Can data be loaded in Apache Spark RDD/Dataframe on the fly? - apache-spark

Can data be loaded on the fly or does it have be pre-loaded into the RDD/DataFrame?
Say I have a SQL database and I use the JDBC source to load 1,000,000 records into the RDD. If for example a new records comes in the DB, can I write a job that will add that 1 new record the RDD/Dataframe to make it 1,000,001? Or does the entire RDD/DataFrame have to be rebuilt?

I guess it depends on what you mean by add (...) record and rebuilt. It is possible to use SparkContext.union or RDD.union to merge RDDs and DataFrame.unionAll to merge DataFrames.
As long as RDDs, which are merged, use the same serializer there is no need for reserialization but, if the same partitioner is used for both, it will require repartitioning.
Using JDBC source as an example:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{max, lit}
val pMap = Map("url" -> "jdbc:..", "dbtable" -> "test")
// Load first batch
val df1 = sqlContext.load("jdbc", pMap).cache
// Get max id and trigger cache
val maxId =$"id")).first().getInt(0)
// Some inserts here...
// Get new records
val dfDiff = sqlContext.load("jdbc", pMap).where($"id" > lit(maxId))
// Combine - only dfDiff has to be fetched
// Should be cached as before
If you need an updatable data structure IndexedRDD implements key-value store on Spark.


Deleting specific column in Cassandra from Spark

I was able to delete specific column with the RDD API with -
sc.cassandraTable("books_ks", "books")
.deleteFromCassandra("books_ks", "books",SomeColumns("book_price"))
I am struggling to do this with the Dataframe API.
Can someone please share an example?
You cannot delete via the DF API and it's unnatural via the RDD api. RDDs and DFs are immutable, meaning no modification. You can filter them to cut them down but this generates a new RDD / DF.
Having said that what you can do is filter out the rows that you wish to delete and then just build a C* client to carry out that deletion:
// imports for Spark and C* connection
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra._
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnectorConf
spark.setCassandraConf("Test Cluster", CassandraConnectorConf.ConnectionHostParam.option("localhost"))
val df ="org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").options(Map("keyspace" -> "books_ks", "table" -> "books")).load()
val dfToDelete = df.filter($"price" < 3).select($"price");;
// import for C* client
import com.datastax.driver.core._
// build a C* client (part of the dependency of the scala driver)
val clusterBuilder = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("");
val cluster =;
val session = cluster.connect();
// loop over everything that you filtered in the DF and delete specified row.
for(price <- dfToDelete.collect())
session.execute("DELETE FROM books_ks.books WHERE price=" + price.get(0).toString);
Few Warnings This wont work well if you're trying to delete a large portion of rows. Using collect here means that this work will be done in Spark's driver program, aka SPOF & bottle-neck.
Better way to do this would be to go a) define a DF UDF to carry out the delete, benefit would be you get parallelization. Option b) to the RDD level and just the delete as you've shown above.
Moral of the story, just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be done.

Spark RDD do not get processed in multiple nodes

I have a use case where in i create rdd from a hive table. I wrote a business logic that operates on every row in the hive table. My assumption was that when i create rdd and span a map process on it, it then utilises all my spark executors. But, what i see in my log is only one node process the rdd while rest of my 5 nodes sitting idle. Here is my code
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow")
var x = { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
Any clue where i go wrong?
As specify here by #jaceklaskowski
By default, a partition is created for each HDFS partition, which by
default is 64MB (from Spark’s Programming Guide).
If your input data is less than 64MB (and you are using HDFS) then by default only one partition will be created.
Spark will use all nodes when using big data
Could there be a possibility that your data is skewed?
To rule out this possibility, do the following and rerun the code.
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow").repartition(200)
var x = { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
Further if in your map logic you are dependent on a particular column you can do below
val flow = hiveContext.sql("select * from humsdb.t_flow").repartition(col("yourColumnName"))
var x = { row =>
< do some computation on each row>
A good partition column could be date column

