How do I duplicate a whole line in Vim in a similar way to Ctrl+D in IntelliJ IDEA/ Resharper or Ctrl+Alt+↑/↓ in Eclipse?
yy or Y to copy the line (mnemonic: yank)
dd to delete the line (Vim copies what you deleted into a clipboard-like "register", like a cut operation)
p to paste the copied or deleted text after the current line
Shift + P to paste the copied or deleted text before the current line
Normal mode: see other answers.
The Ex way:
:t. will duplicate the line,
:t 7 will copy it after line 7,
:,+t0 will copy current and next line at the beginning of the file (,+ is a synonym for the range .,.+1),
:1,t$ will copy lines from beginning till cursor position to the end (1, is a synonym for the range 1,.).
If you need to move instead of copying, use :m instead of :t.
This can be really powerful if you combine it with :g or :v:
:v/foo/m$ will move all lines not matching the pattern “foo” to the end of the file.
:+,$g/^\s*class\s\+\i\+/t. will copy all subsequent lines of the form class xxx right after the cursor.
Reference: :help range, :help :t, :help :g, :help :m and :help :v
YP or Yp or yyp.
Doesn't get any simpler than this! From normal mode:
then move to the line you want to paste at and
will yank the current line without deleting it
will delete the current line
will put a line grabbed by either of the previous methods
Do this:
First, yy to copy the current line, and then p to paste.
If you want another way:
This will store the line in buffer a.
This will put the contents of buffer a at the cursor.
There are many variations on this.
This will store the 5 lines in buffer a.
See "Vim help files for more fun.
yyp - remember it with "yippee!"
Multiple lines with a number in between:
yyp - paste after
yyP - paste before
I like:
Shift+v (to select the whole line immediately and let you select other lines if you want), y, p
Another option would be to go with:
nmap <C-d> mzyyp`z
gives you the advantage of preserving the cursor position.
You can also try <C-x><C-l> which will repeat the last line from insert mode and brings you a completion window with all of the lines. It works almost like <C-p>
For someone who doesn't know vi, some answers from above might mislead him with phrases like "paste ... after/before current line".
It's actually "paste ... after/before cursor".
yy or Y to copy the line
dd to delete the line
p to paste the copied or deleted text after the cursor
P to paste the copied or deleted text before the cursor
For more key bindings, you can visit this site: vi Complete Key Binding List
I know I'm late to the party, but whatever; I have this in my .vimrc:
nnoremap <C-d> :copy .<CR>
vnoremap <C-d> :copy '><CR>
the :copy command just copies the selected line or the range (always whole lines) to below the line number given as its argument.
In normal mode what this does is copy . copy this line to just below this line.
And in visual mode it turns into '<,'> copy '> copy from start of selection to end of selection to the line below end of selection.
Default is yyp, but I've been using this rebinding for a year or so and love it:
" set Y to duplicate lines, works in visual mode as well.
nnoremap Y yyp
vnoremap Y y`>pgv
I prefer to define a custom keymap Ctrl+D in .vimrc to duplicate the current line both in normal mode and insert mode:
" duplicate line in normal mode:
nnoremap <C-D> Yp
" duplicate line in insert mode:
inoremap <C-D> <Esc> Ypi
1 gotcha: when you use "p" to put the line, it puts it after the line your cursor is on, so if you want to add the line after the line you're yanking, don't move the cursor down a line before putting the new line.
For those starting to learn vi, here is a good introduction to vi by listing side by side vi commands to typical Windows GUI Editor cursor movement and shortcut keys. It lists all the basic commands including yy (copy line) and p (paste after) or P(paste before).
vi (Vim) for Windows Users
If you would like to duplicate a line and paste it right away below the current like, just like in Sublime Ctrl+Shift+D, then you can add this to your .vimrc file.
nmap <S-C-d> <Esc>Yp
Or, for Insert mode:
imap <S-C-d> <Esc>Ypa
I like to use this mapping:
:nnoremap yp Yp
because it makes it consistent to use alongside the native YP command.
I use this mapping, which is similar to vscode. I hope it is useful!!!.
nnoremap <A-d> :t. <CR>==
inoremap <A-d> <Esc>:t. <CR>==gi
vnoremap <A-d> :t$ <CR>gv=gv
In VSCode you can copy and paste selected lines of text up or down using Alt+Shift + Up or Down.
