What's a good way to deal with permissions with automated deployments across domains? - security

I have been working to automate some deployment processes using just Nant for the time being. Once the Nant script scripts are fairly stable and proven, I'll be looking to incorporate CruiseControl.net or similar product.
With that being said, I ran into a snag today.
I have a Nant script that will copy files from a network share that is used as a staging area to the destination (very simple to start out with). In my snag today, I was attempting to copy the files to another file share that was on a separate domain. The two domains do now have any trust between them.
The user running the Nant script had accessed both locations via Windows Explorer first to ensure that he had an authenticated session with both domains. When he ran the script, he of course got an access denied error since Nant.exe was running under the credentials of the other domain. This was an oversight on my part.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to address this issue without touching AD?

There isn't any way that I can think of without touching AD that wouldn't be a hack. The right way to do it is to setup a service account in the domain where the nant job is running that has rights in the other domain. Then have the nant job run under the service account. The only hacky way that I can think of is to find a way to have the user with rights in both domains kick off the nant job and I'm not even positive that that would work.

It's rather hacky, but you could have a NAnt task plug in the credentials for the foreign share, either by P/Invoking WNetUseConnection or by issuing a command like
net use \\host\share password /user:user#domain
before copying the files across.


Azure Classic VM. How to fix Error: "We couldn't complete the updates. Undoing changes. Don't turn off your computer."

An automated Windows update this morning left my Windows Server 2012 R2 Classic Virtual Machine on Azure in a semi-crashed state. The VM is a web server, and all the files and applications in it are still accessible via the browser. In other words, IIS and a number of other services are still running. Unfortunately, however, the VM is not accessible via Remote Desktop and is unresponsive to commands from the Azure management interface on the portal.azure.com website.
This type of error is quite common and can be found reported on many other websites. The error has been happening to Windows users (not just Windows Server) for many years already, and none of the solutions online will work for Azure users, because they involve restarting from a CD, pressing shift-f8 during boot, issuing DOS commands, restoring from backup, or unchecking certain properties in VMWare or other software.
Does anybody have a real solution for this problem on Microsoft Azure?
After struggling with this for weeks, I think I was able to fix this with the help of Microsoft support! I decide to post the solution here in case it can help someone in the future. Here are the three things that you need to do to fix this:
1-Restore the VM from a backup prior to the crash. The VM with the "Undoing Changes" crash is pretty much toast at this point. Now, proceed to steps 2 and 3 to ensure that the next batch of Windows Updates won't crash it again!
2-On your new VM, ensure that the Environment Variables for TEMP and TMP both point to C:\Windows\TEMP. In my case, they were both pointing to a temporary folder in the logged in user's profile.
3-Ensure that C:\Windows\TEMP is always empty. I achieved this by setting up a scheduled task that runs a simple BAT file that deletes all files and folders inside of the C:\Windows\TEMP once a day. I spoke with a Microsoft representative who said that even though you may have plenty of hard drive space in your C:\ drive, the Windows TEMP folder is really not supposed to get much bigger than 500MB. When it gets very large you may have some issues with Windows Updates (mine was just under 500MB when the updates were failing).
I would recommend contacting Azure support as something may have to be done by an engineer to fix the issue and unfortunately classic VMs don't have the redeploy feature.
I've added only InboundPort 3389 RPD, and works well now.

How to backup and restore IIS configuration from script

I'm writting a script that sets up a lot of different applications in Windows (mainly svn and open source servers for http, dns, mail, ftp and db). This script is intended to be executed in new/clean Windows workstations for new developers, it automatically sets everything up to create an environment very similar to the one in production. After it's executed, everything runs locally and the developer can start working right away.
This not only helps new developers, but all existing developers whenever there are changes in the whole system, everything is replicated locally.
The one thing I'm still not able to do is making some kind of backup of an IIS server that is running a web app (it's in the Prod server) and restoring it automatically to the new developer's machine so he doesn't have to install/configure IIS locally.
I've read about using appcmd.exe to create and restore backups, but that works only for the same machine (it uses encryption keys and those keys change between computers).
Is there a way, a scriptable way, to take everything IIS related from one server and restore it on another server, without user intervention and having the restored IIS run exactly as the original?
Thanks in advance!
Just putting this here so anyone who comes across this will have an understanding as to why this wasn't answered. A website has a massive amount of variables associated with it that prevents any easy methods to copy all of its configuration through one or even just a few cmdlets.
To get started though you would want to become very familiar with the applicationHost.config file and how you access the properties within it using the Get-WebConfigurationProperty. One way to get familiar with how to script against webconfiguration properties is to use the Configuration Editor in IIS. Whenever you make a change in the Configuration Editor, before commiting the changes there is a nifty little link titled Generate Script, which will have a Powershell tab you can use to help you gather the proper Get/Set commands for the configuration elements within the applicationHost.config file.
I've created something almost exactly like what the OP is looking for and it spans 4 modules (over 20,000 lines of code) and has a SQL backend that holds all of the configuration elements.
When a website has everything from underlying DLLs that may need registered, IsapiCGI Restrictions and IsapiFilters, accounts that are tied to the AppPool that may need added to certain local groups on the server, to secure bindings that require a certificate to be loaded on the server. You can see that this isn't a simple undertaking. (and these are just a small portion of the variables that a website may contain)
There is however a large chunk of cmdlets that Microsoft provides you out of the box that you can leverage to aid you in developing something like this inside the WebAdministration module. I know this is four years old but hope anyone who stumbled on this will find the above useful.

