How can I help port Google Chrome to Linux? - linux

I really enjoy Chrome, and the sheer exercise of helping a port would boost my knowledge-base.
Where do I start?
What are the fundamental similarities and differences between the code which will operated under Windows and Linux?
What skills and software do I need?
The official website is Visual Studio oriented!
Netbeans or Eclipse are my only options.
I will not pay Microsoft to help an Open Source project.

EDIT: (2/6/10)
A Beta version of Chrome has been released for Linux. Although it is labeled beta, it works great on my Ubuntu box. You can download it from Google:
EDIT: (5/31/09)
Since I answered this question, there have been more new developments in Chrome (actually "Chromium") for Linux: An alpha build has been released. This means it's not fully functional.
If you use Ubuntu, you're in luck: add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
Then, at the command line:
aptitude update
aptitude install chromium-browser
Don't forget to s/jaunty/yourUbuntuVersion/ if necessary. Also, you can s/aptitude/apt-get/, if you insist.
And.... Yes, it works. I'm typing this in my freshly installed Chromium browser right now!
The build is hosted by launchpad, and gave me some security warnings upon install, which I promptly ignored. Here's the website:
The original answer:
Linux Build Instructions

Read this article on Chrome and Open Source on Linux:
The Google V8 JavaScript Engine is also open source and available here if you want to contribute;
If you want to contribute on Chronium, here are the instructions:
Chromium is an open-source browser
project that aims to build a safer,
faster, and more stable way for all
Internet users to experience the web.
This site contains design documents,
architecture overviews, testing
information, and more to help you
learn to build and work with the
Chromium source code.
Here is how you can get started:
EDIT: Two more questions was added to the original question.
Building on Linux requires the following software:
Subversion >= 1.4
pkg-config >= 0.20
Python >= 2.4
Perl >= 5.x
gcc/g++ >= 4.2
bison >= 2.3
flex >= 2.5.34
gperf >= 3.0.3
libnss3-dev >= 3.12
On Ubuntu 8.04, you can fetch all of the above as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install subversion pkg-config python perl g++ bison flex gperf libnss3-dev
Note: There is no working
Chromium-based browser on Linux.
Although many Chromium submodules
build under Linux and a few unit tests
pass, all that runs is a command-line
"all tests pass" executable.


cygwin libxml2 outdated automake version

I'm using Cygwin, and I am really impressed with the enhanced functionality of my Windows pc! However, I ran into a problem.
In order to setup Magento 2 on my Windows 8.1 Home pc, I need a virtual machine. Therefore I want to install libvirt, an open-source package that seems pretty old. However,on a Windows Home pc, it seems the only option. For libvirt to work, I need to setup an older version of libxml2: 2.6.0. Libvirt would not work with libxml2 2.7.0.
Installing libxml2 version 2.6.0 calls an old version of automake (1.6.3), which is unable to recognize my Windows file system.
I have tried changing aclocal.m4, replacing 'automake 1.6.3' to 'automake 1.15.1', but that didn't work:
Is there a way to install the old libxml2 version (2.6.0) using a new version of automake?
p.s.: I hope I made my issue clear. I apologize for newbee errors in my writing.

How to install kate5

I tried to install the latest version of kde editor kate, but nothing changed.
I took the source code: git clone git://;
I followed's instructions;
Now, when I run ~/kde/usr/bin/kate-v is the same version that was:
$ ~/kde/usr/bin/kate -v
Qt: 4.8.6
Plataforma de desenvolvimento KDE: 4.14.1
Kate: 3.14.1
How I do to install the lastest version?
First of all: the version in the About dialog is built from the KDE version, so it does not all reflect whether you are running a self-compiled one or not. Second, you should run Kate with all environment variables properly set - just running the executable will probably load the wrong library.
The easiest way to get Kate5 is to install a distribution that ships Kate5 (probably along with Plasma 5).
If you already have a KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5) environment available, then you can also build Kate5 from sources by following the build instructions. These were updated in June 2015.
If you are still on KDE 4.x and you have no KDE Frameworks 5 packages installed, then you also need to build KDE Frameworks 5 from sources. In this case, you have to follow the KF5 build instructions. If you've questions, feel free to ask on and/or on the Kate mailing list.

Google Chrome in CentOS

In CentOS 6.5 I would like to install Google Chrome, but I am having a problem with that.
I read that this is mainly because Google are using very recent Linux build systems which produce backwards-incompatible binaries.
1) Enable Google YUM repository:
Add following to /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file:
for 32-bit
name=Google - i386
for 64-bit
name=Google - x86_64
2) Install Google Chrome with YUM (as root user)
yum install google-chrome-stable
Copy and run this line :
curl | bash
Whilst adding a Google Chrome repo works in CentOS 7, the original question mentioned CentOS 6.5, so just a yum repo on its own isn't good enough for that older (but still supported) platform.
Google do indeed use far too "new" compiler tools when building their Google Chrome browser on Linux, resulting in quite frankly avoidable libstdc++ compatibility issues in CentOS 6. The correct answer is to download and run the script I wrote from the site but note that you must upgrade to at least CentOS 6.6 to run it.
This installs Chrome on any RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux variant.
curl | bash
Refer for more details:
For linux rpms, you can find specific versions of Chrome here:
replace CHROME_VERSION with the version you are looking for, e.g. 86.0.4240.198-1

Installing cairo for python 3.3 on redhat 6

I am trying to install pycairo 1.10 for Python 3.3 on redhat 6. There are no packages in the official repo, and when I try building it myself it says glibc is out of date. I have the latest glibc from the official the repo, and am somewhat hesitant to go on updating it through other means. Are there any other packages that can help, or is there some way to get this working with an older version (we have tried back to cairo 1.8).
redhat 6 is clearly out of date. Of course it can be done bringing rh6 up to date with downloading and compiling your own 3.x kernel with all what's needed to meet the requirments for pycairo 1.10....
BUT it would be easier and nicer to install a more modern Linux Distribution which goes nicely with an old computer. Linux Mint 16 (Petra) provides a distro with replaxed requirments and window managers in i386 mode.
I don't see any meaning in trying to get up to date code on such an old os version running. Every replacement hardware you can get hold on ebay will do better than that.

adding Doxygen plugin to qtcreator in linux

I want to add Doxygen plugin to QtCreator.
I am using QtCreator 2.5.2 in ubuntu 12.10 and the latest Doxygen version for QT is 2.4.0.
I've changed the doxygen.pluginspec file to get rid of version error.
But now I've got another error:
can not load library ( can not open shared object file:No such file or directory)
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I hope you are no longer stuck, but if not, I will still try to help.
Yes, the quick install binaries are available only for QtCreator 2.4, but the plugin stays easy to install without it : you have to download the sources and build them yourself, as written in the wiki.
Moreover, you have to build it with the same version of Qt4 as the one that was used for build your QtCreator (have a look here)
It became compatible with QtCreator 2.7 and Qt5 at the end of March, and I succeeded in installing in in QtCreator2.8-beta.
If you have any other question, I guess it would be better to ask them in the plugin forum where developpers always answer to people in need.
Hope this helps (you and other people in need).
You can install Doxywizard wich provides an user interface to use Doxygen.
I'm not shure I'm using fedora to install I used.
yum install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64.
For Ubuntu it should be if the package name is the same.
apt-get install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64
(as root)
