Possibly want Countifs but I'm not sure - excel

I'm building some sample data to go through my libraries. I know there are programs that will do this for me, but I'm just trying to figure out for myself.
I have 6 columns. The first is the Name of the Movie, the second the date, 3-5 would be the hard disk it's on, 6 would be if it's in my library already.
Right now I'm trying to compare my library to the other disks, but the problem is when i see a title that could have multiple dates. I.e.
So if I do a simple =COUNTIF('PLEX Library'!A:A,A3) it would show in the library, which should match the name on the other sheets.
Plex Library
However, as you can see the Date is in column I but I could have multiple Movies that have 1993 in the year. So doing =COUNTIFS('PLEX Library'!A:A,A3,'PLEX Library'!I:AI,AI3) wouldn't work.
So I feel like I need to do a VLook up for this in a CountIFS statement but I'm not too sure.

COUNTIFS is good formula for what you need, because it counts if only all criteria are met. Your formula then would be:
=COUNTIFS('PLEX Library'!A:A,A3,'PLEX Library'!I:I,B3)
It will check if both name and date is same at the same time.


How to identified the smaller number only from specific lines of a table

I am not familiar with excel as you can probaly guess by my question so I am sorry if it's a silly question but I have been googling for a long time and I can't do it.
I manage to do it in excel 365 with the function filter, but I can't on excel 2019 (I am required to do it in excel 2019)
I want to identifed the smaller number of a specific combination of cells using two table.
Table1 has name of people and places as well as a number. (the number shows the difference of the last time a person went to a place and the [in months])
(In this project the inspector cannot go to the same place twice unless 4 months have pass, thus why I want the smaller number, using the date of the last visited and the fcuntion now I get teh number of months that have pass)
Table2 has only the name of one person out of these people but has the name of all places. I want to get the smaller number for every place.
This is my table1: (I hided other peoples names so I can show a more compact examlplo)
And this is my table2:
I thought that I could use a function aggregate with a function if inside of it to get only the values that I desire.
It did not worked thou. Was I had miss undertand the fact that function if only gives me true or false. But thought that the aggregate function could wordk. It did not as well
overall my question could be summarize to which funtion should I used?
Which function should I use?
obs: In excel 365 I used concat to make a code an thus only used one cell, but I don't see why it wouldn't work if I just select two cells insted of one (teh concat cell)

How do I recieve the number of cells based off of three columns in Excel?

I'm not too sure how to word this problem so, I apologize for the vagueness. Here is what I am trying to do though:
I have a large Excel table with a ton of values, I however, only care about 3 columns. The three columns I have are "Project Name", "Active/Planned", and "Week of Month". Here is an example of some values I would have:
Project Name
Week of Month
2021-07 Jul-Wk1
2021-07 Jul-Wk2
2021-07 Jul-Wk1
Now, I have used a formula to get the number of projects based on a specific week month and avoiding duplicate values for the project name. The code I used returns an integer of the number of projects. Here is what I used:
=IFERROR(ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(Table[Project Name],Table[Week of Month]=2021-07 Jul-Wk1))), 0)
This works as intended. Now the issue I am running into is that I need to filter through these rows as I did previously, but now I need to include the "Active/Planned" column. So, I want to be able to see how many projects I have based off of the week of the month and return a number of projects (excluding duplicate names), but be able to filter through that integer output based off of the active/planned projects. So in a perfect scenario I can choose the week of month and if the project is "Active" or "Planned" and see the amount of projects I have.
This might be an easy fix so I apologize, I am just stumped, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Work through that step by step, you've got the FILTER function which is giving data to the UNIQUE function, to the ROWS function, and then your IFERROR. However, the data about whether each line/row is 'Active' or 'planned' isn't passed out beyond the FILTER function, so can't be used by anything further on in the above sequence.
Boring theoretical advice out the way, try this;
=COUNT(IF(UNIQUE(FILTER( Table[[Project Name]:[Active/Planned]], Table[Week of Month] = "2021-07 Jul-wk1"))= "Active", 1))
FILTER(...) outputs records with the relevant date filter, however it outputs Table[[Project Name]:[Active/Planned]] - both columns, to ensure all relevant data is there.
UNIQUE(...) Then narrows that down to unique values, although by this stage I'm not 100% sure you need this.
IF(... = "Active", 1) then replaces the 'Active' outputs with 1s
COUNT() returns the number of cells in the above that contain a number (the 1s from the IF())
Yes, you can't use COUNTIF on arrays (and all except that last bullet point above are outputting arrays not single values) - and no, I didn't know that before attempting to answer this question, found it over at a different question!

