How to prevent windows 11 from deleting js files after System Restore Point usage? - windows-11

Windows 11 (Home Single Language 21H2 OS build 22000.1281) deletes js files from the project's folders every time
System Restore Point used.
It's so frustrating to find out that you have left with an index.html
and CSS files only.
Is there any way to stop that?

The answer from the Microsoft community:
Vista list of monitored extensions is hardcoded and there is no way to change it.


Copying/sync'ing case sensitive files into a folder on Windows 10

I just discovered we can turn on per directory case sensitivity on Windows 10 and that one needs to recursively enable this feature on every child directory so everything under the root folder supports case sensitivity. This is fine if I had a pre-existing directory tree I suppose.
But what if I had an existing codebase, with a set of subdirectories and files that has case sensitive names, which is hosted on a remote system (e.g. a perforce case-sensitive server) that I want to copy over to a root folder on Windows 10 that I have enabled case sensitivity on? Can I (perforce) sync first to download the codebase into the root folder and then run a recursive command (as shown here Apply setCaseSensitiveInfo recursively to all folders and subfolders) to enable case sensitivity so editors can correctly open files that just differ in case? Will that work? If not how can I achieve this?
P.S. This is the first time I'm posting here so please let me know if this question appears ambiguous in any way and I'll do my best to edit/re-post.
P.P.S. Also I'm in the middle of a transition from a Macbook to a Windows laptop and as such do not have a windows machine to try this on for myself, so I ask this question to gain understanding, that will aid in the setup of a development environment on a Windows machine. Thanks in advance!
Finally got my hands on a windows machine to test this behavior and I can confirm that cloning/sync'ing a repository with a subdirectory tree containing case sensitive files and folders, into a root folder that has the case sensitivity attribute enabled will work and applications are able to open these files correctly subsequently; the key concept here is case-sensitivity inheritance for new children!
Sure enough, I later found this article explaining the feature:

Pygame will not import in python 3.8 [duplicate]

I'm probably just being very thick here, but it's not clear to me where I'm supposed to install 'new' user-specific programs on Windows 7 (and presumably Vista too, though I've not specifically looked at that scenario yet).
Under Windows XP (rightly or wrongly) we always installed our programs into folders under 'Program Files' and accepted that they'd be kind-of available to everyone. From what I can gather under Windows 7 I'm supposed to install my software under the user's AppData folder (possibly AppData\Local\MyApp). That makes a degree of sense, but the fact that this folder is 'hidden' by default means that we're going to have 'fun' talking our users through support stuff.
I want to install our software so that it's user specific (the Users bit in Windows 7 makes perfect sense) but I do want the user to be able to access it if required. Our program also includes a 'data' subdirectory which it needs to write into while it's running (embedded database), but as the program is intended to be single-user/standalone, the data folder being inside a user-specific folder isn't going to be a problem.
My problem is just that whole 'hidden folder' aspect of AppData. As much as I've trawled the MSDN, I can't work out where else I'm supposed to install user-specific programs. Taken one way it would seem to be something like AppData\Local\MyApp, and another way it would seem to be just as valid under the user's My Documents\MyApp equivalent.
Has anyone got a clear guide for where all this stuff goes? I found the MSDN docs confusing. :-)
Not really.
The directory that serves as a common
repository for application-specific
data for the current roaming user.
AppData is, surprisingly, for application data, not for installation (Click Once/Silverlight applications aside). You can, and should still install into Program Files, just don't expect to write into that folder.
You can install software into AppData if you want it to follow a user about in an Active Directory environment, which happens if you put it in AppData\Roaming (the SpecialFolder.ApplicationData location).
You can also install into AppData if you want the software to be available to just the user that installs it. This can be useful if, for example, you have multiple users on the same machine, who all want to run different versions of the software in complete isolation.
If you want settings to only apply on the local machine then you use AppData\Local, which is SpecialFolders.LocalApplicationData - this will make AD administrators very happy as the roaming profile size won't suddenly jump up 50Mb or whatever the size of your software is.
If you wanted to create settings which apply to all users then you're looking at SpecialFolders.CommonApplicationData
You should remember never to rely on the actual name of the directory - localisation issues mean this can change and the location does change with OS versions two. You should be using the special folder enumeration in your software, or the equivalent in your installer.
Could you not install into Program Files, but use AppData as it's supposed to be used, and store your database in there?
Windows 7 added the FOLDERID_UserProgramFiles known folder and by default this maps to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs. This is used by MSI when ALLUSERS=2 & MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1.
On Vista and earlier there is no canonical per-user application folder but just using %LOCALAPPDATA% is pretty common. Sadly MSI will just use %ProgramFiles% on these systems.
It's 2019, and I just installed Visual Studio Code (a Microsoft product) in the default folder of
%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
This is probably for getting around the requirement to have an administrator or UAC prompt authorise the installation
Windows 7 folder structure is deeply inspired on Unix structure:
/usr/ -> C:\Program Files\ -> binaries: executables and dynamically linked
/etc/ -> C:\ProgramData\ -> global settings
/home/ -> C:\Users\ -> a folder for each user
~/.* -> C:\Users\Hikari\AppData\Roaming\ -> settings for each user
Windows has more folder, like My Documents for files with content produced by user, AppData Local and Roaming (which Unix usually handles with NFS).
It's about time for us developers to start using these structures. We must separate at least binary files that don't need to be replicated, global and user settings.
When a setup is installing an app, this setup should expect to have permission to write on Program Files. Once the setup is finished, Program Files should be writable only for other setups aiming to update binaries to other versions.
Please install executable files to the %programfiles% folder in Windows - a simple MSI based install package can perform an active setup for any new user who logs onto the machine to create the user specific files and folders in their profiles %appdata% folder. You see this behaviour for Internet Explorer, Adobe reader, etc. - It's the little MSI installer window that pops up the first time you log onto a machine which has those applications installed. - Thanks - a system admin :)
My opinion, for what it's worth, is that user-specific program files is just asking for trouble and is a damn stupid thing to do.
A much more sensible approach is to install different versions of your program to:
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.1\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.2\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.3\Program.exe
\Program Files\Your Program\Program_v0.4\Program.exe
I would then place a bootstrapping launcher at:
\Program Files\Your Program\ProgramLauncher.exe
Then, the user application data folder will only contain data, including an INI/XML/Settings file that indicates the version of the program that this user is working with.
Such an approach satisfies the core tenant of keeping data and executing code separate, allows every user to run a specific version of the code, and offers a small amount of de-duplication by ensuring the same executable code is not copied multiple times across user folders.
Otherwise, go right ahead with installing programs to AppData and undoing the years it has taken us to achieve clean separation of code and data. I found this thread because I noticed that Chromium and DropBox are installing code to AppData. I'm going to uninstall those program, and change the permissions on my AppData folder to exclude execution to ensure I can easily spot other programs attempting the same BS.

