A-frame 1.3.0 issue with aframe-environment-component - components

Having an interesting issue using aframe-environment-component in A-frame 1.3.0 where the geometry in at least 'forest' appears fractured.
I haven't tried all of the presets and have been using 'arches' for my demo which does appear darker than expect. It looks like some geometry matrices have been updated recently and may have something to do with it.


GLTF vertex colors in three.js viewer are off

I've just stumbled upon this weird issue with my GLTF import: When loading the file in my three.js viewer, the colors looking different from the original file.
Compare McCudy's viewer:
GLTF file as seen in https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/
With my three.js viewer:
three.js viewer with ambient light brightness increased unhealthily
And again McCurdy's viewer but set to linear color encoding:
GLTF file as seen in https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ with linear encoding
Looks familiar right?
I've already tried what three suggests: changing the color encoding of the renderer to sRGBEncoding but this problem is it doesn't change anything. Regardless of whether I use linear or sRGB encoding, the colors look the same. I checked the renderer and the outputEncoding is applied correctly.
Any idea's to why the setting does not seem to be applied or what else could be the source of the color change?
For information, I'm running a fairly old version of three.js (r97) which for various reasons I cannot update.
In three.js r112, the renderer.outputEncoding property was added, replacing the older renderer.gammaOutput property. In any earlier versions, the equivalent of renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding would be:
renderer.gammaOutput = true;
renderer.gammaFactor = 2.2;
If materials have already been rendered before these settings are configured on the renderer, you may also need to set material.needsUpdate = true to recompile them.

Godot HTML5 graphics not rendering correctly

I am having some issues with the HTML5. The version I am using of Godot is 3.2.3.
It should look like this:
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/f8HPE.jpg [How the game should look, in all its glory :p]
But when I open it on my local server, it looks like this:
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/aZT2l.jpg [How the game looks, in all its glitchness :p]
What could be causing this?
It is also skipping the login scene when I run it on browsers. The exe version runs a-okay.
GLES2 Is the recommended graphics driver for HTML5 games with Godot! Hope this helps! More About the differences between the two graphics drivers can be found: here
Have a great day!
I know this is an old post, but the problem with that seems to be that there is some screen space post process filter enabled like SSAO.
GLES3 is better on some sides but comes with a few issues for HTML

Fabricjs v2.4.1 loadFromJSON generated from v1.7.17 image scaling issues

I've a JSON object that defines an image on the canvas like so:
The JSON was created from Fabricjs version 1.7.17 and I'm loading that JSON into a canvas made from Fabricjs versions 2.3.6 & 2.4.1 and this is what the image looks like:
The canvas sizes are the same and the options for the canvas are the same. The JSON loads just fine in the 1.7.17 version. All the other objects from the JSON data load fine, the image box is the right width/height and placement (left & top)...it's just the image isn't scaled to fit.
I've tried setting the scaleX/Y, resize filters to no avail - anyone tackle this issue already?
Fabric 2.0 changed the way that height/width attributes are handled for images in order to support cropping. You'll find an explanation and example code for dealing with this here:

Generate/use images similar to those on Github's Explore Showcases

I noticed some nice images on Github's Explore Showcases:
I would like to use something similar on my own application. Is there a library that randomly generates such images? I see they use SVG, but not sure how I can use or even create something similar.
As I commented before, the last picture can be generated by a number of background generators like:
I love triangle,
All are capable to export the resulting picture as SVG.
And then you have javascript libraries:

Are there samples somewhere which use "iPhoneOSGameView"?

Recently I stumbled over "iPhoneOSGameView" which seems to be part of MonoTouch (or MONO?). It seems to be a base view for game development but I cannot find any samples on how to use it. Is there more to it, like animation helpers or sprites? Or is it only a OpenGL wrapper?
There is an example in the MonoTouch samples here: https://github.com/migueldeicaza/monotouch-samples/blob/master/GLPaint-GV/GLPaint.cs
