Patterns for the overlap of two objects - object

I'm sure this has already been asked and answered so I apologize in advance for that but I'm not figuring out the correct keywords to search for. Searching for "Pattern" hits way too many Q & A's to be useful.
I'm working on a regression testing app. I'm displaying a form on the screen and according to which user is logged in to the app some of the fields should be read-only. So I can abstract a field object and I can abstract a user object but what pattern should I be looking at to describe the intersection of these two concepts? In other words how should I describe that for Field 1 and User A, the field should be read-only? It seems like read-only (or not) should be a property of the Field class but as I said, it depends on which user is looking at the form. I've considered a simple two-dimensional array (e. g. ReadOnly[Field,User] = True) but I want to make sure I've picked the most effective structure to represent this.
Are there any software design patterns regarding this kind of data structure? Am I overcomplicating things--would a two-dimensional array be the best way to go here? As I said if this has been asked and answered, I do apologize. I did search here and didn't find anything and a Google search failed to turn up anything either.

Table driven designs can be effective.
Steve Maguire had few nice examples in Writing Solid Code .
They are also a great way to capture tests, see fit .
In your case something like:
Field1ReadonlyRules = {
'user class 1' : True,
'user class 2' : False
field1.readOnly = Field1ReadonlyRules[ someUser.userClass ]
As an aside you probably want to model both users and user classes/roles/groups instead of combining them.
A user typically captures who (authentication) while groups/roles capture what (permissions, capabilities)

At first blush it sounds more like you have two different types of users and they have different access levels. This could be solved by inheritance (PowerUser, User) or by containing a security object or token that sets the level for the user.
If you don't like inheritance as a rule, you could use a State pattern on the application, Decorate the user objects (Shudder) or possibly add strategy patterns for differing security levels. But I think it's a little early yet, I don't normally apply patterns until I have a firm idea of how the item will grown and be maintained.


How to handle too long Gherkin scenario lines?

I have some scenarios with too many parameters and most of the parameters causes the variation of scenarios. Therefore, I need to include parameter details in scenario name to give insight about the scenario. However, this causes too long Scenario lines.
For Example:
Scenario: Create list for Today's unique stuff of 'X' item with multiple string attribute values and 'distinct count' aggregation
Given I create a 'Create List' request and name as 'New List'
When I add 'X' item to 'Create List' request
And I add item attribute to current list query on list preview request
| attribute | operator | values |
| id | EXMATCH | id1,id2 |
And I add list aggregation to current list query on 'Create List' request
| aggField | aggType |
| stuff | DISTINCT_COUNT |
And I send request to 'Create List' request date as 'TODAY'
Then 'success' parameter in response should be true
And received list name should be equal to created list name
And received list queries in 'Create List' response should be equal to created list queries
Another Scenario:
Scenario: Create list for Today's unique stuff of 'X' item with multiple integer attribute values and 'sum' aggregation
Scenario: Create list for Today's unique stuff of 'X' item with multiple integer attribute values, 'sum' aggregation and <some other parameter related conditions which causes too long scenario name>
This can go on and on according to the number of different parameters who effects the scenario.
I have a feeling like there must be best practices writing clearer and shorter scenario names. Are there any?
How should I handle these long scenario names? Or, can I find easer/shorter way of express the content of scenario?
Cucumber allows you to use natural language (as opposed to a programming language) to write your scenarios. You can use all the tools of natural language to simplify your scenarios.
The two most powerful tools to simplify are
These tools work hand in hand. With abstraction you take something with alot of details and abstract it into something simpler that removes the details. You use naming to give this new thing a name. If your name is good you can know talk about your complex thing using your new simple term and no longer have to talk about the details.
To make you scenarios simpler you need to abstract, remove the details, and give things good names. The way to do this is to read your scenario and differentiate between WHAT you are doing and HOW you are doing it. Then have your scenarios focus on only saying WHAT they are doing and not saying anything about HOW they are doing it.
One additional tool when thinking about WHAT something is doing is to also think about WHY someone is doing the thing. So lets have a look at your scenario and formulate a few questions.
We do this all the time in computing. Every time we write a method/function we are abstracting and naming. We do this even more often in real life. When you order a coffee you don't say
"I'd like a double expresso in a warmed cup with 3oz of milk wet
foamed at 60C poured with a swan pattern"
You say
"I'd like a flat white"
And of course a double expresso is just another abstraction for a set of instructions that talks about water temperature, number of grammes of coffee, grind settings (extra fine), pressure of water etc. etc.
By using abstraction and naming we can talk eloquently about coffee with all its complexity without mentioning any of the details.
So what is the 'flat white' or 'double expresso' for your scenario?
Your scenario seems to be about creating some sort of a list.
WHAT sort of list is this?
WHY are you creating it?
WHAT will people use this list for?
WHY will people find this list useful?
Once you have asked and answered these questions you can start thinking about how to simplify. When you answer these questions, use the answers to
name your feature
describe your feature
write a preamble for your feature (the bit between Feature and the first Scenario)
write you Scenario titles
You shouldn't start writing a scenario until you have all of this done, and have a Feature that tells you WHAT your scenarios are going to be about and WHY its important for you to do these things.
You also talk about the parameters you are adding causing a variation in the scenarios. So for each parameter you are adding you should be asking
WHAT sort of variation does this parameter cause?
WHY is this variation important? Is it important enough to have its own scenario?
Again think about sets of parameters creating named things like a mocha, cortado or latte.
When you have answered these questions you can remove the parameters from your scenarios. Each set of parameters that creates a variation. For each variation you can remove the parameters by abstracting and giving a name to the variation
If you apply this approach and answer these questions then you transform your scenarios into something much simpler

