What is the best way to handle URL mappings between an RIA version and plain old HTML version of a site? - ria

So if you have a RIA version (Silverlight or Flash) and a standard HTML version (or AJAX even), should you have the same URL for both, or is it ok to have a different one for the RIA app and just redirect accordingly?
So, for instance, if you have a site (http://example.com), is it ok to have the about page URL for the RIA app be http://example.com/#/about and the html be http://example.com/about? Does it matter?
Of course if you take the route with different URLs you will need to map between them.

The URLs of your pages denote the identity of the content. In my view, if the content is the same but the presentation varies (i.e RIA vs. HTML), then the URL should be the same and you should use some other mechanism to select between the different presentation forms. Choices of other mechanisms include cookies, content negotiation, session identifiers or, if your users are identified, a persistent user preferences model. Even using a URL argument would at least keep the root of the URL consistent (e.g. http://your.si.te/foobar vs. http://your.si.te/foobar?view=plain)
If the content of the two presentations differs in some meaningful way, then you should make that difference meaningful in the URL. Exploiting the presence or absence of #, and other such hacks, would be a mistake in my view.
Try to pick URL's that do not change over time: so-called cool URL's. This will aide the long-term usefulness of your site to your users: consider what happens if they come back to a bookmarked page in a year's time. Consistency will also help you to get a better critical mass of links or reviews of your site in del.icio.us and similar bookmarking/review sites.

It's perfectly acceptable to use 2 different link formats. If 2 users are not seeing the same content why should they be at the same URL.

I guess what I really need here is not a Question/Answer format but some kind of poll. While I agree (and accepted) that because they are getting two different views of the same content, that different urls are ok, but I'm thinking more of sharing these urls out.
Thanks for the reply though!


Launching Custom Applications from the browser

I have been looking around SO and other on-line resources but cant seem to locate how this is done. I was wondering how things like magnet links worked on torrent website. They automatically open up and application and pass the appropriate params. I was wondering how could I create one to send a custom program params from the net?
I wouldn't say this is an answer, but it is actually too long for a comment to fit.
Apps tend to register as authorities that can open a specific scheme. I don't know how it's done in desktop apps (especially because depending on each OS, it will vary), but on Android you can catch schemes or base urls by Intent Filters.
The way it works (and I'm pretty sure the functionality is cross-OS) is:
Your app tells the system it can "read" a specific scheme or base url (it could be magnet:// or even http://www.twitter.com/).
When you try to open a URI (Uniform resource identifier, a supergroup that can contain URLs), the system searches for any application that was registered for that kind of URI. I guess it runs from more specific and complete formats to the base. So for instance, this tweet: https://twitter.com/korcholis/status/491724155176222720 may be traced in this order:
https://twitter.com/korcholis/status/491724155176222720 Oh, no registrar? Moving on
https://twitter.com/korcholis/status Nothing yet? Ok
https://twitter.com/korcholis Nnnnnnope?
https://twitter.com Anybody? Ah, you, Totally random name for a Twitter Client know how to handle these links? Then it's yours
This random twitter client gets the full URI and does something accordingly.
As you see, nobody had a chance to track https://, since another application caught the URI before them. In this case, nobody could be your browsers.
It also defines, somehow, a default value. This is the true key why browsers tend to battle to be your default browser of choice. This just tells you they want to be the default applications that catch http://, https:// and probably some more.
The true wonder here is that, as long as there's an app that catches a scheme, you can set the one you want. For instance, it's a common practice that apps from the same developer contain the same schemes, in case the developer wants to share tasks between them. This ensures the user will have to use a group of apps. So, one app can just offer data such as:
While another app is registered to get links that start with
So, if you want to make your own schemes, it's ok, as long as they don't collide with other's. And if you want to read other's schemes, well, that's up to you to search for that. See? This is not a real answer, but I hope it removes almost all doubt.

Identifying requests made by Chrome extensions?

I have a web application that has some pretty intuitive URLs, so people have written some Chrome extensions that use these URLs to make requests to our servers. Unfortunately, these extensions case problems for us, hammering our servers, issuing malformed requests, etc, so we are trying to figure out how to block them, or at least make it difficult to craft requests to our servers to dissuade these extensions from being used (we provide an API they should use instead).
We've tried adding some custom headers to requests and junk-json-preamble to responses, but the extension authors have updated their code to match.
I'm not familiar with chrome extensions, so what sort of access to the host page do they have? Can they call JavaScript functions on the host page? Is there a special header the browser includes to distinguish between host-page requests and extension requests? Can the host page inspect the list of extensions and deny certain ones?
Some options we've considered are:
Rate-limiting QPS by user, but the problem is not all queries are equal, and extensions typically kick off several expensive queries that look like user entered queries.
Restricting the amount of server time a user can use, but the problem is that users might hit this limit by just navigating around or running expensive queries several times.
Adding static custom headers/response text, but they've updated their code to mimic our code.
Figuring out some sort of token (probably cryptographic in some way) we include in our requests that the extension can't easily guess. We minify/obfuscate our JS, so are ok with embedding it in the JS source code (since the variable name it would have would be hard to guess).
I realize this may not be a 100% solvable problem, but we hope to either give us an upper hand in combatting it, or make it sufficiently hard to scrape our UI that fewer people do it.
Welp, guess nobody knows. In the end we just sent a custom header and starting tracking who wasn't sending it.

