Godot HTML5 graphics not rendering correctly - godot

I am having some issues with the HTML5. The version I am using of Godot is 3.2.3.
It should look like this:
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/f8HPE.jpg [How the game should look, in all its glory :p]
But when I open it on my local server, it looks like this:
[2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/aZT2l.jpg [How the game looks, in all its glitchness :p]
What could be causing this?
It is also skipping the login scene when I run it on browsers. The exe version runs a-okay.

GLES2 Is the recommended graphics driver for HTML5 games with Godot! Hope this helps! More About the differences between the two graphics drivers can be found: here
Have a great day!

I know this is an old post, but the problem with that seems to be that there is some screen space post process filter enabled like SSAO.
GLES3 is better on some sides but comes with a few issues for HTML


Hololens2 MRTK2 - ScrollingObjectCollection with dymaic prefab doesn't work

Just for studing purpose,I am play with the MRTK Scrolling object, as you can see from the picture below the example works fine with some static 3D objecst, but if add trought a script a Dynamic Prefabs there is no way to see the objects visible even on the inspector is not possible set the visibility.)
Please note that the script works fine outside of the scrolling and please not that the example comes from
Am i wronge something? The idea is to create a scrollable dynamic components,if you have any tips i would be more than happy because i am stuck :-)
MRTK version 2.8.3
thanks in advance for your help

How to change font and size of subtitles in libvlc sharp 3.4.0?

Seems i'm not getting the right way to code this.
I can do almost everything done to my media player be functional except for this.
This is a bit tricky, and not exposed by the LibVLC public API, which is why you can't find a C# function for this. But there is a way.
First, read how to use LibVLC options
Then find the one you want from the Wiki.
These look like what you're looking for
--freetype-rel-fontsize=<int> Size
--freetype-color=<int> color
Use it like this
var libvlc = new LibVLC("--freetype-bold", "--freetype-rel-fontsize=10", "--freetype-color=65280");
And you would get green, bold, extra large subtitles.
For looking up usage and parameter info, you can also check out how the VLC apps use it. Here is VLC for Android libvlc options usage.

Weird results when converting SVG to js for Raphael

Im trying to use this image with Raphael:
I convert it to js with: http://toki-woki.net/p/SVG2RaphaelJS/
And I get this:
Any Idea of what can I do to solve this? This is worst apparently when I add text in inkscape above each reagion to change later via javascript.
Im using SVGWEB now without problems buy Im trying another alternatives because I cannot make the addeventlistener work in IE7/8 like I said here:
can't add listener to a SVG in Internet Explorer using SVGweb
Any ideas?
Try mapSVG plugin instead.
Demo with your map: http://map.karaliki.ru/bu.html (zoom in-out with mouse wheel)
It works in IE7-8 as well.
Plugin's description: http://map.karaliki.ru

Are there samples somewhere which use "iPhoneOSGameView"?

Recently I stumbled over "iPhoneOSGameView" which seems to be part of MonoTouch (or MONO?). It seems to be a base view for game development but I cannot find any samples on how to use it. Is there more to it, like animation helpers or sprites? Or is it only a OpenGL wrapper?
There is an example in the MonoTouch samples here: https://github.com/migueldeicaza/monotouch-samples/blob/master/GLPaint-GV/GLPaint.cs

Displaying Maya Mesh XML in browser

I have a Mesh file (XML format) created in Maya.
I would like to display it in the browser with some additional options for the user, like rotating an zooming in and out.
What should be the best and easy method to do so?
(SilverLight, HTML5/JS/Canvas, Flesh)
I would really like to try HTML5/Canvas - is there any libraries that know how to do it?
I would really like to try
HTML5/Canvas - is there any libraries
that know how to do it?
You can visit this site learningwebgl
There are a lot of lessons and demos. On the right side there is a list of frameworks.
But you need browser support for webgl...
If you are willing to export your file in Collada/DAE format (which is basically XML), there are some online WebGL framework demos that show that a DAE file can be displayed the way you wish.
The frameworks that I've seen this for are GLGE and SpiderGL.
(WebGL is the 3D version of HTML5/Canvas.)
you can export your maya scene with http://www.inka3d.com and then manipulate it with javascript
