cant find default Enviroment Settings menu in Godot 4 - godot

i cant find the default enviroment settings in the newest version of Godot 4, someone please help as there is nothing that i can find about it. i have atached a screenshot
tried. updating, restarting and uninstalling and reinstalling


Pycharm does not active existing virtual environment

Pycharm does not activate existing virtual environments. When I select it in the list of possible venvs and click OK it just does some loading and does not close the window. The venv is not activated.
The only way to get a proper venv working is to start a new project have Pycharm create it when starting the project. Otherwise it does not work.
I have upgraded Pycharm many times suspect that older versions are messing something up.
Delete Pycharm's config directory found in ~/.config/JetBrains
For other OS the locations are here
Wanted to answer my own question since this has been bugging me for weeks on end.
I tried deleting Pycharm's cache directory, it did not the fix the problem.
But after I deleted the entire config directory it fixed the problem. I am pretty sure some of the icons in the new project wizard also changed, point to dross from old versions of Pycharm messing things up for me.

pygame running very slowly 12fps - Upgraded laptop

I'm relatively new to using python have used pygame as a place to better understand how everything comes together.
I recently upgraded my laptop form a 2012 Macbook to the 2019.
Just wondering why the games I made on my 2012 are running soo much slower on my 2019 macbook. Managing packages with conda.
I don't know much but I suspect it may have to do with either
The comp resolution upgrade (which I'm doubtful)
method of installation of pygame
Initially, I Downloaded python3 with homebrew and then installed pygame (pygame would show a blank screen)
I then installed conda and managed packages through it.
I doubt it has to do with the way I have written it, I'm sure it's quite inefficient but I was achieving fps's of 60 for the same code.
If someone could guide me to where to find out more information It would be greatly appreciated.
This seems to be a problem with how MacOS run Pygame. While your game is running, right-click it's icon in the Dock and select Show in Finder. Then in the Folder that shows up, you will see the Python Interpreter executable. Right-click it and click Get Info, and under General check the Open in Low Resolution.
Now your game should run fine. And no, Pygame's resolution will not be "Low".
I resolved this issue by launching pygame in fullscreen. More of a workaround but a solution nonetheless.
Also if you do choose to do this be sure to create a key to exit the screen otherwise you'll need to restart your computer.

Eclipse - Can't set preferences

I've installed eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1), and than i've installed spring plugin as i always do with a new linux installation (by the way i am running Manjaro Linux 15.09 fully updated with KDE) but this time i am facing a problem i have never seen before!
Everytime i go to the preferences window, the right pane won't update according to the selected option.
Ex: when i open the preferences window, if i try to drill down the "General" option, the right pane won't update, no matter what i choose in the left pane!
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem. The reason was because Eclipse didn't set up completely - there was some background tasks running (freezing actually).
Try to run Eclipse with another JRE version. I have this problem with 8u60, but everything is fine (as fine as it can be with Eclipse) when I use 8u45.
Off topic - I strongly recommend everyone to stop using Eclipse and go to Intellij IDEA. Your life will become much more happy.
UPD I faced that problem again with the new workspace, so maybe this isn't about JRE version. Try to wait a few minutes, reopen workspace again, this worked out for me.

VS Code application will not open

I have installed VS Code (v. 0.9.2) on Windows 8.1. When I try to open the application nothing happens. I see that it opens and the closes right away while looking in the task manger. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this. Uninstalling, reinstalling, rebooted....
Has anyone else had an issue with this?
I re-downloaded the installer again, 15 hours later than initial install, and installed. The application opens now.

Webstorm: Can't enable "Node.js v0.x.x Core" in JS libraries, just pops up a window saying "Nothing to show"

I am using the latest version of webstorm on Windows. I try going to Default Settings and I see my Node.js v0.10.31 Core under javascript libraries, I notice its not checked I try click it and it displays a window saying
Choose modules for Node.js v0.10.31 Core
And says "Nothing to show", if I click OK then the check box next to the enable of the Node.js v0.10.31 Core is unchecked.
Anyone else getting this issue ?
I can't seem to enable it at all.
Look forward to any insight anyone has.
P.s. I also tried it on my MAC too and the same thing happens, is it something I am doing wrong ?
Thanks in advance
Seems you are trying to enable libraries in default settings (File/Default settings), i.e. not for a real project, but for a project template.
Please open your project and then try enabling the library in WebStorm/Preferences/JavaScript/Libraries
Related Youtrack ticket: WEB-13537
