class' not found."}
The stackTrace has a call to check license. I'm following this page, and it says you have to add a license for your domain, but what domain is used when you are running from a console app?
I'm using this code from taken from this page.
string userName = "myuser";
// Gets the user with the specified user name
UserInfo userInfo = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName);
// Gets the authentication URL for a specified user and target URL
string url = AuthenticationHelper.GetUserAuthenticationUrl(userInfo, "SecuredSurvey");
If that was available via the REST API, i'd be happy to get the URL that way, but from what i can see, it's not available.
Kentico has some good documentation on how to use the API in an external application, specifically a console library here.
Very notable steps are:
Connecting to the database; make sure you use the same connection string as in your web.config
Install the Kentico.Libraries NuGet package
Initialize Kentico in your application in the Global.asax file.
Write custom code all day long.

Azure Functions NodeJs: Remove Http Response Header

I have an HTTP triggered, NodeJs Azure Function, and I'm looking to remove the "X-Powered-By" header from my response, but have found no way to do so.
I've tried adding both this and this azure site extensions, but neither has worked for me,
Setting the response header manually, i.e. res.headers = { ['x-powered-by']: null } is ineffective.
Based on the comments made on this github issue: it would seem that using either extension should have removed the headers you wanted.
Modifying the response headers will likely won't work as they are probably added further down the pipeline by the function host and not overridable, see:
Access Azure Function runtime settings
Azure functions recently removed the x-aspnet-version header, further removal of other headers is tracked as part of the azure-webjobs-script-sdk here
You should leave a comment on the github issue and you can further discuss with the team working on this.
There is an extension called Remove Custom Headers that works for Web Apps but not for functions that have their own resource group. So, what you can do is:
1. Create a regular Web App
2. Create a function and make sure you use the same Hosting Plan as the Web App (do not use Consumption).
3. Once the function is created, install the extension named: "Remove Custom Headers"
4. Restart the function and the headers (Server and X-Powered-By) should disappear.

Precompiled Azure Function and SOAP endpoints

I'm writing a precompiled Azure function that will perform a SOAP call to ServiceNow. The code works as a standalone exe but I can't seem to get it converted to a precompiled function. In know it's because my DLL can't find the app.config file but what's the best way to get around it. Error message below. ServiceNow requires I set certain bindings and endpoint configuration. The other contractors for their ServiceNowSoapClient class allow me to specify a url directly but don't seem to allow me to get to the binding settings.
Exception while executing function: Functions.TimerTriggerCSharp.
System.ServiceModel: Could not find endpoint element with name
'ServiceNowSoapDev' and contract 'ServiceNowReference.ServiceNowSoap'
in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be
because no configuration file was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the
client element.
In WCF you can define your client binding and endpoint programmatically instead of using app.config. Use the constructor of the generated client with two parameters:
new ServiceNowSoapClient(binding, remoteAddress);
See more code here.

Just created Azure Mobile App service calls return http 400 error

Here's what I'm doing.
Install latest Azure SDK (by the date)
Open Visual Studio 2013
Create a new Azure Mobile App project. The simple service is created with TodoItem DataObject and 2 simple controllers - TodoItemController and ValuesController
Do not change anything
Start the project
The service is started and hosted in local IISExpress on url http://localhost:50993/ (the port may vary).
The "This mobile app is up and running" web page is opened in the browser. But http 400 error is returned when I try to invoke some GET-actions: for example http://localhost:50993/api/values or http://localhost:50993/tables/TodoItem.
Any ideas? Is something wrong in my environment or is that me doing something wrong?
I guess you can opt out of version checking by setting a value of true for the app setting MS_SkipVersionCheck. Specify this either in your web.config or in the Application Settings section of the Azure Portal.
This generally happens when you don't add a ZUMO-API-VERSION header to the request. This is required when making requests from a REST client, but the mobile client SDKs add the header automatically.
To fix, add the header ZUMO-API-VERSION with value of 2.0.0.
To learn more, see
at the end will do the trick.

