watchOS: CBCentralManager.state is always .unauthorized - bluetooth

I am trying to use CBCentralManager in watchOS to scan for BLE devices.
I use the following code to start the scanning process:
centralManager = CBCentralManager(delegate: self, queue: nil, options: [CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey: true])
This causes the following function to be called (as expected):
internal func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
Problem: central.state is always .unauthorized
I have included Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description and Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description in info.plist for both the watchApp and watchAppExtention.
Is there something else that I should be doing (eg, include something in the entitlement file)? My app is not a peripheral; it is supposed to be in the "central" mode in foreground (not background).

I found the answer:
The privacy permissions in the info.plist must be placed in the iOS app (not the watchOS app). Then make a dummy request in the iOS app using the following code and users gets pop up that asks for Bluetooth access permission with the reason that you've provided in the info.plist.


.Net Maui - LocationWhenInUse permissions using Windows simulator

I am making use of the following code:
status = await Permissions.RequestAsync<Permissions.LocationWhenInUse>();
... before trying to make a call to:
... when run using the Windows simulator the following exception was raised:
An exception of type 'Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.PermissionException' occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll but was not handled in user code
You need to declare the capability `location` in your AppxManifest.xml file
... ok, so I add the following to the file: Platforms\Windows\Package.appxmanifest
<DeviceCapability Name="location"/>
... run again using the Windows simulator and status always returns with a value of PermissionStatus.Denied.
According to the documentation regarding permissions on Windows states:
Permissions must have matching capabilities declared in the package
manifest. Permission status defaults to Unknown in most instances.
How (and where) does one change the "Permission status defaults"?
Thanks in advance.
When using the Windows simulator, you need to change the App Permissions / Location settings on your development machine, as follows:
In the Windows taskbar use the Search option and enter "Location".
Select "Location privacy settings" (system settings). Make the following changes:
You can also enable or disable Location permissions for your app as shown below:
When the above settings are changed to an "on" state, calls to Geolocation.Default.GetLocationAsync() will complete successfully.
Hope that helps anyone else as green as me!
Update: 21-Sep-2022 - another Gotcha!:
The above will allow Geolocation.Default.GetLocationAsync() to complete successfuly when using the Windows Simulator ONLY if the request is made on the MainThread (it works on the Android simulator without having to be on the MainThread).
See my other post regarding this issue for further details.

How to programmatically open the Bluetooth settings in iOS 10

I'm trying to access the Bluetooth settings through my application using can access bluetooth setting?
Xcode version - 8.0
swift - 2.3
iOS - 10
func openBluetooth(){
let url = URL(string: "App-Prefs:root=Bluetooth") //for bluetooth setting
let app = UIApplication.shared
Swift 3.0: working up to iOS 10
Note: This URL is "private API". The app will be rejected by App Store reviewers if used.
You will not be able to use the solution by #Siddharth jain. The Problem: The app will be rejected by Apple with a warning that you should never use non-public APIs anymore. Otherwise, you could risk your developer program.
As far as I know, all you can do is open the iPhone settings in general (or get lead to your app settings if there are some. To do so you need the following code
guard let url = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString) else {
// Handling errors that should not happen here
let app = UIApplication.shared
By this, you will always get a URL you can use without any problems with apple review.
Until now you cannot access to bluetooth settings from your app from iOS 10.
you can see the following link to keep your mind at peace.
Opening the Settings app from another app
Now that iOS 15 seemed to have broken auto-reconnect for known Bluetooth devices (other than audio gadgets), it's extremely annoying. If someone finds a solution, App Store-safe or not, I'm all ears.

Connect Wifi in MS Universal windows app?

We know an iOS app can connect to Wifi with CaptiveNetwork reference. As described in some related post: Connect WiFi Network via App.
Is there any similar library to help a Windows app to view exising wifi around and get connected?
Yes. There's the Windows.Devices.Wifi namespace. (Details here )
It offers Methods to list networks and a method called ConnectAsync() to connect. I once coded a sample here (it also covers other stuff):
The magic lines of code are
using Windows.Devices.WiFi;
// create network adatper instance (see sample code in link above) ...
var nw = nwAdapter.NetworkReport.AvailableNetworks.Where(y => y.Ssid.ToLower() == "myssid").FirstOrDefault();
await nwAdapter.ConnectAsync(nw, WiFiReconnectionKind.Automatic);

ios8 Core Data iCloud Today Widget not synchronizing

I have been unsuccessful in getting core data to work on an app and today widget on my device.
let url = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier("").URLByAppendingPathComponent("fileName.sqllite")
var error: NSError? = nil
let options = [NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption: true,
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption: true,NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey:"SharedContainerName"
let s = coordinator?.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: url, options: options
, error: &error)
I have added a group container that I use for the URL of the stores. I have noticed on the simulators that my persistent coordinator points to the same sqllite file
(URL: file:///Users/xxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/6Cxxxxxx/data/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/E65xxxxxx/fileName.sqllite))
This seems to work fine on the simulator and I can store data in my main app and fetch it in today widget. When I run the code on my device the files are at different locations and the databases are not synchronized (no data on the today widget).
My Main App
(URL: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/2CCXXX/CoreDataUbiquitySupport/mobile~F74XXX/SharedContainerName/0E8XXXX/store/fileName.sqllite))
Today Widget
(URL: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/2CCXXX/CoreDataUbiquitySupport/mobile~F74XXX/SharedContainerName/2FBYYYY/store/fileName.sqllite))
I am assuming this should be fine as they should be synchronized by iCloud. The widget runs fine, however it has no data (like it has not been synchronized). Now debugging this has been tricky as I am unable to get console output while running the today widget. When I run the widget from Xcode as opposed to attaching to the running process (The only way I can get any output on the console) I receive an error core data iCloud: Error: initial sync notification returned an error BRCloudDocsErrorDomain error 12. I receive no notifications. Maybe iCloud and Core Data do not work at this time with a today widget? The core data code in my app and extension are identical so I do not think I have a bug.
According to this Apple Developer Forum message from an Apple employee:
None of iCloud is accessible from within an Extension in iOS 8.0
and he adds in another message:
Document syncing, I should clarify, or anything which requires file coordination. I'm not sure about KVS or CloudKit
The recommendation is to expose the application state to extensions using some other method (plist, separate files, etc), which is a bit of a bummer.

Launch Documents To Go app from third party Blackberry App

I was wondering if it's possible to open doc, xls, pdf, etc files using the "Documents To Go" app from a third party blackberry app.
If you want to open a specific document, since Docs ToGo registers to handle these extensions, you can use the Registry invocation and it will be handled for you. Take a look at the Registry and Invocation classes, the following code will open the document in the given path, Docs ToGo will take over through the Registry:
Invocation invocation = new Invocation(path);
Ragistry reg = = Registry.getRegistry("<your app namespace.class>");
If there is no registered handler for the file content type a ContentHandlerException will be thrown with error code ContentHandlerException.NO_REGISTERED_HANDLER.
Note: there's a small bug in Docs ToGo - closing the document or clicking the back button might not lead the user back to your application.
EDIT: The getRegistry function takes a class fully qualified name e.g. com.softartisans.SilverDust, where SilverDust is the class mane. You can find more info about the use of the Registry in this online book starting page 291 - Client use of Registry. I originally linked to the javax Registry, but it is more useful to look at the BlackBerry Registry docs.
You can use the ApplicationManager class to launch other applications, for example by looking up its descriptor and using runApplication(). You can also pass arguments in the descriptor and if the application looks at arguments passed into it, it may actually open the specified file.
