Complicated formula required to work out costs including multiple discounts - excel

I'm looking to compute and show individual row totals and a Grand Total. I just need the formulae to put in the boxes so the calculation is automatic but the problem is the calculations are a little complicated...
I'm using data validation to select the day type. This is what I think I need:
Assign a price to the day type (either Standard day = £23 or Extended day = £26).
Apply a volume discount where appropriate. If Jack is attending all week (5 days) and the day type is the same for all (all Standard or all Extended), the total cost is £100 (or £120)
Else the total number of days needs to be added up for Jack. (Number of days for each ‘day type’) and priced up.
For his siblings after the first, as above but apply an additional discount of 15%.
The grand total then needs to show at the bottom.

Well, it is not the best of data layouts but this may serve, in L6 and copied down to L13:
=IF(OR(A6="Brother",A6="Sister"),0.85* IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")=5,100,IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")=5,120,COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")*23+COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")*26)), IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")=5,100,IF(COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")=5,120,COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Standard day")*23+COUNTIF(B6:F6,"Extended day")*26)))
and =SUM(L1:L16) in D16.
It would be better practice not to hard code the daily rates/discount, but extracting these from C1:D2 would have increased the length of the formula further.
Note also the result is not £429.95 (you may have changed your example after doing your calculations).


How can I determine the 'total cost' from a tiered pricing structure using standard formulas in Excel?

I'm trying to evaluate various tiered pricing structures (for say, electricity plans) using Excel (more-or-less) to see what costing/plan is 'optimal', given some existing usage data I have.
Consider an example 'Table of Usage & Rates' (with fictitious but easily manipulated values):-
For a daily usage value of 120, we'd have 100 (in the 1st tier) and 20 (in the 2nd tier). The amount used within a tier gets charged at a certain rate (the 'factor')... and each 'tier charge' is addded together to form a total charge for the day.
So, we can calculate:-
100 x 8 = 800 ...a part of the total
20 x 4 = 80 ...another part of the total
...and that's all, giving a total of 880.
...but how to do that in a single formula within a cell?
I've done some pretty decent explorations for a few hours today, as I can't nut out how to deal with this... and most suggestions talk about multiple =IF formulas (cumbersome and unscalable - I shouldn't need to recode cell contents if I split/add another tier)... and suggestions with =VLOOKUP just don't 'click' with me ( = I don't understand them).
I'm actually using 'PlanMaker', a component of Softmaker's 'Office 2021' product to create/maintain this spreadsheet.. and there is no VBA-like plugin available.
I'd appreciate a method of attack, if anyone can suggest something, please...
or if we assume Factor starts in B9 then =product(A9,B9)+product(A10,B10+product(A11,B11)
then take the sum of those results etc assuming A9 is the amount used.
You can also use:
for the same but only needs one cell. And the advantage of a lot less typing.
You can include a 3rd array in sumproduct (or as many as needed) such as a binary value to include in the calculation or not.

Substract a cell (if it has a # value) with rows below it in a different column if the conditions are the same

I'm using this equation =IF(K2=0,0, K2-I2) to show the difference in a cell with what a client has to pay vs what he has paid (negative if he paid less than what he had to and positive if he paid more). How would I modify this equation to substract from the next amount paid (k3 in this case) or the following (k4) if they didn't pay in k3 so the difference becomes 0 if its used with the added condition that the name at Column C matches.
The first column is the amount someone needs to pay, the second is what they paid, the fourth shows the difference and the fifth states what it is. I would like the difference from the first row to use the paid amount from the second row to substract from it before applying itself to the difference in the second row. Is this possible? I've tried looking for hours in google with no luck.
This is how I would like it to look (this is manually inputting the data). The amount the client has to pay each month is 425.65 so the second month he pays 400 it would first cancel the first 'debt' to then count towards his second month payment which results in more debt than the first pay cycle.
Worksheet here / screenshot below refer.
If you don't mind using a 'helper' column (I don't see any other way around this, unless you go down the 'VBA/Pivot' route, given the nature of the sum function re arrays) - then this should (I think!:) address the issue...
This turns 1 when the sum of "Paid" is at least >= "Owing" for the same individual. Assumes: rows ordered chronologically, grouped by 'Person' attribute.
Net ultimate
This sums from the first instance of 'Paid' for a given Person, to the Paid value corresponding to the first instance of a '1' in the Helper column.
In this case, A owes £1k at outset, pays £450 initially, then pays a further £700 (i.e. has overpaid by £150). As such, the 'Net ultimate' figure reports back £1,150 (=£450 + £700); it doesn't consider the £50 (did you want it to? If so the function becomes a lot easier, and reduces to a regular sumifs...).
For B: net ultimate = £1,025 (the total amounts paid never exceed what is owing, so tally all amounts paid by B)
Same goes for £1k and C....