Why do links in gmail redirect?

I've noticed that some email services (like gmail or my school's webmail) will redirect links (or used to) in the email body. So when I put "www.google.com" in the body of my email, and I check that email in gmail or something, the link says something like "gmail.com/redirect?www.google.com".
This was very confusing for me and the people I emailed (like my parents, who are not familiar with computers). I always clicked on the link anyway, but why is this service used? (I'm also worried that maybe my information was being sent somewhere... Do I have anything to worry about? Is something being stored before the redirect?)
Sorry if this is unwarranted paranoia. I am just curious about why some things work the way they do.
Wikipedia has a good article on URL redirection. From the article:
Logging outgoing links
The access logs
of most web servers keep detailed
information about where visitors came
from and how they browsed the hosted
site. They do not, however, log which
links visitors left by. This is
because the visitor's browser has no
need to communicate with the original
server when the visitor clicks on an
outgoing link. This information can be
captured in several ways. One way
involves URL redirection. Instead of
sending the visitor straight to the
other site, links on the site can
direct to a URL on the original
website's domain that automatically
redirects to the real target. This
technique bears the downside of the
delay caused by the additional request
to the original website's server. As
this added request will leave a trace
in the server log, revealing exactly
which link was followed, it can also
be a privacy issue.1 The same
technique is also used by some
corporate websites to implement a
statement that the subsequent content
is at another site, and therefore not
necessarily affiliated with the
corporation. In such scenarios,
displaying the warning causes an
additional delay.
So, yes, Google (and Facebook and Twitter do this to) are logging where your services are taking you. This is important for a variety of reasons - it lets them know how their service is being used, shows trends in data, allows links to be monetized, etc.
As far as your concerns, my personal opinion is that, if you're on the internet, you're being tracked. All the time. If this is concerning to you, I would recommend communicating differently. However, for the most part, I think it's not worth worrying about.
This redirection is a dereferrer to avoid disclosure of the URL in the HTTP Referer field to third party sites as that URL can contain sensitive data like a session ID.

Fully cached dynamic website

I would like to cache my website with memcache as much as possible. There are rare modifications (somewhat like in a forum) which I am perfectly ok with re-caching once change is made. My only concern is login information (similar to how stackoverflow has a bar on top). This is how I am doing it right now:
(jQuery on a fully cached page loads up userinfo)
However, I think I can do without dynamic pages completely. My idea is this:
On login: create cookie `logged_in`:true
On each page: if JS finds cookie is set: show links to logout, settings, etc
if not: show link to login page
On logoff: delete cookie
No actual userinfo is stored in cookies, not even username.
How secure, reasonable, sane is this? Any ideas? Am I missing something? Thank you.
Disclaimer: This is more of an exercise than a production environment. But I am trying to keep security and performance in mind nonetheless.
About your main target: Caching dynamic pages is reasonable. If you work on the ASP.NET platform, you might want to have a look at the output cache feature which does exactly this, even including dynamic substitutions. 4 Guys from rolla.com have a nice starter article with links to all the details.
Regarding the non-userspecific pages: I doubt that this can work for anything but the most simple pages. Web applications usually allow different operations for different users, and if it's only the change of your password. You probably have to pass specialized content to the client at some point, and that's where the dynamic substitutions of the ASP.NET output cache come into play.

What identifying information can a website capture?

