GoAccess, Virtualmin & Logrotate - cron

I want to run https://goaccess.io/ as a command for all websites I am hosting before the weekly Log File Rotation here;
This is a new installation with following details;
Operating system: Debian Linux 11
Virtualmin version: 7.5 with Nginx Webserver
Log files are in same folder with: /var/log/virtualmin/${DOMAINNAME}_access_log
Thanks for your time


How to access ui of xampp running on linux command line

I have installed xampp on linux (command line version with no gui).
I am using Amazon Linux AMI.
The installation is successful and i got xampp up and running.
$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
Starting XAMPP for Linux 5.6.14-4...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...ok.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.
However i am not able to access the xampp ui from browser.
I am accessing http://(public ip of the linux ami)
Is there anything else required to access the ui.
I did some R&D around the problem and found out that the security group (linked to the amazon instance) did not allow http traffic.
Edited security group to allow http traffic and issue was resolved.
XAMPP UI can be accessed now using the public DNS or public IP.

Magento: Moving Files and Database from windows to linux (Ubuntu)

I have stuck in a problem and have been trying to resolve it for last five days but could not get success up till now. Please help me out...
I have moved all the files and database one of my magento's project from my PC (running windows 7) to laptop (running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS).
- I installed xampp and import the database (Successfully imported)
- Made a virtual host (running fine)
- But as soon as moved my project files in vitualhost folder, it continuously redirecting to http://mylocalhost.local/downloader and throwing "Access Forbidden ERROR 403".
System.log of my magento's project is full of such type of errors
Warning:implexml_load_string():in E:\virtualhosts\myproject\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Layout\Update.php on line 444
Please help me out...
please check the files under www/yourDomain.com/public:
1. permissions of files. should be : 0755
2. group of files : www-data
and then restart apache:
sudo service apache2 restart

NGINX not picking up changes in Vagrant Synced folder

I have an Ubuntu VirtualBox that's setup by Vagrant. Its running NGINX to serve some static files and a Django app.
I have the source folder synced via vagrant to the repo in my host (windows). I can make changes to a Javascript file in Windows and verify that the changes are made to my file in the VM by SSH'ing in and opening the file in nano.
However, when I make the changes remotely, NGINX seems to serve up the unchanged version with "illegal" characters added to the end (which really freaks out browsers). I get the same file when I CURL localhost while ssh'd into the vm. EDIT It actually does the same thing when I edit the file via SSH
I can reload the vm via vagrant (which re-syncs the folders) and it works fine until the next remote change.
Restarting nginx and gunicorn doesn't help.
Does vagrant lock the files so that nginx has to rely on a cache? What might be going on here?
Apparently my coworker has better Google-foo than I.
This is apparently a known issue with virtualbox and nginx that has to do with the nginx's sendfile. You can simply add "sendfile off;" in either your server or location blocks in the nginx config. Here's a blogpost about it: nginx virtualbox static files

How to copy my war file in tomcat7 webapps in linux

Hi I have my tomcat7 installed in amazon cloud at location /usr/sbin/tomcat7 and my war file (xyz.war) is in downloads folder. How can I copy my war file into my webapps folder.
I'm new bee to Linux to may be this is very simple but I'm having a hard time with it. can some please come up and give me some example.
Thanks in advance.
The following is assuming you are using windows
1) Get WinSCP for transferring files to your instance
2) With WinSCP, transfer the war file (assuming the file name is sample.war) to the following location:
3) Using Putty, enter the following command
sudo -s (for root access)
cp /home/ec2-user/sample.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
4) Start / Restart your tomcat with the following command
sudo service tomcat7 start (to start)
sudo service tomcat7 restart (to restart, if your tomcat has already started)
5) Verify that it has been uploaded at the following location
The easiest way to deploy your .war file to your Tomcat7 application server would be to use SCP to securely transfer the file to the Amazon server you have on AWS EC2. You can find more info on SCP over at Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance?

Help Installing phpMyAdmin on Linux Server

I constantly get this error when attempting to view index.php in the phpMyAdmin folder I have setup:
Cannot start session without errors,
please check errors given in your PHP
and/or webserver log file and
configure your PHP installation
I am using subversion with three co-workers and I am trying to install this on my repository, which is at /svni3/myusername/intranet/ on our linux development server. I do have shell access so I would be able to install it somewhere else if that may be causing the problem.
My config.inc.php file looks like this (only the things I changed):
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'blah';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] =
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] =
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] =
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] =
Other helpful information???
When I ping localhost it works.
When I run the command "ls -l /var/lib/php":
drwxrwx--- 2 root apache 4096 2009-04-17 02:31 session
If there's anything else that may be helpful let me know; this has been plaguing me for a few hours now.
Check your error log. If you're running Apache on a Debian system the log is probably in /var/log/apache2/
The path is probably similar on other distributions.
Which user and group is your web server running as?
