Google Chrome in CentOS - linux

In CentOS 6.5 I would like to install Google Chrome, but I am having a problem with that.
I read that this is mainly because Google are using very recent Linux build systems which produce backwards-incompatible binaries.

1) Enable Google YUM repository:
Add following to /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file:
for 32-bit
name=Google - i386
for 64-bit
name=Google - x86_64
2) Install Google Chrome with YUM (as root user)
yum install google-chrome-stable

Copy and run this line :
curl | bash

Whilst adding a Google Chrome repo works in CentOS 7, the original question mentioned CentOS 6.5, so just a yum repo on its own isn't good enough for that older (but still supported) platform.
Google do indeed use far too "new" compiler tools when building their Google Chrome browser on Linux, resulting in quite frankly avoidable libstdc++ compatibility issues in CentOS 6. The correct answer is to download and run the script I wrote from the site but note that you must upgrade to at least CentOS 6.6 to run it.

This installs Chrome on any RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux variant.
curl | bash
Refer for more details:

For linux rpms, you can find specific versions of Chrome here:
replace CHROME_VERSION with the version you are looking for, e.g. 86.0.4240.198-1



I have a website that uses websocket-sharp for client-server communication and has a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt. Other browsers work, but Google Chrome (on Linux) gives the error ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE in the console. Disabling TLS 1.3 lets users circumvent this error. I am using the latest stable version.
This answer suggests the problem is when Chrome detects "buggy middleware" but I don't know what exactly Chrome is looking for.
This turned out to be a problem with Mono. Mono uses BoringSSL in newer versions but it isn't turned on by default in older versions. On newer Linux distributions you can do export MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=btls but that didn't work for me because the gcc compiler on CentOS 6 (version 4.4) is too old and doesn't support align which is necessary to compile BoringSSL.
First I installed gcc 4.8 with instructions from here:
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/slc6-devtoolset.repo
sudo yum install devtoolset-2
scl enable devtoolset-2 bash
Then I downloaded the latest release package of mono from their website (currently
tar xvf mono-
cd mono-
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install
Just in case, I did export MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=btls too, although I don't think it's necessary, but regardless if you look at the output at the end of ./configure it should tell you if BTLS is enabled.
This also fixed the same problem with recent Firefox update

Lazarus link failed on Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon

I am new to Linux Mint, Lazarus and fpc.
I installed Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon and Lazarus v1.8.0, found it needed fpc and fpc-src, then installed fpc 3.0.4 and fpc-src 3.0.4, launched Lazarus without problem, then tried to run a simplest application in which there is only a blank form. It failed with a lot of "cannot find -l" error, fixed a few with "sudo apt-get install xxx" commands, but ther are still 4 of them:
gdk_pixbuf-2.0, gtk-x11-2.0, pango-1.0 and atk-1.0
where can I find these libraries?
I tried this and it worked for me:
1. Installed Synaptic package management tool
2. Used Synaptic to remove all fpc, fpc-source, fpc-src and Lazarus related packages(fp-xxx, lcl, etc.), used Complete Removal
3. Manually delete /usr/lib/fpc folder
4. Reinstall fpc, fpc-src and Lazarus in order
I had a similar issue with Lazarus and Linux Mint 18.3 just this week actually!
The solution I found was to go through the software manager, search for "pascal" and uninstall any Lazarus and FPC* related packages.
You could of course use apt from the shell or Synaptic as Bochen has already suggested but the Software Manager is what I used.
Then go to and download the Debian DEB files.
The current version is at 1.8.0 and I installed them in the following order:
Hopefully, now, it should all work beautifully. That fixed the problems for me and is a newer version than what's currently available in the mint repositories.

Gitlab on suse linux

I want to install Gitlab on the suse linux OS.
Could some one please suggest me which OS supported Gitlab installer from the available ones on Gitlab site : Ubuntu, Debian and Centos can be used to install Gitlab on Suse linux ?
OS details :
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)
I'm afraid that Suse is a complete different system. They use a package manager called YaST that won't be compatible with any of the proposed OS on the GitLab website.
Alternatively, you can try installation via Docker (Hopefully your system is 64bits):
Or the hard way, manually:
Or even pop an instance somewhere in the cloud but this would involve some costs.
For all other OSs it has packages to install all the required components, but for SUSE there is no package, so you will have to install all the required components like ruby, redis, mysql and other dependent libs on your own.
You may like to try this :
Since I found this answer while looking for the installation on SUSE 12 (SP3), there is one of the currently working options (2021).
First, check the version supported on the system, (Gitlab 12.1 in case of SUSE 12 SP3, which corresponds to OpenSUSE 42.3)
After that, get the proper .rpm file using wget.
Install with
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="" rpm -ivh path/to/file/filename
That's it. Some Versions of Omnibus for SUSE are supported directly, but it really depends on the host system version.