Excel match multiple records from timetable

I just stuck with my school homework, it seems easy, but there is always different errors and mistakes.
All I need is to connect information from 3 pages.
The first one is timetable of trainings.
The second page is "groups"
Players page
1) Here is my first question. How I can put the time from the "timetable" page ?
I tried vlookup with the easiest group "children 5-7" but even this doesnt work.
The problem is that there is many possible times of some groups and I need the answer like "17:00, 18:00 etc" then.
2) The second question is with the page "players".
Firstly I need to match group or coach from page "groups". For children all is simple, but excel dont want to work even with this. But, there is one problem more. In adult group there cant be more than 4 players in one group, that why I have TK1, TK2, TK3 and TK4 - all this are for adult A. and TK11, TK22 etc are for adult B. So when its done we should match court and time from page "groups".
There is my spreadsheet so be free to try it right here. Hope you will help me!
I try to give you some ideas about how to solve your issues
Question 1:
The issue you have with VLOOKUP is that you cannot search on the left of your lookup value in the reference table. As suggested above by BruceWayne, you may use INDEX/MATCH. Considering the structure of your data a good formula could be:
=INDEX('timetable try here'!B:G,MATCH(A2,CHOOSE(B2,'timetable try here'!C:C,'timetable try here'!D:D,'timetable try here'!E:E,'timetable try here'!F:F,'timetable try here'!G:G),0),1)
In fact I am using CHOOSE() to select the column where your case should match, because your courts are numbers from 1 to 5. You may replace this formula in the column D under the label Time in your sheet named "groups try here". By the way the result that you get is only the first occurrence (in case you see a zero with some decimals figures, remind to change format to hours), so you will not be able to get the list as you like. As far as I know Excel does not have such kind of formulas. What you could do is create a VBA formula by yourself. You can find more details in this other post always here in StackOverflow, where I replied to a similar question with some code. I believe that your case is exactly the same.
Question 2
In this part I just added the last argument to the VLOOKUP and your formula works. So the correct formula should be in cell E2 of "players try here":
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,3,0)
and in cell F2 (Court) of the same sheet:
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,2,0)
I believe you need also a formula to pick-up the time in cell G2 (time):
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:D15,4,0)
These formulas of course works with suitable groups starting with "children". For the others it is not very clear to me what you need. If you have grouped all TK in Adult A and Adult B you need to have some criteria to fill in the other cells from your sheet 'groups dont try here'. Also remind that if you recode the TK1 and TK2 (for instance by adding a new column to be used as key for the VLOOKUP), with VLOOKUP you will always pick up only the first occurrence in the table.
If you need more support, please leave a comment.

Latest date of specific columns in excel

I have been a few days thinking about a problem in excel and I just can't seem to find a solution so I am trying this page for the first time.
The problem is as follows:
I have a set of columns that specify the name, type and model of different products. In addition I have a column with the date it was released and a column that says if the row is the latest in its specific name, type and model or not (they have to be the same to compare the dates).
I wanted to automate this column as I have done with others but I don't even know where to start. It seems incredibly difficult compared to the others I have done.
Title Type Model Date Last date?
Fear Low B421 06/04/15 No
Fear Low B421 23/05/15 Yes
Hert Medium M12 07/11/14 No
If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate. Any clue or idea is helpful.
OK the formula you need in E2 would look like this:-
if the data are in columns A to D with headers in row 1. Then pull it down to E3, E4 etc.
This says:-
'If there are any matching products with a later date, then this can't be the latest one, so put "No" '.
'If there are no matching products with a later date, then this must be the latest, so put "Yes"' (or at least joint latest, if there are two or more with the same date).

How can this lookup (find the last relevant item) be improved?

One of the reports that wastes a bunch of my time at work is the Roster. It's a multi-site, multi-contract listing of every employee currently assigned to a specific client. Currently, it has a little over 6,000 lines by 20-something columns, indexed against 3 different datasets. Not the largest mess in the world, but still a pain. And it's almost all in excel, because I somehow don't have a business case for Access.
But one part of this monster stands apart. One tab per site Site Totals, listing off every time any agent has gone through training. A second tab (again, one per site) Site Data displaying only the most recent training class, and the credentials they had during that class.
That second tab is driven by variations of this array formula - Last_Row is a named range on another tab, and column A is a pivot of the UID column on Site Totals. I've broken it apart for readability:
=IF(INDEX('Site Totals'!B:B,LARGE(($A2=INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!$A$1:$A$"&Last_Row))*
(INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!B1:B"&Last_Row)<>"")*
ROW(INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!$A$1:$A$"&Last_Row)),1))="Trainer",
INDEX('Site Totals'!B:B,LARGE(($A2=INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!$A$1:$A$"&Last_Row))*
(INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!B1:B"&Last_Row)<>"")*
ROW(INDIRECT("'Site Totals'!$A$1:$A$"&Last_Row)),1)))
I know what this formula does, but I don't know how to improve it. This formula needs to be changed, because it currently is on the order of 500 Million calculations (I'm not allowed to delete historical data), and it takes me 3 hours to calculate the workbook ... if it doesn't crash Excel first.
I'm open to VBA and / or custom functions, but would prefer to have native Excel functions. I'm not able to install anything, so any solution must be native Excel, and Must be compatible to Excel 2007.
If your source is a pivot table, try is the GETPIVOTDATA function. You might be able to accomplish what you want without INDIRECT and INDEX.
What i have understood is that every person has/has not attended a training and you want to retrive the name of that training, in case he has not, you want a blank space in the cell. If this description is correct you can try this formua, press ctrl+shift+enter to execute.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Site Totals'!B$1:B$12,MATCH(A2&"Trainer",'Site Totals'!A$1:A$12&'Site Totals'!B$1:B$12)),"")
Here A2 contians the name of the person. I can be more precise with this formula if you can provide some sample data butI would recommend to not to use entire B & Columns in Site Total workssheete as this will definately slow down computing process, instead you can use B1:B8000 or smaller range, to speed up process. Hope that helps.