Correct structure for MongoDB

I am fairly new to mongoDB and databases in general and I am not sure what the correct/typical structure is for setting up different attributes.
For example, Lets say I have a person named Tim and he can play basketball, soccer, and tennis. How do you go about stating this? do you use booleans or store an array of strings?
This is how I think the format this the correct way to think about it?
name: 'Tim',
sports: {
soccer: true,
tennis: true,
basketball: true,
football: false
Data modeling in MongoDB works differently than with RDBMS. A typical workflow with RDBMs is that you define your entities and their properties as well as their relations and then bang your head against the wall to get your „upper left above and beyond“™ JOINs right so that the data gives you the answers you need.
The typical workflow for NoSQL databases in general and MongoDB in particular is different. You identify the questions you need to get answered by your data first, and model your data so that these questions can be answered in the most efficient way. Hence, let us play this through.
You obviously have people, for which sports they participate in should be recorded. So the first question we have to ask ourselves is wether we embed the data or wether we reference the data. Since it is rather unlikely that we hit the 16MB document limit, embedding seems to be a good choice. Now, with staying with an object holding Boolean values for every sport imaginable (later down the road), not only to we introduce unnecessary verbosity, we add exactly 0 informational value in comparison to holding an array of sports:
Name: “Tim“,
Sports: [”Soccer”,“Tennis”,”Basketball”]
This makes it much easier to introduce new Sports later down the road (simply append said sport to the array of people doing it), does not pollute each and every document with irrelevant data and holds the same informational value.

Core Data - relationships or attributes?

I have a very basic, functioning, checklist application that I'd like to improve.
Essentially, it's just a list of 37,000 (and growing) items.
Right now, I have two entities:
1) Checklist: This includes the following attributes: name, numberOwned, imageName, groupName, etc - 14 in all. All are Strings
2) Keywords: This includes a single attribute: words, with a one-to-many nameKeywords relationship. This stores the normalized name for searching
My question is: Is there any reason to be using multiple entities in this type of situation? Should I remove the Keywords relationship and just add that as an additional attribute? Or should be be going the other route, minimizing the attributes and adding more entities?
I'd like to keep it as simple as possible (I'm not an experienced programmer, and the app isn't a source of revenue - it's available free on the store) - but I would like to make the searches more efficient if possible to make my users happy. Right now when a user searches for an item, it searches the normalized name in the Keyword entity, but it can take a while if they are trying to search through all items.
As usual, I apologize if this question is to vague. I'm happy to provide clarifications and code snippets as needed!
To increase the speed of search, you can use indexes for attributes, but it'll help if you can show your model of database

