How can I impose my own timeout? - multithreading

I have to use an API to make a call to a third party, and ideally use the response it returns. The API has a built-in 30 second timeout, and does not allow you to set that programatically. I need it to time out in 12 seconds. Here's the call I'm making:
string response = theAPI.FunctionA(a, b, c, d);
I've been thinking I might need to use async calls to accomplish this and abort the thread at 12 seconds. Another stackoverflow question appears to come close to what I'm considering: Implement C# Generic Timeout
...I'm just wondering if this is the best way. Specifically, I keep seeing articles that warn you to call EndInvoke no matter what, and I'm wondering if Abort as in the referenced example will still close the thread appropriately? I see there were some comments with much concern about using Abort.

Aborting threads is generally a bad idea. Why not just let the call complete (or time out after 30 seconds) but ignore the result (and move on) if it takes more than 12 seconds?

Thread.Abort will close the thread, of course, as it will call Win32 TerminateThread.
Outcome of this action will depend on how your API likes to be closed by TerminateThread.
If your method is called somthing like NuclearPlant.MoveRod() or Defibrillator.Shock(), I'd rather wait these 30 seconds.
This method gives no chance to the victim to do some cleanup:
TerminateThread is used to cause a thread to exit. When this occurs, the target thread has no chance to execute any user-mode code. DLLs attached to the thread are not notified that the thread is terminating. The system frees the thread's initial stack.
As stated in MSDN:
TerminateThread is a dangerous function that should only be used in the most extreme cases. You should call TerminateThread only if you know exactly what the target thread is doing, and you control all of the code that the target thread could possibly be running at the time of the termination. For example, TerminateThread can result in the following problems:
If the target thread owns a critical section, the critical section will not be released.
If the target thread is allocating memory from the heap, the heap lock will not be released.
If the target thread is executing certain kernel32 calls when it is terminated, the kernel32 state for the thread's process could be inconsistent.
If the target thread is manipulating the global state of a shared DLL, the state of the DLL could be destroyed, affecting other users of the DLL.