I switched to vim a few months ago, and I really miss this feature.
I found out you can move selected lines in visual mode up or down using these visual mode bindings,
vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap K :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
but it'd be great if you could copy and paste up and down as well without using yy and p because when you're done yanking, the cursor is placed at the initial position, exiting visual mode and reducing productivity.
Well, that, here, is the problem with copying and pasting random snippets from the internet without understanding what they do: they are little black boxes that one can't modify or extend at will by lack of knowledge.
Let's deconstruct the first mapping:
vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
:[range]m {address} moves the lines covered by [range] to below line {address}. Here, the range is automatically injected by Vim: '<,'> which means "from the first line of the latest visual selection to its last line", and the address is '>+1, meaning "the last line of the latest visual selection + 1 line". So :'<,'>m '>+1<CR> effectively moves the selected lines below themselves,
gv reselects the latest visual selection,
= indents it,
gv reselects it again for further Js or Ks.
Now, we want a similar mapping but for copying the given lines. Maybe we can start with :help :m and scroll around?
Sure enough we find :help :copy right above :help :move, which we can try right away:
xnoremap <key> :co '>+1<CR>gv=gv
Hmm, it doesn't really work the way we want but that was rather predictable:
the address is one line below the last line of the selection,
the selection is reselected and indented, which is pointless.
We can fix the first issue by removing the +1:
xnoremap <key> :co '><CR>gv=gv
and fix the second one by selecting the copied lines instead of reselecting the latest selection:
xnoremap <key> :co '><CR>V'[=gv
See :help :copy and :help '[.
I am Vim newbie, and I'm using MacVim on OSX Snow Leopard. One of the most common actions I have to take is to move the cursor to a new line but also move the text after the cursor to the new line. I know that pressing 'o' in normal or visual mode moves the cursor to a new line and switches the mode to insert.
What I'd like to do is move the cursor to a new line, and move the text after the cursor to that new line as well, preferably staying in the normal mode? Is this possible? How can I accomplish this task?
If the cursor is on a <space> as in ([] marks the cursor):
lorem ipsum[ ]dolor sit amet
the simplest is to do r<CR>, that is "replace the current character with a linebreak".
Otherwise, use #knittl's solution.
So you want to move everything in the current line, which comes after the cursor to the next line? Read: insert a line break??
(move cursor)
i (or a)
<esc> (or ^C)
To map this sequence of keystrokes to a single key, follow #thb's suggestion and use the :map command:
:map <F2> i<CR><ESC>
:map <F2> i<CR>
This keeps vi in insert mode.
As I answered in this post, How do I insert a linebreak where the cursor is without entering into insert mode in Vim?.
Please try Control + j.
The code below achieves the same behavior as "normal" editors (for the lack of better terms on the top of my mind) except that you'd have to press "enter" twice instead of once.
I also wanted to get rid of the space if it's right before my current character.
There might be an easier way and I totally welcome edits :-)
" in ~/.vimrc or ~/.vimrc.after if you're using janus
nnoremap <cr><cr> :call ReturnToNewLine()<cr>
function ReturnToNewLine()
let previous_char = getline(".")[col(".")-2]
" if there's a space before our current position, get rid of it first
if previous_char == ' '
execute "normal! \<bs>\<esc>"
execute "normal! i\<cr>\<esc>"
This remaps pressing enter twice to going to insert mode, placing a carriage return and escaping.
The reason I'm using this mapping (enter twice) is because I was used to this functionality with other text editors by pressing a enter; also, typing enter twice is fast.
Another thing that I found useful in this context was allowing vim to move right after the last character (in case I wanted to move the last character to a new line). So I have the following in my ~/.vimrc as well.
set virtualedit=onemore
Note that I'm using nnoremap (normal mode non-recursive) instead of map (which is VERY dangerous) (check this out for more information on the differences
You need to map some keys to do a line break at the cursor,
I found the following mapping easy to use, just go to your vimrc and add this line:
:map <silent> bl i<CR><ESC>
to assign a line break at cursor to "bl" combo
Say, I have the following lines:
I want to take getStuff() using the yy command, go forward to thing(), placing the cursor on (, and paste via the p command, but since I yanked the whole line, p will paste getStuff() right back where it was.