Magento: Attribute with thousands of values/options

I'm creating a Book store in Magento and am having trouble figuring out the best way to handle the Authors of a Book (which would be the product).
What I currently have is an Attribute called "authors" which is multi-select and a thousand [test] values. It's still manageable but does get a little slow when editing a product. Also, when adding an option/value to the authors attribute itself, a huge list is rendered in the HTML making this an inefficient solution.
Is there another approach I should take?
Is it possible to create an Author object (entity type?) which is associated to a product through a join table? If yes, can someone give me an explanation about how that is done or point me to some good documentation?
If I'd take the Author object approach, could that still be used in the layered navigation?
How would I show the list of all books for a single author?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I am aware of extensions like Improved Navigation but AFAIK it adds something like attributes to attributes themselves which is not what I'm looking for.
For Googlers: The same would apply for Artists of a music site or manufacturers.
If you create an author entity type, you'll just increase your work trying to add it to layered navigation, and I don't see a reason why it would be faster.
Your approach seems the best fit to the problem, given the way Magento is set up. How are you going to display 1,000 (which presumably pales in comparison to the actual list) authors in layered navigation?
Depending on the requirements, you could go the route of denormalizing the field and accepting text for it. That would still allow you to display it, search based on it, etc, but would eliminate the need to render every possible artist to manipulate the list. You could add a little code around selecting the proper artist (basically add an AJAX autocomplete to the backend field) to minimize typos as well.
Alternatively, you could write a simple utility to add a new artist to the system without some of the overhead of Magento's loading the list. To be honest, though, it seems that the lag that this has the potential to create on the frontend will probably outweigh the backend trouble.
Hope that helps!

Freebase: Format search result to list all properties of object of unknown type(s)

I'm trying to write a MQL query to format a search result in freebase (the "output" parameter in the search API). I essentially want to find the (simple) values of all the properties of a given search result (without knowing anything about the types of the result a priori). By "simple", I mean only the default properties if the values are complex objects.
E.g., if I search for "Yo La Tengo" and this takes me to the result for "/en/yo_la_tengo", I want to be able to get the group's members (I just need names, not instruments or dates started), albums (again, just names), films contributed to (again, just names), etc.
Is there a simple way to do this with a search output query, given that I know nothing about the types? I imagine there's some sort of reflection magic I can use, and I've tried mucking about with "/type/reflect", but I'm not getting anywhere. I'm brand-new to MQL (though I have extensive SQL experience), so this is a little daunting. Any ideas?
Edit: So to clarify, I think the problem I'm seeing is due to mediator types like "performance" (an actor in a film) or "marriage". E.g., with a query about Yo La Tengo, I can see most (all?) information that I'm interested in, but a similar query about [The Muppet Movie]( -- sorry, SO thinks I'm a spammer so I can't make this a link), I don't see Frank Oz reference at all (probably because his performance is referenced instead). Is there a generic way for me to "follow" mediator types to get all their properties? E.g., is there a single output MQL that would allow me to get the actor in a performance (when linked form a film search result) and give the the spouse in a marriage (when linked from a person)?
Querying not only every property, but then following those properties another ply deep in the graph for all search results is going to be an incredibly expensive operation. What is the use case for this? Do you really have a UI where the user can see and effectively absorb all this information? To answer the question directly though, it's not possible to unpack mediator types automatically using mql_output on the search API.
I'd suggest combining a basic set of information on the search query with a deeper set of information on a topic that the user has expressed interest (e.g. by hovering over). This UI experience would be similar to that of Freebase Suggest.
In the years since the question was originally asked there have been some additional useful things added such as the "notable" pseudo-property which lets you see what the topic is notable for.
Of course everyone also needs to be moving to the new API, so the queries would be:
AFAIK there is no way to do this in outright MQL, but you can:
Get all the properties of an object or type of object, then
Programmatically construct another MQL query to get those objects you want to know more about.
Look at this example:
"type|=": [
"*": [{}]
It grabs all the properties of all objects that have the type actor, tv_actor, or celebrity. When you run it, you'll see all the possible "follow" points you can explore.
This is not exactly what you want, but it should get you closer.