Overwrite specific partitions in spark dataframe write method

I want to overwrite specific partitions instead of all in spark. I am trying the following command:
where df is dataframe having the incremental data to be overwritten.
hdfs-base-path contains the master data.
When I try the above command, it deletes all the partitions, and inserts those present in df at the hdfs path.
What my requirement is to overwrite only those partitions present in df at the specified hdfs path. Can someone please help me in this?
Finally! This is now a feature in Spark 2.3.0:
To use it, you need to set the spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode setting to dynamic, the dataset needs to be partitioned, and the write mode overwrite. Example:
I recommend doing a repartition based on your partition column before writing, so you won't end up with 400 files per folder.
Before Spark 2.3.0, the best solution would be to launch SQL statements to delete those partitions and then write them with mode append.
This is a common problem. The only solution with Spark up to 2.0 is to write directly into the partition directory, e.g.,
If you are using Spark prior to 2.0, you'll need to stop Spark from emitting metadata files (because they will break automatic partition discovery) using:
sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("parquet.enable.summary-metadata", "false")
If you are using Spark prior to 1.6.2, you will also need to delete the _SUCCESS file in /root/path/to/data/partition_col=value or its presence will break automatic partition discovery. (I strongly recommend using 1.6.2 or later.)
You can get a few more details about how to manage large partitioned tables from my Spark Summit talk on Bulletproof Jobs.
data.toDF().write.mode("overwrite").format("parquet").partitionBy("date", "name").save("s3://path/to/somewhere")
This works for me on AWS Glue ETL jobs (Glue 1.0 - Spark 2.4 - Python 2)
Adding 'overwrite=True' parameter in the insertInto statement solves this:
hiveContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true")
hiveContext.setConf("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict")
df.write.mode("overwrite").insertInto("database_name.partioned_table", overwrite=True)
By default overwrite=False. Changing it to True allows us to overwrite specific partitions contained in df and in the partioned_table. This helps us avoid overwriting the entire contents of the partioned_table with df.
Using Spark 1.6...
The HiveContext can simplify this process greatly. The key is that you must create the table in Hive first using a CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement with partitioning defined. For example:
# Hive SQL
(name STRING)
(age INT)
LOCATION 'hdfs:///tmp/tables/test'
From here, let's say you have a Dataframe with new records in it for a specific partition (or multiple partitions). You can use a HiveContext SQL statement to perform an INSERT OVERWRITE using this Dataframe, which will overwrite the table for only the partitions contained in the Dataframe:
# PySpark
hiveContext = HiveContext(sc)
hiveContext.sql("""INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test PARTITION (age)
SELECT name, age
FROM update_dataframe""")
Note: update_dataframe in this example has a schema that matches that of the target test table.
One easy mistake to make with this approach is to skip the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE step in Hive and just make the table using the Dataframe API's write methods. For Parquet-based tables in particular, the table will not be defined appropriately to support Hive's INSERT OVERWRITE... PARTITION function.
Hope this helps.
Tested this on Spark 2.3.1 with Scala.
Most of the answers above are writing to a Hive table. However, I wanted to write directly to disk, which has an external hive table on top of this folder.
First the required configuration
val sparkSession: SparkSession = SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic") // Required for overwriting ONLY the required partitioned folders, and not the entire root folder
Usage here:
.format("<required file format>")
.partitionBy("<partitioned column name>")
.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) // This is required.
I tried below approach to overwrite particular partition in HIVE table.
### load Data and check records
raw_df = spark.table("test.original")
lets say this table is partitioned based on column : **c_birth_year** and we would like to update the partition for year less than 1925
### Check data in few partitions.
sample = raw_df.filter(col("c_birth_year") <= 1925).select("c_customer_sk", "c_preferred_cust_flag")
print "Number of records: ", sample.count()
### Back-up the partitions before deletion
raw_df.filter(col("c_birth_year") <= 1925).write.saveAsTable("test.original_bkp", mode = "overwrite")
### UDF : To delete particular partition.
def delete_part(table, part):
qry = "ALTER TABLE " + table + " DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (c_birth_year = " + str(part) + ")"
### Delete partitions
part_df = raw_df.filter(col("c_birth_year") <= 1925).select("c_birth_year").distinct()
part_list = x : x[0]).collect()
table = "test.original"
for p in part_list:
delete_part(table, p)