Excel: Formula to help calculate profits

I am stuck and have been watching videos and googling a lot today.
My problem is that i need to calculate the tax to deduct as well as deduct the wholesale cost of the product on an excel spread sheet.
There are 3 regions east, west and central all with different tax amounts.
East is an $0.15 tax with a $50$ price deduction
Central is an $0.18 tax with a $40 price deduction
West is an $0.18 tax with a $30 price deduction
Revenue before tax - E2
Region - B2
enter image description here
I have tried =IF(B2="east",G2*0.15, '')IF(b2="central",G2*0.18,'')
I am unsure what to put in the if false slot or if I'm even on the right track.
Thanks for your time!
When facing a problem like yours it's good to remember the basic rule of Excel, "Never put data into a formula". Data belong in a worksheet. Formulas merely manipulate them. Accordingly, you need a table like this one.
Now the solution is easy - or it would be if your description was unambiguous. I presumed that what you call "price reduction" is in fact a tax free portion of the sale. So, if the value of the sale is $200 tax will be paid on an amount smaller than this. Of course, this leads to the possibility of a negative tax which is unlikely to be on offer. Therefore the formula to be employed is [Tax base] = [Sale Amount] - [Tax excempted amount], but not less than zero.
Based on the above presumption the formula below will do the job if you named the table pictured above as "Taxes". If you didn't name it, the default name might be Table1 and you can change that name in the formula.
I point out that the formula also rounds the result. This is important in a sheet like yours because you can't afford the total in column H to be different from what you see, and all you see is 2 digits.
Whenever the taxes change you simply change the table and leave the formulas in place. That part is easy. But there is one thing to remember. All the formulas of the past also refer to the table and all your old sales amounts will get "updated". So, when rates change, first Copy/PasteSpecial>Values all existing, or create a new table called Taxes2020 and start using a new formula referring to that table from the cut-off date forward.
If the price deduction if from the total for the region you should calculate it in two stages, the sum for the region, and then the net after tax.
If the deduction is per transaction I would suggest adding a lookup table and add another column to your list which will allow you to calculate all regions with the same formula.
=IF(B2="East",(G2*1.15)-50, IF(b2="Central",(G2*1.18)-40,(G2*1.18)-30))

Subtracting viralnes

i have a yearly unit that i divide by a percentage to give me the monthly equivalent. I have a growth formula that increases the monthly unit to a yearly one month by month, how can i create a formula that give me the actual unit per month not the growth. Example
8 this is the growth but i what 5-4=1....
=ROUND(Q59*$B$49,0) is how i get 4..5..6..7..8 how do i get to 1..2..1 in one formula . Thanks
If I'm understanding you correctly you are looking for the incremental increase rather than the total increase. Without more information it is difficult to understand exactly what your looking for, but your formula sounds like it is multiplying over 100%. You want to multiply by the percentage of increase. so essentially what your doing is adding the beginning balance back in. Change your percentage in the cell to the increase and not the increase plus beginning.

How do I use Goalseek function in excel to generate a series?

am struggling with the application of goal seek function in excel. Am forecasting production for an oil well however we have a target cumulative production expected after say 20 years of production. I have produced table columns of monthly production rate and cumulative production. I would like to play (create sensitivity scenarios) with my expected cumulative production.
Can i use goal seek to change the production forecast profile per month by just changing the cumulative production at the end.
Also advise alternative functions should goal seek not be the right function for this task.
Appreciate your support
This is really just an example of what #DanK has already mentioned. Say ColumnB figures are actual production (in black) and estimates (in blue). The estimates in this case computed as number of days in the month times the factor in D1 ("daily production"). To ramp up production so that the total cumulative production (in the example below, for 1-1/2 years, rather than all 20 as in the example above), presently estimated to be 115,620 units is instead 150,000 then Goal Seek might be applied so:
whereupon the D1 value (200) should change to 287 (and the total in B19 to 150,000, and all the blue values change also). The principle should work if, say, June 2015 were calculated as 16*D1 rather than 30*D1 to allow for planned suspension of production. If that fortnight were an intervention to add production from another reservoir anticipated to be 100 per day then Goal Seek would not adjust "100 per day" but would adjust a new daily rate of 1.5*D1.