Ending a thread that might be joined or dereferenced

I'm having a problem deciding on what to do in this situation, I want to have a detached thread, but still be able to join it in case I want to abort it early, presumably before starting a new instance of it, to make sure I don't have the thread still accessing things when it shouldn't.
This means I shouldn't detach the thread right after calling it, so then I have a few options:
Self-detach the thread when it's reaching the end of its execution, but then wouldn't this cause problems if I try to join it from the main thread? This would be my prefered solution if the problem of trying to join it after it's self-detached could be solved. I could dereference the thread handle that the main thread has access to from the self-detaching thread before self-detaching it, however in case the main thread tries to join right before the handle is dereferenced and the thread self-detached this could cause problems, so I'd have to protect the dereferencing in the thread and however (I don't know how, I might need to create a variable to indicate this) I would check if I should join in the main thread with a mutex, which complicates things. Somehow I have a feeling that this isn't the right way to do it.
Leave the thread hanging until eventually I join it, which could take a long time to happen, depending on how I organise things it could be not before I get rid of what it made (e.g. joining the thread right before freeing an image that was loaded/processed by the thread when I don't need it anymore)
Have the main thread poll periodically to know when the thread has done its job, then join it (or detach it actually) and indicate not to try joining it again?
Or should I just call pthread_exit() from the thread, but then what if I try to join it?
If I sound a bit confused it's because I am. I'm writing in C99 using TinyCThread, a simple wrapper to pthread and Win32 API threading. I'm not even sure how to dereference my thread handles, on Windows the thread handle is HANDLE, and setting a handle to NULL seems to do it, I'm not sure that's the right way to do it with the pthread_t type.
Epilogue: Based on John Bollinger's answer I chose to go with detaching the thread, putting most of that thread's code in a mutex, this way if any other thread wants to block until the thread is practically done it can use that mutex.
The price of using an abstraction layer such as TinyCThreads is that you can rely only on the defined characteristics of the abstraction. Both Windows and POSIX provide features and details that are not necessarily reflected by TinyCThreads. On the other hand, this may force you to rely on a firmer foundation than you might otherwise hack together with the help of implementation-specific features.
Anyway, you say,
I want to have a detached thread, but still be able to join it in case I want to abort it early,
but that's inconsistent. Once you detach a thread, you cannot join it. I suspect you meant something more like, "I want a thread that I can join as long as it is running, but that I don't have to join when it terminates." That's at least consistent, but it focuses on mechanism.
What I think you actually want would be described better as a thread that you can cancel synchronously as long as it is running, but that you otherwise don't need to join when it terminates. I note, however, that the whole idea presupposes a way to make the thread terminate early, and it does not appear that TinyCThread provides any built-in facility for that. It will also require a mechanism to determine whether a given thread is still alive, and TinyCThread does not provide that, either.
First, then, you need some additional per-thread shared state that tracks thread status (running / abort requested / terminated). Because the state is shared, you'll need a mutex to protect it, and that will probably need to be per-thread, too. Furthermore, in order to enable one thread (e.g. the main one) to wait for that state to change when it cancels a thread, it will need a per-thread condition variable.
With that in place, the new thread can self-detach, but it must periodically check whether an abort has been requested. When the thread ends its work, whether because it discovers an abort has been requested or because it reaches the normal end of its work, it performs any needed cleanup, sets the status to "terminated", broadcasts to the CV, and exits.
Any thread that wants to cancel another locks the associated mutex, and checks whether the thread is already terminated. If not, it sets the thread status to "abort requested", and waits on the condition variable until the status becomes "terminated". If desired, you could use a timed wait to allow the cancellation request to time out. After successfully canceling the thread, it may be possible to clean up the mutex, cv, and shared variable.
I note that all of that hinges on my interpretation of your request, and in particular, on the prospect that what you're after is aborting / canceling threads. None of the alternatives you floated seem to address that; for the most part they abandon the unwanted thread, which does not serve your expressed interest in preventing it from making unwanted changes to shared state.
It's not clear to me what you want, but you can use a condition variable to implement basically arbitrary joining semantics for threads. The POSIX Rationale contains an example of this, showing how to implement pthread_join with a timeout (search for timed_thread).

Can my CurrentThreadID ever change?

Is it possible for the thread that is running a section of code to change during that code block?
I am specifically thinking of code running inside, where methods are executed against the Thread Pool.
If my code initiates an I/O operation (e.g. database) the execution is suspended pending the completion of an I/O completion port. In the meantime, that thread-pool thread can be re-used to handle another web request.
When my I/O completes, and my code is returned to a thread-pool thread - is it guaranteed to be the same thread?
private void DoStuff()
DWORD threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
//And what if this 3rd party code (e.g. ADO/ uses completion ports?
//my thread-pool thread is given to someone else(?)
//Synchronous operation has completed
threadID2 = GetCurrentThread();
Is it possible for
threadID2 <> threadID
i mentioned the .NET Thread Pool, but there is also the native thread pool. And i have written code for both.
Is it ever possible for my ThreadID to be ripped out from under me? Ever.
Why do i care?
The reason i care is because i'm trying to make an object thread-safe. That means that sometimes i have to know which so-called "thread" of execution called the method. Later, when they return, i know that "they" are still "them".
The only way i know to identify a "series of machine instructions that were written to be executed by one virtual processing unit" is through GetCurrentThreadID. But if GetCurrentThreadID changes; if my series of machine instructions can be moved to different "virtual processing units" (i.e. threads) during execution, then i cannot rely on GetCurrentThreadID.
The short answer is no. No synchronous function would do this.
With sufficient cleverness and evil you could create a function that did this. However, you would expect it to break things and that's why nobody actually does this.
As just the most obvious issue -- what happens if the calling thread holds a lock for the duration of the synchronous call?