If the owner of a web site wants to track who their users are as much as possible, what things can they capture (and how). You might want to know about this in order to capture information on a site you create or, as a user, to prevent a site from capturing data on you.
Here is a starting list, but I'm sure I have missed some important ones:
Referrer (what web page had the link you followed to get here). This is a HTTP header.
IP Address of the machine you are browsing from. This is available with the HTTP headers.
User Agent (what browser you are using). This is a HTTP header.
Cookie placed on a previous visit. This is a header, available only if a cookie was placed earlier and was not deleted by the user.
Flash Cookie placed on a previous visit. Some users turn off cookies, but very few know how to turn off Flash cookies. Works like a normal cookie although it depends on Flash.
Web Bugs. Place something small (like a transparent single-pixel GIF) on the page that's served up from a 3rd party. Some third parties (such as DoubleClick) will have their own cookies and can correlate with other visits the user makes (for a fee!).
Those are the common ones I think of, but there have to be LOTS of unusual ones. For instance, this:
Time on the user's clock. Use JavaScript to transmit it.
... which I had never heard of before reading it here.
ADDED LATER (after reading this):
Please try to put just ONE item per answer, then we can use voting up to sort out the better/more-interesting ones. The list below is probably less effective.
Ah well... NEXT time I ask a question like this I'll set it up better.
And here are some of the best answers I got:
James points out that IE transmits the .NET framework version.
AviewAnew points out that one can find what sites you have visited.
Mecki points out that Screen Resolution can be determined.
Mecki also points out that any auto-fill information your browser has cached can be determined, by creating a hidden field, then reading it with JavaScript.
jjrv points out that Flash can list the fonts on the user's machine.
Kent points out that you can find out what websites a person has visited.
Silver Dragon points out you can determine the location of the mouse within the browsing window using Flash and AJAX.
Jim points out that you can tell what language the user has configured in their browser from a HTTP header.
Jim also mentions that you can detect whether people are using Greasemonkey or something similar to modify the page.
Modifications to your original:
can be escaped ( i think its an option in some browsers )
only avoidable with a proxy ( javascript can contravene this however with smart lookaround )
is unreliable, easily forged.
And assuming it was not wiped by browser closure ( session cookie ) and cookie is in the same domain/path
The real nasty ones are
Using javascript to probe your network/lan
Using javascript to access your firewall from behind the firewall and adjust its settings ( no joke )
Using the feature of the "visited link" to determine which of a list of urls have been visited. ( deep history probing ! )
Goodness knows what if the user has Windows/IE/ActiveX
There's a header that can include information about a proxy server the user is using, and that can also include the user's IP address (in which case the other IP is the one of the proxy)
Screen Resolution, Operating System, Color Depth, size of your taskbar (compare max and current resolution), if Java is enabled, Anti-Aliasing Fonts, Plugins Installed all via Javascript
A Java applet can give you a bunch of information as well, but I don't know what.
Sites you've visited
Details of your local network such as active hosts, web servers. Paper Also outlines drive-by printing, drive-by router modification
And this is all assuming the attacker doesn't pull off arbitrary code execution
Javascript can get more information than just time. E.g. screen resolution (+ color depth) being one of them.
See Getting Screen Resolution with JS
Everything JS can capture, can be transmitted using AJAX without the user performing any interaction. Other examples are (not all will work in every browser):
It can look into your browser history, e.g. what URL your browser would go if you hit back or forward.
The language of your browser (Note: usually the HTTP request will also contain a list of preferred languages for the page you request. However this list is user editable in the prefs of many browser, while JS can actually find out what the language translation your browser is using in the interface)
If your browser auto fills form fields (e.g. e-mail, username, etc.), JS can actually already read what your browser entered into the fields before you submitted the form (thus it can even read what your browser pre-filled there, even if you never submit the form at all).
A Java applet could also gather some information and transmit it, though there is not much information you wouldn't already get elsewhere. Since it's easy to get the IP of a visitor, it's possible to find out which online service he's using (looking up the IP at address services like IANA for USA or RIPE for Europe and so on) and there are services that translate IPs to country, so it's possible to find out where the user most likely is currently located.
Some additional info, that might be of interest:
Using the ip address, one can resolve the hostname, net provider / organization the IP belongs to, and rough geographic location.
Using the referer, the list of queries a specified client makes, and a reliable cookie mechanism, one can resolve the path the visitor makes (even clickthroughs to other sides, with AJAX and/or a forwarder page)
Using flash, with a combination of AJAX, the mouse location within the browsing window can be captured
The User Agent might contain information regarding operation system, installed .NET frameworks, and other curiosities
.NET framework versions are transmitted in IE, in the User Agent.
Flash can give you a list of fonts on the user's machine among other things. Javascript can send information when the mouse stops over an ad without clicking it. You can also get the window size, whether the site is open in a frame, if popups or specific plugins have been blocked, looking for Javascript features can tell if the user agent header is correct or faked...
If you're concerned about your personal security (I'm not sure if that's what you're really getting after, so my apologies if this is misguided), you can always use a Tor network. If you use Firefox, you can use Torbutton for one click enabling. It has the benefit (drawback, to some), of disabling Flash because it's otherwise impossible to protect against Flash information leaks.
You can usually determine which language the user speaks through the Accept-Language HTTP header.
You can determine whether certain applications and browser plugins are installed by looking at the Accept HTTP header.
Browser version/patchlevel and .NET framework version through the User-Agent HTTP header.
Your ISP/Employer and geographical location through IP address.
Whether or not you have visited particular URLs through CSS and/or timing load events. If a particular website has user-specific URIs, this could disclose whether you are a certain user on that site or not.
Which fonts are available through measuring ems and/or Flash.
Screen resolution, window size, timezone through JavaScript.
Where you move your mouse and keystrokes through JavaScript. For instance, you can see what people type into text boxes even if they don't hit submit.
Many UserJS/Greasemonkey scripts leak information (e.g. if you filter out certain people, the sites it is configured for may be able to find out who).
Can the browser support JS
Can the browser support flash
Operating system platform
Screen resolution
Supports CSS
Supports tables
I need to dig up the link, but if the user is using IE, with common software titles installed, determining which ones are installed is possible.
As far as I know, it's possible to get clipboard data via javascript. Not sure how possible it is by default these days, but it was all the rage not long ago. I do believe IE still allows it.
People have a habit of leaving very important data in their clipboard, so this is pretty bad.
late to the party here, the website can also scan your ports, to find what software you are running!
