Advanced searching in Vim - search

Is there a way to search for multiple strings simultaneously in Vim? I recall reading somewhere that it was possible but somehow forgot the technique.
So for example, I have a text file and I want to search for "foo" and "bar" simultaneously (not necessarily as a single string, can be in different lines altogether).
How do I achieve that?

/^joe.*fred.*bill/ : find joe AND fred AND Bill (Joe at start of line)
/fred\|joe : Search for FRED OR JOE

Actually I found the answer soon after I posted this (yes I did google earlier but was unable to locate it. Probably was just searching wrong)
The right solution is
#Paul Betts: The pipe has to be escaped

Vim supports regular expressions by starting in command mode with a '/'.
So using something like "/(foo\|bar)" (as was stated before) would solve the problem. It's good to know why that works and what you are using (regular expressions).



vim short for search replace with space in between

What is the vim short for this case?
A BCD_x 1.pdf A BCD_x 2.pdf
Desired output:
A BCD_x 1.pdf:::A BCD_x 2.pdf
You mean something like this?
Or how about this?
Of course, as always with regexp search-and-replace everything depends on the particulars of your data. Of which you haven't given us much to work with.

Complex replacement in gVim

I have been a terrible person as of late when it comes to Minecraft. I have over-modded it to the point that I need to completely re-write the IDs of them all.
The only problem is that... It'll take about a couple of hours jut to re-write them ONCE, not to mention if any of them collide with the original game. So, in order to save time, I figured I'd use Vim, but after reading through several of the helpful posts on here, I still only know a minimal amount about the replacement feature/command. Here's what I'm trying to do:
Replace this
With this
This continues for a while, and to those who answer, could you please inform me of how it works, so I don't have to ask these questions all the time?
For your perusal:
:let g:num = 1
:g/\.id=\d\+$/exec 's!\.id=\d\+$!.id='.g:num.'! | let g:num=g:num+1'
This is slightly simplified version of my code for (re)numbering chapters in the ebooks.
Idea in a nutshell: use :g to run something over affected lines; use :exec to generate/run new substitution command AND increment the counter. Tried it once and was surprised to find that the trick worked. Was inspired by my previous toying with :g//s/// combo.
I'm not sure what is the rule you are using to choose which number to use for replacement but if all you need
is just a new number that doesn't collide with previous ones you could try just replacing the first digit
with something in a range not used. Something like replacing 16389 with 76389
To do that you could use this :s/\(.*\)/\1
That would search for the string followed by a single character and then a group of more characters.
I will replace it with the string and the group previously selected.
You could make it more selectiv adding letters before to match only certain types of paths.

vim does not find and replace simple phrase that is clearly present

I have a simple vim problem that Google hasn't managed to help me with. Any thoughts are appreciated.
I do the following search and replace:
On a file containing the following text:
I get
E486: Pattern not found
The position of the green square which indicates where I'd start typing is clearly above the pattern. I tried searching for other short phrases not involving regex, which are also present, which also fail. A simple /numnodes highlights matches as expected. Does anyone have any idea what might be the matter with vim?
Try :%s/searchphrase/replacephase/g
Without the % symbol Vim only matches and replaces on the current line.
try using this:

Preprocessing a word before spell checking in Vim

I use Vim's spell checking to validate texts in Russian. We have letter ё in our alphabet which is often replaced with simple е. So, for example, word ёжик из written as ежик. It is a bad tone actually. Its like using - (hyphen) where — (em-dash) is required, like using "computer" quotes forgetting about existence of „typographic” «quotes», etc.
The bad thing is that spell dictionary for Vim composed out of simplified words with all ёs, replaced with еs. So I always get an error in a word with ё.
So the question, is there any hook I can use that will allow me to normalize a word just before it will be spell checked? Or maybe someone has a better idea? Thanks.
With the hint from #sarnold, I found the solution. One should use ru_yo locale instead of ru_ru if he wants ёёёёё
My first thought when reading your post was to suggest using zg to add the word to the spellfile; after a few weeks you'll have a lot of them. Not ideal, but simple.
:help spell-russian lists several different spelling variations, would one of these help?
I also notice in :help spell.txt that there are options for downloading your own spellfiles from OpenOffice or to automate building spellfiles.
I would recommend you to use your own spell checking for vim. Use a method #2 explained here

Vim - How to move the result of a search to the beginning of the file?

I want to search some text and move the entire line where the text belongs to the beginning of the file. Just that.
How about the simple move command?
:g/regex/norm dd1Gp
Well, what I'm gonna suggest is a primitive answer as primitive it can get. But nothing else springs to mind currently.
:g/A ... some text not including A, B or C.../d
(will tell you how many lines it has yanked)
and then you go to the beginning of the file and, for example
Although, if cases are as simple as this, maybe sorting lines by first letter .... I've never done anything similar but look for older questions.