Deadlock Delphi explanation/solution

On a server application we have the following:
A class called a JobManager that is a singleton.
Another class, the Scheduler, that keeps checking if it is time to add any sort of job to the JobManager.
When it is time to do so, the Scheduler do something like:
TJobManager.Singleton.NewJobItem(parameterlist goes here...);
At the same time, on the client application, the user do something that generates a call to the server. Internally, the server sends a message to itself, and one of the classes listening for that message is the JobManager.
The JobManager handles the message, and knows that it is time to add a new job to the list, calling its own method:
NewJobItem(parameter list...);
On the NewJobItem method, I have something like this:
It happens that the system reaches a deadlock at this point (CS.Acquire).
The communication between client and server application, is made via Indy 10.
I think, the RPC call that fire the server application method that sends a message to the JobManager is running on the context of the Indy Thread.
The Scheduler has its own thread running, and it makes a direct call to the JobManager method. Is this situation prone to deadlocks?
Can someone help me understand why a deadlock is happening here?
We knew that, sometimes, when the client did a specific action, that cause the system to lock, then I could finally find out this point, where the critical section on the same class is reached twice, from different points (the Scheduler and the message handler method of the JobManager).
Some more info
I want to add that (this may be silly, but anyway...) inside the DoSomething there is another
Do other stuff...
This internal CS.Release is doing anything to the external CS.Acquire? If so, this could be the point where the Scheduler is entering the Critical Section, and all the lock and unlock becomes a mess.
There isn't enough information about your system to be able to tell you definitively if your JobManager and Scheduler are causing a deadlock, but if they are both calling the same NewJobItem method, then this should not be the problem since they will both acquire the locks in the same order.
For your question if your NewJobItem CS.acquire and DoSomething CS.acquire interact with each other: it depends. If the lock object used in both methods is different, then no the two calls should be independant. If it's the same object then it depends on the type of lock. If you locks are re-entrant locks (eg. they allow acquire to be called multiple times from the same thread and count how many time they have been acquired and released) then this should not be a problem. On the other hand if you have simple lock objects that don't support re-entry, then the DoSomething CS.release could release your lock for that thread and then the CallAMethodWithAnotherCriticalSessionInternally would be running without the protection of the CS lock that was acquired in NewJobItem.
Deadlocks occur when there are two or more threads running and each thread is waiting for another thread to finish it's current job before it can continue its self.
For Example:
Thread 1 executes:
Thread 2 executes:
Notice that the locks in thread 2 are acquired in the opposite order from thread 1. Now if thread 1 acquires the lock_a and then is interrupted and thread 2 now runs and acquires lock_b and then starts waiting for lock_a to be available before it can continue. Then thread 1 continues running and the next thing it does is try to acquire lock_b, but it is already taken by thread 2 and so it waits. Finally we are in a situation in which thread 1 is waiting for thread 2 to release lock_b and thread 2 is waiting for thread 1 to release lock_a.
This is a deadlock.
There are several common solutions:
Only use one shared global lock in all your code. This way it is impossible to have two threads waiting for two locks. This makes your code wait a lot for the lock to be available.
Only ever allow your code to hold one lock at a time. This is usually too hard to control since you might not know or control the behavior of method calls.
Only allow your code to acquire multiple locks all at the same time, and release them all at the same time, and disallow acquiring new locks while you already have locks acquired.
Make sure that all locks are acquired in the same global order. This is a more common technique.
With solution 4. you need to be careful programming and always make sure that you acquire the locks/critical sections in the same order. To help with debugging you can place a global order on all the locks in your system (eg. just a unique integer for each lock) and then throwing an error if you try to acquire a lock that has a lower ranking that a lock that the current thread already has acquired (eg. if < then throw exception)
If you can't put in a global debugging aid to help find which locks have been acquired out of order, the I'd suggest that you find all the places in your code that you acquire any lock and just print a debugging message with the current time, the method calling acquire/release, the thread id, and the lock id that is being acquired. Also do the same thing with all the release calls. Then run your system until you get the deadlock and find in your log file which locks have been acquired by which threads and in which order. Then decide which thread is accessing it's locks in the wrong order and change it.