IIS executable not executing

I have been looking at an issue for a week straight and have been unable to figure it out and I am desperate for the fix.
On a client site, we have two environments: UAT and PROD. UAT works perfect (Please keep this in mind). We are now trying to deploy the solution to PROD but certain parts of the solution are not working.
We have developed an asp.net application that we provide to clients to allow them to invoke SSIS packages (there are a couple of drop downs that they first select then click a button named "invoke").
When the user clicks the Invoke button, a batch file named InvokeSSIS.bat is called that assembles a command line call to dtexec with the appropriate parameters.
I'm having a problem with a particular package that is responsible for calling an executable which generates a spreadsheet that i will be importing into my system.
The executable is on an mapped H:\ drive.
I have modified the InvokeSSIS.bat batch file to capture the command the batch file is generating. If I execute this command from the command line, it works perfectly. From the webapp Invoker, it executes the package but the tasks responsible for calling the executable doesn't execute as the entire package takes only 1 second to complete (whereas it should take about a minute.)
The executable DOES have a GUI, but it is NOT interactive. This is because when you call the GUI with specific parameters, it automatically runs in batch mode and executes a macro used to generate the desired spreadsheet.
I know this is ok because it works on the UAT server AND it works from the command line!
I have checked the permissions on the executable (bu right-clicking the executable and clicking properties.) I have granted Full Control on the executable to the same user specified as the identity tab of the application pool i am using.
Can someone please help me? As I said I am dying over here!
Please let me know if you have any ideas or what other info you need.
Environment (both UAT and PROD)
OS: Windows Server 2003
asp.net 2.0
SQL Server 2008
You can't use a mapped drive with IIS.
You must use the \\servername syntax to reach files on other systems.
I agree with user544284 that this is at least in part a mapping issue. I'll ignore for a minute the complete insanity of having a web application call a batch file to start an executable that's on a remote network drive through a drive letter mapping.
Most likely the UAT box has something set up that maps that drive letter for you which Prod is missing.
The only other possibility is a security violation is occurring. Running .exe's from a network drive is generally frowned on. Do the two environments have the exact same version of windows? Are they configured the same with regards to UAC? Any differences here are going to be important.
Which brings up an interesting thought. I wonder if someone logged in to the UAT server using the same account credentials the app pool is using and added the ip address of the machine where the exe lives to the list of "Local Intranet" sites... Or, if they installed SSIS on the UAT server itself.
Just because YOU can log in to the server and run it on the command line means nothing. You have to find out if the drive letter is mapped at all for the user that the web app is running under and whether that user has the required security bits and whether the local OS will allow it regardless.
Okay, I can't ignore it: hairbrained is the nicest adjective I can come up with for this "architecture". Do yourself a favor and go back to the drawing board on this one. It has the word "brittle" written all over it, as you have already found. Instead of building out a batch file to call dtexec, just do it directly either by something like this or this.

coldfusion scheduled tasks iis permission

I am trying to use the ColdFusion administrator to schedule a task. It is returning an error which says that there are not enough permissions to execute the task.
I can successfully execute the cfm file in IE, so it's not an error with the actual file.
So from what I've read about this, it appears to be an IIS problem. Do I need to change IIS_WPG permissions on the scheduled tasks folder?
I'm wondering what permissions I need to change to be able to execute scheduled tasks. Also would be interested in best security practices.
Although I was not initially aware of this, I found out that windows integrated authentication was turned on.
I had the server admin set the IIS security on folder to anonymous access which contained the tasks. This fixed the problem.

Modifying Cruise Control.NET

We are investigating using CruiseControl.NET as both a Continues Integration build provider, as well as automating the first part of our deployment process.
Has anyone modified CruiseControl.NET's dashboard to add custom login and user roles (IE, Separate out access to forcing a build to only certain individuals on a per project basis?
The dashboard is a .NET App, but I believe it uses the nVelocity view engine instead of web forms, which I don't have experience with.
Can you mix nVelocity and Webforms,or do I need to spend a day learning something new =)
We are leveraging CC.NET to both run a CI build, as well as being able to use the Force Build feature to do a Build + Deploy. That is why we want hands off the dashboard.
I found this morning that I was able to place CCNET in a virtual directory within another web app, This allowed me to setup Forms Authentication, and let the root app manage that. Problem solved.
Why do you need to? Do you really need to limit users in the way with an integration server. I think that's why CC.Net doesn't have that sort of support built in.
You can always see who forced a build, and control it that way.
I find that continuous integration works best with regular builds and regular unit test runs (our rather large C# app + test run takes 25 mins and checks hourly), so for me forcing a build is rarely an issue.
If you want some users to have some kind of report-only access you could limit them so that they can't access the CC.Net web application at all.
All the results (MSBuild, NCover, NUnit, FxCop, etc) are in XML, so you can build relativity simple report pages out of XSLT.