### Do the required Changes to the columns in partitions
df = spark.table("test.original_bkp")
newdf = df.withColumn("c_preferred_cust_flag", lit("Y"))"c_customer_sk", "c_preferred_cust_flag").show()
### Write the Partitions back to Original table
### Verify data in Original table
orginial.filter(col("c_birth_year") <= 1925).select("c_customer_sk", "c_preferred_cust_flag").show()
Hope it helps.
As jatin Wrote you can delete paritions from hive and from path and then append data
Since I was wasting too much time with it I added the following example for other spark users.
I used Scala with spark 2.2.1
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, SaveMode, SparkSession}
case class DataExample(partition1: Int, partition2: String, someTest: String, id: Int)
object StackOverflowExample extends App {
//Prepare spark & Data
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
val tableName = "my_table"
val partitions1 = List(1, 2)
val partitions2 = List("e1", "e2")
val partitionColumns = List("partition1", "partition2")
val myTablePath = "/tmp/some_example"
val someText = List("text1", "text2")
val ids = (0 until 5).toList
val listData = partitions1.flatMap(p1 => {
partitions2.flatMap(p2 => {
text => {
id => DataExample(p1, p2, text, id)
val asDataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(listData)
//Delete path function
def deletePath(path: String, recursive: Boolean): Unit = {
val p = new Path(path)
val fs = p.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
fs.delete(p, recursive)
def tableOverwrite(df: DataFrame, partitions: List[String], path: String): Unit = {
if (spark.catalog.tableExists(tableName)) {
//clean partitions
val asColumns = => new Column(c))
val relevantPartitions = _*).distinct().collect()
val partitionToRemove = => {
val fields = row.schema.fields
s"${ => s"${}='${row.getAs(}'").mkString("(", ",", ")")} PURGE"
val cleanFolders = => {
val fields = partition.schema.fields
path + => s"${}=${partition.getAs(}").mkString("/")
println(s"Going to clean ${partitionToRemove.size} partitions")
partitionToRemove.foreach(partition => spark.sqlContext.sql(partition))
cleanFolders.foreach(partition => deletePath(partition, true))
.options(Map("path" -> myTablePath))
.partitionBy(partitionColumns: _*)
//Now test
tableOverwrite(asDataFrame, partitionColumns, tableName)
spark.sqlContext.sql(s"select * from $tableName").show(1000)
tableOverwrite(asDataFrame, partitionColumns, tableName)
import spark.implicits._
val asLocalSet = spark.sqlContext.sql(s"select * from $tableName").as[DataExample].collect().toSet
if (asLocalSet == listData.toSet) {
println("Overwrite is working !!!")
If you use DataFrame, possibly you want to use Hive table over data.
In this case you need just call method
It'll overwrite partitions that DataFrame contains.
There's not necessity to specify format (orc), because Spark will use Hive table format.
It works fine in Spark version 1.6
Instead of writing to the target table directly, i would suggest you create a temporary table like the target table and insert your data there.
CREATE TABLE tmpTbl LIKE trgtTbl LOCATION '<tmpLocation';
Once the table is created, you would write your data to the tmpLocation
Then you would recover the table partition paths by executing:
Get the partition paths by querying the Hive metadata like:
Delete these partitions from the trgtTbl and move the directories from tmpTbl to trgtTbl
I would suggest you doing clean-up and then writing new partitions with Append mode:
import scala.sys.process._
def deletePath(path: String): Unit = {
s"hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash $path".!
} => {
val partition = p.getAs[String](partitionColumn)
This will delete only new partitions. After writing data run this command if you need to update metastore:
sparkSession.sql(s"MSCK REPAIR TABLE $db.$table")
Note: deletePath assumes that hfds command is available on your system.
My solution implies overwriting each specific partition starting from a spark dataframe. It skips the dropping partition part. I'm using pyspark>=3 and I'm writing on AWS s3:
def write_df_on_s3(df, s3_path, field, mode):
# get the list of unique field values
list_partitions = [x.asDict()[field] for x in]
df_repartitioned = df.repartition(1,field)
for p in list_partitions:
# create dataframes by partition and send it to s3
df_to_send = df_repartitioned.where("{}='{}'".format(field,p))
The arguments of this simple function are the df, the s3_path, the partition field, and the mode (overwrite or append). The first part gets the unique field values: it means that if I'm partitioning the df by daily, I get a list of all the dailies in the df. Then I'm repartition the df. Finally, I'm selecting the repartitioned df by each daily and I'm writing it on its specific partition path.
You can change the repartition integer by your needs.
You could do something like this to make the job reentrant (idempotent):
(tried this on spark 2.2)
# drop the partition
drop_query = "ALTER TABLE table_name DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (partition_col='{val}')".format(val=target_partition)
print drop_query
# delete directory
# Load the partition
.saveAsTable(table_name, format = "parquet", mode = "append", path = <path to parquet>)
For >= Spark 2.3.0 :
data.write.insertInto("partitioned_table", overwrite=True)

