Upload data folder file to spiff of esp8266 - arduino-esp8266

I'm trying to upload an Arduino file and its associated data folder to an esp8266 using Arduino-cli, but I'm having trouble uploading the contents of the data folder to the esp8266   SPIFF memory.
I am not able to find a way to solve this problem.
Can anyone suggest a way to solve this problem?
I am able to upload Arduino file and data folder to spiff using Arduino IDE. But using CLI i am not able to find way how can i achieve this?


Store file in a local drive folder using electron or node.js

I create one software in electron. I need to add image upload functionality into it. Uploaded images will store in a local drive(D:// Drive) folder and also on preview time I need to access the same folder so I have not idea it is possible in electron and if yes then how can I do this?
And for an extra thing in the backend, I use nodejs if you have an idea about that thing is possible using node js then also tell me so I can integrate with node js also. just I need to store that images to a particular folder which is in my local drive and I also access that image from my local drive for preview things.
For selecting file to upload trigger event (ex. upload-start) through ipc from render process.
In main process in handler for this event use dialog module and .showOpenDialog() method which will return a path to the file.
Then in main process you can use fs module to work with file: read it, copy, move, rename and write.
And check How do I handle local file uploads in electron?

meteor: how to upload whole folder using collectionFS?

im trying to upload folder to the server and keep the structure of the folder in the server using collectionFS and filesystem.
Are there any ways to do this?

External audio enclosure transfer to local

I am trying to find a way of easily importing external audio urls (podcasts) into my private blog. I have the external url as part of the enclosure but I want to be able to download it (either as part of FeedWordPress) or automatically. Currently, if I wanted to host the file locally I would need to save the file to my computer and then upload it via the Media uploaded. This is rather tiresome. Any ideas? Thank you.

How can you upload directory using node.js?

I'm new to node and want to upload directory using node.js. Can anybody please help? Thank You
If it's possible how? and if not then why?
you can upload only files.
however there are workarounds,you can
covert the folder to a zip file (client side), it really depends here on your case.
upload the zip file
then unzip it in the server
you can use google to find out how to do every step of those.
You can use use any Folder uploading library like https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload or https://dropzonejs.com which allows you to Drag and Drop whole directory using HTML5 features.

how to upload,download, or delete a directory or multiple files in FTP server using CFNetwork?

i have starting learning about FTP Programming, i learn some from simpleFTPSample that using CFNetwork. From this sample i understand how to upload and download a file from ftp server, and also i understand how to get a list file and directory from FTP server. But the problem is, i want to upload, download, and delete a directory or multiple files in FTP server, but i dont know how to do. Can somebody give an example? Can i do it using CFNetwork? Or am i have to add another library for doing this?
Thank you
i think it will help u
you could use cURL if you have little success with the apple sample code, see here.