Plone Unified Installer missing Python

I'm trying to install plone 4.3.4 on a SLES 11 SP3 64bit server via the Unified Installer. I've fullfilled all the dependencies listed in the readme.txt, but when I try to get the installer running with the command sudo ./ --password=******* standalone I get the error message: which: no python2.7 in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin) Unable to find python2.7 on system exec path.
I find that rather strange as in the description of the unified installer it is said "The new Zope/Plone install will use its own copy of Python, and the Python installed by the Unified Installer will not replace your system's copy of Python. You may optionally use your system (or some other) Python, and the Unified Installer will use it without modifying it or your site libraries." on the Plone-Website.
So - what am I doing wrong???
I've just tried adding the parameter --build-python but had to find out that the libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel libraries that are available for SLES-11-SP-3 are sadly not up-to-date enough 2.7.6 instead of 2.7.8 and 1.1.24 instead of 1.1.26 respectively. So no joy there either. :-(
Is there any way to install the current version of plone on SLES 11 SP3 64bit?
The installer command:
./ standalone --build-python --static-lxml=yes
worked perfectly for me. The installer downloaded and built the Python and libxml2/libxslt components necessary to remedy the terribly out-of-date (and vulnerable) versions included with sles11sp3.
System packages needed for the build were:
All installed via zypper.
I'd advise not using sudo for the install. If you want to, you'll need to create the plone_daemon and plone_buildout users and the plone_group group in advance due to oddities in SUSE's adduser implementation.

How can I help port Google Chrome to Linux?

I really enjoy Chrome, and the sheer exercise of helping a port would boost my knowledge-base.
Where do I start?
What are the fundamental similarities and differences between the code which will operated under Windows and Linux?
What skills and software do I need?
The official website is Visual Studio oriented!
Netbeans or Eclipse are my only options.
I will not pay Microsoft to help an Open Source project.
EDIT: (2/6/10)
A Beta version of Chrome has been released for Linux. Although it is labeled beta, it works great on my Ubuntu box. You can download it from Google:
EDIT: (5/31/09)
Since I answered this question, there have been more new developments in Chrome (actually "Chromium") for Linux: An alpha build has been released. This means it's not fully functional.
If you use Ubuntu, you're in luck: add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
Then, at the command line:
aptitude update
aptitude install chromium-browser
Don't forget to s/jaunty/yourUbuntuVersion/ if necessary. Also, you can s/aptitude/apt-get/, if you insist.
And.... Yes, it works. I'm typing this in my freshly installed Chromium browser right now!
The build is hosted by launchpad, and gave me some security warnings upon install, which I promptly ignored. Here's the website:
The original answer:
Linux Build Instructions
Read this article on Chrome and Open Source on Linux:
The Google V8 JavaScript Engine is also open source and available here if you want to contribute;
If you want to contribute on Chronium, here are the instructions:
Chromium is an open-source browser
project that aims to build a safer,
faster, and more stable way for all
Internet users to experience the web.
This site contains design documents,
architecture overviews, testing
information, and more to help you
learn to build and work with the
Chromium source code.
Here is how you can get started:
EDIT: Two more questions was added to the original question.
Building on Linux requires the following software:
Subversion >= 1.4
pkg-config >= 0.20
Python >= 2.4
Perl >= 5.x
gcc/g++ >= 4.2
bison >= 2.3
flex >= 2.5.34
gperf >= 3.0.3
libnss3-dev >= 3.12
On Ubuntu 8.04, you can fetch all of the above as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install subversion pkg-config python perl g++ bison flex gperf libnss3-dev
Note: There is no working
Chromium-based browser on Linux.
Although many Chromium submodules
build under Linux and a few unit tests
pass, all that runs is a command-line
"all tests pass" executable.