How to control Spark JavaRDD<MyTable> to take specific n rows?

I am having my own data structure called MyTable which is kind of columnar data store format table. Now I want to use Spark to create myTable in distributed environment as my datasets are in HDFS. I have used Spark earlier and I am familiar with it.
I am not able to figure out how can we control JavaRDD to take n rows. Here n could be 80k, 90k rows etc. If you see the following JavaRDD will always create one row MyTable, how do I create MyTable with n rows
JavaRDD<MyTable> rdd_records = sc.textFile("/path/to/hdfs").map(
new Function<String, MyTable>() {
public MyTable call(String line) throws Exception {
String[] fields = line.split(",");
Record record = create Record from above fields
MyTable table = new MyTable();
return table.append(record);
If I know how to command RDD to take certain no of rows then I can use it to create MyTable in distributed way.
when you load data using sc.textfile, spark automatically splits data on newlinesand puts them to partitions. So, what you need to do is a custom partitioning using your params (80k thing). Then you can use partitionBy on RDD. After that, you should be using mapPartitions instead of map to generate your data structures of Rows.
One advice, this seems a case to use Dataframes. If you are on 1.3, you take a look. It does converting tuples to schema in distributed way already

Apache Spark: Splitting Pair RDD into multiple RDDs by key to save values

I am using Spark 1.0.1 to process a large amount of data. Each row contains an ID number, some with duplicate IDs. I want to save all the rows with the same ID number in the same location, but I am having trouble doing it efficiently. I create an RDD[(String, String)] of (ID number, data row) pairs:
val mapRdd ={ x=> (x.split("\\t+")(1), x)}
A way that works, but is not performant, is to collect the ID numbers, filter the RDD for each ID, and save the RDD of values with the same ID as a text file.
val ids = rdd.keys.distinct.collect
ids.foreach({ id =>
val dataRows = mapRdd.filter(_._1 == id).values
I also tried a groupByKey or reduceByKey so that each tuple in the RDD contains a unique ID number as the key and a string of combined data rows separated by new lines for that ID number. I want to iterate through the RDD only once using foreach to save the data, but it can't give the values as an RDD
groupedRdd.foreach({ tup =>
val data = sc.parallelize(List(tup._2)) //nested RDD does not work
Essentially, I want to split an RDD into multiple RDDs by an ID number and save the values for that ID number into their own location.
I think this problem is similar to
Write to multiple outputs by key Spark - one Spark job
Please refer the answer there.
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.MultipleTextOutputFormat
class RDDMultipleTextOutputFormat extends MultipleTextOutputFormat[Any, Any] {
override def generateActualKey(key: Any, value: Any): Any =
override def generateFileNameForKeyValue(key: Any, value: Any, name: String): String =
object Split {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Split" + args(1))
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
.map(a => (k, v)) // Your own implementation
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(num))
.saveAsHadoopFile("output/path", classOf[String], classOf[String],
Just saw similar answer above, but actually we don't need customized partitions. The MultipleTextOutputFormat will create file for each key. It is ok that multiple record with same keys fall into the same partition.
new HashPartitioner(num), where the num is the partition number you want. In case you have a big number of different keys, you can set number to big. In this case, each partition will not open too many hdfs file handlers.
you can directly call saveAsTextFile on grouped RDD, here it will save the data based on partitions, i mean, if you have 4 distinctID's, and you specified the groupedRDD's number of partitions as 4, then spark stores each partition data into one file(so by which you can have only one fileper ID) u can even see the data as iterables of eachId in the filesystem.
This will save the data per user ID
val mapRdd ={ x=> (x.split("\\t+")(1),
If you need to retrieve the data again based on user id you can do something like
val userIdLookupTable = sc.objectFile("file").cache() //could use persist() if data is to big for memory
val data = userIdLookupTable.lookup(id) //note this returns a sequence, in this case you can just get the first one
Note that there is no particular reason to save to the file in this case I just did it since the OP asked for it, that being said saving to a file does allow you to load the RDD at anytime after the initial grouping has been done.
One last thing, lookup is faster than a filter approach of accessing ids but if you're willing to go off a pull request from spark you can checkout this answer for a faster approach
