Dialogflow FB Messenger Integration - dialogflow-es

I have followed steps based on YouTube videos to integrate Dialogflow w/ FB Messenger and the chatbot does not respond.
in Facebook developer page , I have created a app and web hook. and copy/ pasted the url and pasted the token etc and was expecting the chatbot to respond but I get nothing .


Is the integration of instagram and Watson Assistant possible?

I recently did some Watson Assistant integrations. Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger and now I'm looking to do the same thing with Instagram.
I saw that Facebook (now Meta) recently published the API to do this integration. But I tried to replicate what I had done on Facebook Messenger, (set up webhoock, link page, set up test user) and Direct doesn't give me a return.
I would like to know if Watson and this API are compatible with each other.
And if not, is there any platform to do this integration?
It is currently possible.
Instagram provides an API in which you can capture a Webhook and exchange messages, while node red creates a url that will be sent and received as responses
You can also use captivate hub to connect your watson assistant on instagram
Link: https://hub.captivat.io
Manual: https://manual.captivat.io/install/channels/instagram

How to integrate Dialogflow with Slack using OAuth2

I'm trying to get Slack to prompt the user to sign in with their Google account (account link) before they can use my Dialogflow chatbot in Slack. The reason being, is that I need access to their calendar in order to create and modify the events, among other things.
Simply following the Slack integration instructions on the 'Integrations' page in the Dialogflow console didn't work. It immediately installed the app.

Dialogflow Console doesn't show Facebook Messenger option for responding

Here's what I mean. The only response from Dialogflow is shown.
I have integrated facebook messenger, and it works fine when testing with the messenger. I want to access the JSON data that Dialogflow console provides when I'm interacting with messenger.
It will only show up, if you have added something explicitly for facebook in the facebook response tab or the webhook response.
You can however find the JSON data from your facebook interactions in the history. Click on the three dots next to a response and click raw interaction log

Is there any way to integrate my Facebook Messenger bot with an ionic app?

I have made a facebook messenger bot using node.js and hosted on heroku. How can I integrate the bot with my ionic app, so that the bot runs on the app and not on facebook messenger. I am new to this, so please help me out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The facebook messenger platform is for building bots that run on Facebook messenger and use the native features of facebook messenger and not on your website/app. Period.
But there are a couple of things you can do to integrate your website and your bot and make them work more tightly together.
Checkbox Plugin : Signup user for your messenger bot directly from your website/app.
Send to Messenger : Authenticate a user from your website/app
Message us : i.e. you can even begin a messenger conversation with your user from your website/app.
Read more about these possibilities here.

how to do quick replies on Facebook messenger bot using Wit.ai?

I am trying to build Facebook Messenger bot using Node.Js and Wit.ai. The tutorial and the guides says about how to make a basic conversation bot. But, can someone tell me how to do Quick replies using Wit.ai on Facebook messenger bots?