VS 2019 don't delete files immediately

I accidentally deleted a wrong file in Visual Studio 2019 before commiting the changes. I lost not a lot of work but I want to prevent this in future.
Can I setup VS 2019 somehow that files are not immediately deleted but kept in a cache for a while?
Supposedly there is already a backup folder which VS uses for deleted files, but this folder was empty in my case. And also the fact that VS moves files into the Windows bin doesn't help me because my repository is not on the system drive.
Do you know about any settings in VS or is there maybe an extension?
Not exactly what you are looking for but this extension could help you. It migth not prevent the deletion, but give you the opportunity to recover the code.
I haven`t tested it and I am also not sure if it will work with VS2019.
A visual source code plugin for maintaining local history of files.
Every time you modify a file, a copy of the old contents is kept in the local history. At any time, you can compare a file with any older version from the history. It can help you out when you change or delete a file by accident. The history can also help you out when your workspace has a catastrophic problem. Each file revision is stored in a separate file inside the .history folder of your workspace directory (you can also configure another location, see local-history.path).
The answer here is to use a version control system (like git) and keep a full history of your project.
Even on simple personal projects it is worth doing.

Folder size difference after folder copy operation from Windows Server to Windows 8.1

I have tried copying the wwwroot directory from Windows Server 2012 R2 data center on Azure Cloud to Windows 8.1 over Remote Desktop Connection and FileZilla, and the copied folder size on Windows 8.1 is much less than the source folder on the server after copy operation completion.
The Source folder size is 683MB while the copied folder is 570MB. I have only found one close explanation for this on ( which explains that this might be due to long paths that exceed the maximum allowable path length.
I would appreciate if anybody have experience on such matter to enlight me.
Thank you
A typical cause of these symptoms is that you have used an ascii/text transfer mode, so all CRLF line-endings got converted to CR only (one byte less for each line).
But you have provided way too little information, so we can only guess.
Download the directory tree back (to another folder) and compare against your original source folder.
Check if the problem is specific to a certain folder/file only or if all (or majority of) files got reduced proportionally.

Sync Android Studio projects across multiple workstations

I want to be able to work across multiple workstations synchronously jumping from one to the other without having to worry about committing.
I have windows personal and work desktop and a Mac OSX laptop. At the moment, I point my project to a cloud directory and have the local install of Android Studio pointing to a gradle offline cache in another cloud directory. This keeps failing as it tells me that the path to gradle is invalid. Which I understand because gradle is referenced in different locations on different machine (considering the differing file management system in MACOSX and Windows7).
Edit: When I try to open the project, it brings up the "Import Project from Gradle" screen. To which it has the option for me to select "Use local gradle distribution" and select the Gradle home directory. I pointed it to the cache directory, and it tells me:
Cannot Save Settings
Gradle location is incorrect.
All my research (include these answers here, and here) suggest that VCS is the way to go. However, I don't see this as a solution to my problem. I'm not looking to version control, I'm looking to transition seamlessly across workstations. Of course I will still use Version Control System for the purpose of saving a working version of my code, or sharing it with other developers, but there has to be a better way when I simply just want to keep all workstations synced.
I come from web development, and I synchronise local environment on AMPPS across multiple computers without any issue. This meant I can transition from my personal desktop, laptop, and work desktop instantly. It frustrates me if I have to remember to commit every time I move around. If I have to do this 20 times a day, and it takes about a minute to do this, that's 20 minutes that could have been spent writing a couple of functions. And what if I forget to commit, then I get to work, or home, that would be a day wasted because I won't actually have the current up to date code...
So the question remains, is there a way to instantly synchronise Android Studio projects? How do I keep all my code base (ie gradle) in sync?
Ok thanks to the comments above which pointed me in the right direction.
Android Studio create some local files that are specific to the machine that you are on. Following on this principle, to sync the "source" files (files that are specific to your application only), you must ignore all these local files. This is similar to what you would store on github. I followed the answer for this question to apply the ignore rules.
Having ignored all the "local files", when I create a new project, the source files are synchronised across all my workstations. In order to establish a local version, I need to "import" the project first. Once it has been imported, "local files" will be created for that particular machine. From then on, I can "open" the project locally.
To summarise:
Set your sync to ignore files as per .gitignore or refer to this question.
Create a project on one of your workstation and save it in the cloud.
When you are ready to work on the project for the first time on another workstation, "import" the project.
Once the project has been imported, all local files should have been created.
From then on, use the "open" option to continue working on the project.
I hope this helps somebody else, saving hours on googling.
