Writing a game for the Nintendo Wii - wii

I'd like to write a game for the Nintendo Wii. How do I go about obtaining an SDK and/or any other tools necessary for writing a game?

The Wii Remote and Wii Balance Board use bluetooth. You can pair them with your PC and write your own PC apps that interact with them (like this guy). If you want to make something that actually runs on the Wii, you can try finding some homebrew development help.
If you want to actually sell your software for Wii, you need:
game development experience
secure office facilities
$2,000 - $10,000 for dev kit (WiiWare is cheapest)
The Nintendo Software Development Support Group
Authorized Developer Application
UPDATE: Also see the Wii U Developer Site. Nintendo now has a simple application for individual developers to makes games for the Wii U, giving you access to the SDK and dev-kits.

You could spend literally thousands of dollars on the dev kit or you could be a bad person and go look at the homebrew stuff. It is technically hacking though, so I only hypothetically recommend it.

If you are a one-man team, then your only option is really WiiWare. At $2000 for the kit, you picked the right console. That's a tiny fraction of the cost of a 360 or PS3 dev kit.
You do have to have your own business. You also have to get your game rated by the ESRB which will put you back another $2500. Your game also has to be really good. In the end you could spend all the money and time and have Nintendo refuse to publish your game for any reason whatsoever.

A different approach... Flash.
You could develop a Flash game that is controlled only with the mouse. Put the game on the web so that it can be played on the Wii via the Wii's browser. The game might not be as exciting as a direct-to-Wii game, but you won't have to deal with things like development kits and modded Wii's either.

You would have to get in contact with Nintendo of America and obtain a developer kit from them. Be prepared to spend a wad of dough though.
Check this out:

Yes the SDKs (and dev hardware) are expensive, and you must be an actual company with an actual office to get one.

The information in this post is dated. Today I set up an account with Nintendo as an individual using my full name as the company name. With this account I have access to the Nintendo Development Portal. There is some level of support provided. I should be able to develop an app. To expose my app on the Nintendo site will require that they have access to the code and full approval rights. I'm mostly in it for fun right now. But if you are looking for something interesting to do and have some ideas I would check it out.


How can I make a application launcher from scratch in xorg

So in linux there are all kinds of menus and application launchers, but no one of them suits my needs.
Please, let me explain you what I want to do.
I student in a school now so we have fancy dreams and all those never getting involved ideas, but luckily I try to realize some of them.
I want to build an open source gaming platform, a video game console with a linux distro that is based on debian stable liquorix kernel and all that kind of stuff, but it needs its custom DE and something different from the PC interface as it will be controlled by a gamepad and will be a video game console, people must think it is not like a PC, people must see the cool interface and kind of realize that it is different.
The problem is:
All applications menus from other Desktop environments are a bit too windows-like which does not provide a video game console experience.
What do I need for that? How can I read a source code from other applications menus? How can I make something rounded in xorg, as I want to make it a cs:go-like rounded menu (CS GO is just for a reference, I don't play that!)?

Cost effective way to start java card development

What’s the most cost effective way to start Java card development?
I’ve spoken to several individuals and they have recommended purchasing the following SDK: https://www.taisys.com/p-detail?id=df8bIvFE5tKyOuGwfx4-MUHPKc8kbAnlcMBg-sR-6Q. However it seems quite expensive for a hobbyist like myself. Therefore I just wanted to ask where would be the best place to:
Purchase the hardware required to set up a testing environment. This would include a 1) card reader 2) blank SIM cards, ideally NFC enabled 3) a suitable set of feature phones to test applications
How would I go about setting up the software development environment on my desktop?
https://github.com/martinpaljak contains bits and pieces for everything from applet building to loading to testing as FOSS.

What is means by 'Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app is a Windows experience'