I know you can first move the cursor to the beginning of that getStuff() line and cut the characters from there until its end via the ^D commands—then p will do what I want. However, I find typing ^D to be much more tedious than yy.
Is there a way to yy, but paste the line inline instead?
The problem is that yy is copying the entire line, including the newline. An alternative would be to copy from the beginning to the end of the line, and then paste.
^ Go to the first character of the line.
y Yank till
$ End of line.
// Credit to: tester and Idan Arye for the Vim golf improvements.
Use yiw ("yank inner word") instead of yy to yank just what you want:
yy is line-wise yank and will grab the whole line including the carriage return, which you can see if you look at the unnamed register ("") in :registers which is used as the source for pastes. See :help "":
Vim uses the contents of the unnamed register for any put command (p or P)
which does not specify a register. Additionally you can access it with the
name ". This means you have to type two double quotes. Writing to the ""
register writes to register "0.
An additional benefit to yiw is that you don't have to be at the front of the "word" you are yanking!
One way to simplify the routine of operating on the same text patterns
is to define mappings that mimic text-object selection commands.
The two pairs of mappings below—one for Visual mode and another for
Operator-pending mode—provide a way to select everything on the current
line except for the new line character (al), and everything from the
first non-blank character of the current line through the last non-blank
character, inclusively (il).
:vnoremap <silent> al :<c-u>norm!0v$h<cr>
:vnoremap <silent> il :<c-u>norm!^vg_<cr>
:onoremap <silent> al :norm val<cr>
:onoremap <silent> il :norm vil<cr>
Thus, instead of using yy to copy the contents of a line that
is to be pasted character-wise (and not line-wise), one can then
use the yal or yil commands to yank, followed by the p command
to paste, as usual.
A less efficient, but simple method:
v to highlight the word(s),
y to yank the highlighted word(s),
p (at the end of the line) you want to paste
I already know that gg=G can indent the entire file on Vim. But this will make me go to the beginning of the file after indent. How can I indent the entire file and maintain the cursor at the same position?
See :h ''
This will get you back to the first char on the line you start on:
and this will get you back to the starting line and the starting column:
I assume the second version, with the backtick, is the one you want. In practice I usually just use the double apostrophe version, since the backtick is hard to access on my keyboard.
Add this to your .vimrc
function! Preserve(command)
" Preparation: save last search, and cursor position.
let _s=#/
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
" Do the business:
execute a:command
" Clean up: restore previous search history, and cursor position
let #/=_s
call cursor(l, c)
nmap <leader>> :call Preserve("normal gg>G")<CR>
You can also use this on any other command you want, just change the argument to the preserve function. Idea taken from here:
You can set a bookmark for the current position with the m command followed by a letter. Then after you run the indent command, you can go back to that bookmark with the ` (backtick) command followed by the same letter.
In a similar spirit to Alex's answer I use the following mapping in vimrc.
nnoremap g= :let b:PlugView=winsaveview()<CR>gg=G:call winrestview(b:PlugView) <CR>:echo "file indented"<CR>
by pressing g= in normal mode the whole buffer is indented, and the scroll/cursor position is retained.
Following on top of Herbert's solution, the reader can also use <C-o>
In vim script
exe "norm! gg=G\<C-o>"
Or mapping
:nnoremap <F10> gg=G\<C-o>
I often have to paste some stuff on a new line in vim. What I usually do is:
Which inserts a new line and puts me in insertion mode, than quits insertion mode, and finally pastes.
Three keystrokes. Not very efficient. Any better ideas?
Shortly after :help p it says:
:[line]pu[t] [x] Put the text [from register x] after [line] (default
current line). This always works |linewise|, thus
this command can be used to put a yanked block as
new lines.
:[line]pu[t]! [x] Put the text [from register x] before [line]
(default current line).
Unfortunately it’s not shorter than your current solution unless you combined it with some keyboard map as suggested in a different answer. For instance, you can map it to any key (even p):
:nmap p :pu<CR>
1) Use yy to yank the whole line (including the end of line character). p will then paste the line on a new line after the current one and P (Shift-P) will paste above the current line.