terminate a thread in delphi

How can I terminate a thread in a proper way?
When the thread finishes, it is still in memory. I'm using Delphi 2010 (Update 5).
The way I usually describe the issues of thread termination is to stress co-operation. You should not terminate a thread. Instead you should notify the thread that you want it to terminate. You then politely wait until it has terminated.
The reasons for this are manifest. Only the thread knows how to terminate itself. Only the thread knows what locks it holds, what resources it needs to free etc.
The same arguments apply if you wish to pause or suspend a thread's execution. You should ask to it do so and then let the thread find a convenient moment when it is safe to do so.
With a Delphi TThread the standard way to request termination is to call Thread.Terminate. This does nothing more than to set a flag in the thread object. That is the request. The response is initiated by the thread code inside TThread.Execute. That should regularly check the value of its Terminated property. When that is found to be true, it should exit from the function. Naturally any tidy up (release locks, return resources etc.) should be performed before calling exit.
How exactly do you terminate a thread? If you just set Terminate, this is just a flag checked inside of the thread. If you need to terminate thread of execution (and not signal a TThread object that it needs to finish), you can use TerminateThread WinAPI function. But you should notice that this leads to resource leaks (as written in the comments in documentation for TerminateThread).
that depends on what you want to accomplish with that thread. you should provide more details about what you want to do, before we can help you.
here you have a very good tutorial on how to work with threads in Delphi:

How to stop long executing threads gracefully?

I have a threading problem with Delphi. I guess this is common in other languages too. I have a long process which I do in a thread, that fills a list in main window. But if some parameters change in the mean time, then I should stop current executing thread and start from the beginning. Delphi suggests terminating a thread by setting Terminated:=true and checking for this variable's value in the thread. However my problem is this, the long executing part is buried in a library call and in this call I cannot check for the Terminated variable. Therefore I had to wait for this library call to finish, which affects the whole program.
What is the preferred way to do in this case? Can I kill the thread immediately?
The preferred way is to modify the code so that it doesn't block without checking for cancellation.
Since you can't modify the code, you can't do that; you either have to live with the background operation (but you can disassociate it from any UI, so that its completion will be ignored); or alternatively, you can try terminating it (TerminateThread API will rudely terminate any thread given its handle). Termination isn't clean, though, like Rob says, any locks held by the thread will be abandoned, and any cross-thread state protected by such locks may be in a corrupted state.
Can you consider calling the function in a separate executable? Perhaps using RPC (pipes, TCP, rather than shared memory owing to same lock problem), so that you can terminate a process rather than terminating a thread? Process isolation will give you a good deal more protection. So long as you aren't relying on cross-process named things like mutexes, it should be far safer than killing a thread.
The threads need to co-operate to achieve a graceful shutdown. I am not sure if Delphi offers a mechanism to abort another thread, but such mechanisms are available in .NET and Java, but should be considered an option of last resort, and the state of the application is indeterminate after they have been used.
If you can kill a thread at an arbitrary point, then you may kill it while it is holding a lock in the memory allocator (for example). This will leave your program open to hanging when your main thread next needs to access that lock.
If you can't modify the code to check for termination, then just set its priority really low, and ignore it when it returns.
I wrote this in reply to a similar question:
I use an exception-based technique
that's worked pretty well for me in a
number of Win32 applications.
To terminate a thread, I use
QueueUserAPC to queue a call to a
function which throws an exception.
However, the exception that's thrown
isn't derived from the type
"Exception", so will only be caught by
my thread's wrapper procedure.
I've used this with C++Builder apps very successfully. I'm not aware of all the subtleties of Delphi vs C++ exception handling, but I'd expect it could easily be modified to work.