In this link https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/dn726767.aspx
it is said 'Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app is a Windows experience'.What is actually Windows experience means?
Well, basically what it means is; That by creating a UWP you are creating an app that will run across the Windows Platforms, thus giving the full Windows experience. Having an app that gives a familiar "experience" across all the devices that support Windows UWP (Xbox One, PC, Tablet, Phone, IoT, HoloLens) that is the goal.
Microsoft’s language around Windows has changed in the last year. Where Windows was originally a brand indicating an interconnected system of software, it is now used philosophically to represent the mission statement to let people do more.
The idea is, because of the Windows experience, developers can create software that operates in a new paradigm. More specifically, users can experience software in a way that centers around them as a user and not the device they are using.
This new workflow approach downplays the built-in interoperability of Microsoft products, and highlights the opportunity to create software that can do far more to change the way users and companies leverage and experience software.
At its heart, the Windows experience, is the experience that defines a better way to use software. This is a subjective thing depending on the type of user or industry – but it is also a far more broad-reaching definition that no longer simply implies: “build an app that can run on multiple devices”.
Good job teasing out this new language. Not everyone has noticed yet.
At the core of the Universal Windows Platform is the technology enabling code written for one Windows device to seamlessly transition to other devices and form factors. The Windows experience is the full panoply of Microsoft services, including those targeting iOS, Android, and traditionally competing products like Sales Force.
PS: the Windows Experience is not the performance measurement tool introduced in Vista to evaluate hardware for its readiness for an advanced graphics, etc.
The Windows experience, in the new mission-oriented form, is intended to promote a love for Windows - but thinking of Windows not as an Operating System, but, instead, as a family of reliable solutions. It's a nice change, and I (personally) am excited to see how it inspires developers.
I hope this helps.
I believe the intention is to encourage those creating software to not think about an isolated app that just runs on a single device (or class of devices) but to create an "experience" that can travel with the user across multiple devices.
For example, don't just think about creating a phone app or a desktop/tablet app. Instead think about how the user will experience interacting with your software (and presumably the same data) as they use different devices, in the Windows 10 family, at different times and in different ways.
Windows as an ecosystem has been moving closer and closer together in terms of developing for different devices for years. With Windows 10, you finally have a true universal platform where you can develop for phones, tablets, desktops, HoloLens, Xbox, etc with one code base. Sure, there are specific API tweaks, but those devices run the same core allowing you the developer to create experiences across multiple different devices!

Remote browser access to Windows CE/Mobile/Embedded emulators?

My company has a Compact Framework.NET WinForms application which runs on rugged handhelds manufactured by companies like Motorola, Intermec and Psion. These are expensive devices with built-in barcode scanners that are used in harsh conditions.
The configuration of the handheld application is managed by business users through our web site. The devices pick up the configuration when they sync from within the handheld application. Field workers use the handhelds, business users use the web site.
The business users have expressed the desire to, for lack of a better description, configure and preview or even fully use the actual handheld application through a web browser. They want to make configuration changes in the web site and immediately see what the impact will be in the handheld, without having to have a physical device (again, the devices are quite expensive). They want to be able to create training materials or conduct sales meetings and be able to demonstrate the application to their customers without having a physical device on hand.
Microsoft offers several Device Emulators, but they are probably too complex for business users. They are developer tools. One idea might be to somehow use the emulators within virtual machines possibly in conjunction with Terminal Services or even some kind of clever screen capture/VNC to show an emulated device in a browser. I suspect running emulators in the fashion may not exactly be a scalable solution, however. Also, only one emulator at a time on a single machine can be "cradled" and connected to network.
I'm looking for any suggestions which might help me meet the business users' requirements.
The only thing I can think of offhand is not that simple, but would probably be useful (and certainly the only "true" way for them to test).
I'd create a service that works like the Remote Display app (part of the WinMo Developer power tools, also ships with Platform Builder for CE), in fact it might just use that app (the source code for it actually ships with Platform Builder, so the eval version of PB would get you that source).
You would then create a web interface that acts as a "shell" for that service, marshalling the display image out to a web page and image clicks back as mouse events to the device.

First steps to begin developing with J2ME

I am a .NET programmer who needs to port one good Desktop OTP system already at work to be used into cell phones. As far I know J2ME is the correct answer to do it. I'll appreciate any good advice about IDE, first steps, books or any other information.
Well, Eclipse IDE have good J2ME support, or so I've heard.
For api, read the javadocs:
You'll have to figure out which device you want to target, and grab its emulator.
Then, proceed making a hello world app with the aid of tutorials.
I would give NetBeans a try as well. Eclipse and NetBeans are very similar, but the differences can be night and day depending on your personal preferences. NetBeans also has great J2ME project support, and it is plug and play for any emulator of a device you may need to target, though I recommend sticking to the default or SonyEricsson's. Motorola's was always buggy and never reflected the device at all, and Nokia's was always sloooow.
Also, there are a ton of devices out there. Before you jump head first into this you should define a scope of exactly which devices you will need to target. This will have a huge impact on scheduling as porting is no small task.
Finally, just get your hands on the actual devices you need to target. Emulator is a good way to start, but there are always so many nuances and problems that pop up once you throw the app on the device that it's best to have your target devices from day one.