2) Make a mapping: then it's only one or two keys:
:nmap ,p o<ESC>p
:nmap <F4> o<ESC>p
3) The function version of the mapping (unnecessary really, but just for completeness):
:nmap <F4> :call append(line('.'), #")<CR>
" This one may be a little better (strip the ending new-line before pasting)
:nmap <F4> :call append(line('.'), substitute(#", '\n$', '', ''))<CR>
:help let-register
:help :call
:help append()
:help line()
:help nmap
You can paste a buffer in insert mode using <C-R> followed by the name of the buffer to paste. The default buffer is ", so you would do
I found that I use <C-R>" very often and bound that to <C-F> in my vimrc:
inoremap <C-F> <C-R>"
This still uses three keystrokes, but I find it easier than Esc:
Since you're in insert mode after hitting o, the Alt modifier will allow you to use a command as if you weren't.
Using this plugin:
]p pastes on the line below
[p pastes on the line above
works on all yanked text (word, line, character, etc)
indents the pasted text to match the indentation of the text
around it
2 keystrokes instead of 3 and much "easier" strokes
Personally I've nmapped Enter (CR) like this:
nmap <CR> o<Esc>k
...based on this Vim Wikia article.
This way I can make newlines directly from normal mode, and combining this with wanting to paste to a newline below I'd do:
You could also skip k in the nmap above, depending on what functionality you prefer from Enter, so it would just be <CR>p.
I've also imapped jj to Esc, which would also assist in this case. Esc is way too far away from the home row for how significant it is in vim.
Not shorter than the other solutions, but I do think it feels less clunky than some of them, and it has other uses too.
If you wanted to stay in the insert mode, you can do o ctrl+o p
o – insert mode and go to the new line
ctrl+o – run a single command
like in normal mode
p – paste
It's three keystrokes but you stay in insert mode and also o ctrl+o is quite fast so I personally treat it as 2.5 keystrokes.
If you're copying a whole line then pasting a whole line, use Y to yank the line or lines, including line break, in the first place, and p to paste. You can also use V, which is visual line mode, in contrast with plain v for visual mode.
I have mapping inoremap jj <ESC>. So it is easy to insert new line with ojj and Ojj and then p.
so ojjp paste new a newline. it have one more stroke then o<esc>p but ojjp is easy for me.
I found an elegant solution to this. If you are putting the yank register in your OS's clipboard (which is great anyway), with
set clipboard+=unnamed
than you can do o<Ctl-v>.
Besides being fewer strokes, this improves on both o<Esc>p and :pu because it preserves indenting: both of the other options start you at character zero on the new line.
Caveat is that this may or may not be OS dependent. All I know is that it works on recent version of OS X, but clipboard is just one of many ways to get yank in the OS clipboard.
If you want to paste in a new line and still keep indentation, create this mapping:
nnoremap <leader>p oq<BS><Esc>p
Prerequisite: you have leader mapped and you have set autoindent in your .vimrc.
Explanation: a new line is created with 'o', 'q' is typed and then back-spaced on (to keep indentation), and 'esc' brings you back to normal mode where you finally paste.
If you also want to end in insert mode, it is possible to paste while in insert mode using CTRL-R ".
Still three keystrokes, but no escape, and you save a keystroke if you want to end in insert anyway.
I use the following mapping in my Neovim config:
nnoremap <leader>p m`o<ESC>p``
nnoremap <leader>P m`O<ESC>p``
A little explanation:
m`: set a mark in the current cursor position.
o<Esc>p: create a new line below and paste the text in this line
O<Esc>P: create a new line above and paste the text in this line
``: put the cursor in the original position
See :h mark for more information about marks in Vim.
This solution only seems to apply when the block of copied text starts on a new line (as opposed to grabbing a snippet of text somewhere within a line), but you can always start your copy on the last character you want to grab, then navigate to the last character at the end of line prior to the start of your desired copy block. Then when you want to paste it, place the cursor at the end of the line under which you want your text to be pasted and hit p. If I haven't screwed up the explanation, this should provide the effect you're looking for.