Django 2.0 website running on a Django 4.0 backend - python-3.x

I am using an old version of Windows, windows 7 to be precise and it seems to only be compatible with Python 3.4 which supports Django 2.0 but heroku doesn't support it anymore
So I want to know if I can manually edit the requirements to Django 4.0 and the required Python version in github.
I haven't yet tried anything as I am new to this

Consider using docker to run your application:
This would allow you to set your python and Django version.


How to Upgrade Azure Data Explorer Python Plugin Sandbox Anaconda and Python Version?

I'm using the Python Sandbox in Azure Data Explorer to do inference on my data tables.
However, in some of my python code I'll need to upgrade the python() sandbox. (e.g., my models are TensorFlow 2 models instead of TF 1 provided by Py 3.6 and Anaconda 5.2 inside the sandbox).
I was looking online but didn't find any good solution on how to upgrade Azure Data Explorer Python Sandbox Anaconda and Python Version
I've tried to follow the documentation on Azure Data Explorer Python Sandbox Policy, but there's no mention on upgrading the Python and Anaconda version
Another information that I've found is the dependencies versions are shown in the Anaconda page
If anyone knows of a solution or any information to run this python sandbox upgrade that'd be really great
Or if it's not possible can anyone suggest me what other Azure solution I might use to do inference on my data tables?
Thanks and have a great day!
There is a new version based on Python 3.10.8 + latest packages. This version is still in preview, in few weeks it would be GA. Currently this upgrade is not yet self service, you should contact ADX support to perform the upgrade. You can also email me (, specifying your cluster name, and I can take it from there.

Is Microsoft Bot Framework Composer compatible with Dot Net 6.0 or Dot Net 7.0 SDK Installations?

I have installed Dot Net 6.0 & 7.0 SDK versions in my computer. I have also installed Bot Framework Composer 2.1.2. I just created an empty bot and started it for testing. But the build is always failing.
Error Message: You must install or update .NET to run this application.
I know that Dot Net 3.1 version has reached it end of life and support will no longer be provided for it. Should I still download it to make the composer work or is there a way to work with 7.0 or 6.0 versions of Dot Net SDK?

Is cx_Oracle 5.3 compatible with Oracle client 19.10?

We upgraded our Oracle DB and oracle client from 12.1 to 19.10.
Our application server have below setup
OS is Linux
Python version is 2.7.5 and there is no plan to upgrade the python version yet
cx_Oracle library version is 5.3
A quick test shows the application works fine but I am wondering if I need to upgrade the cx_Oracle library? Does it have a support expiry date? I tried to google it, read the information on its Github page but can't find any statement that answers my question.
This combination hasn't been tested. But since the Oracle Client libraries keep compatibility it is likely to work, subject to whatever underlaying enforced changes have been made to the Oracle libraries, perhaps to drop unsupported TLS versions or whatever has occurred in the 8 years since 12.1 was released that I don't know about. You application testing should be the final confirmation.
You should definitely set a goal to update to Python 3 so you can get the latest cx_Oracle version.

Orchard AutoFac Conflicts

I am currently working on a project in Orchard. We are looking to wrap up an existing .NET MVC Web application within an Orchard Module. Currently, we are having issues with AutoFac.
The original site was built using AutoFac 3.5, however the latest stable version of Orchard is still running on 3.0. The application requires features introduced in 3.3. If I install 3.0 into the module, the features do not work, if I have 3.5 in the module, it produces a conflict.
Can anybody suggest a way of handling this conflict? Or, is it safe to upgrade AutoFac 3.0 in Orchard and if so how should I perform this without breaking it?
If I may suggest, Orchard 1.9 should be released soon™ and it already has dependency on latest stable Autofac 3.5.2. If you don't want to wait you can grab latest repository from GitHub
It's perfectly stable in my opinion and I find released 1.8.1 to be much more buggy :D.
Copy the web.config file runtime Node from Existing Module (Lucene or Markdown or like) and add the runtime node on conflicts Module Web.Config file. After Compile then clear the Conflict

redhat enterprise 6.1 Linux compatible softwares

I am planning to install my j2EE, spring rest based application on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1. I want to know about the software version which is compatible. I am not sure whether all the new versions are compatible in REL 6.1.
The list of software's I need to install are
Apache Tomcat
The RHEL 6.1 can easily be updated for the latest versions of Java, Tomcat. For the latest MySQL, if there are dependencies not present in RHEL 6.1 then you could try either adding or updating them (using yum or building from source).
J2EE: Download from Oracle Java SDK download page [I believe you want JDK since the J2EE dependencies would be provided by Tomcat such as Servlet etc]
Apache Tomcat: Download the binaries from the tomcat apache website []. That should be enough to get you started. If later on you would like to use openssl or apache portable runtime then that is easily setup as well. The tomcat documentation has useful documentation to set it up.
SpringRest: I believe you are referring to the java archives for it. You can use Maven to download the necessary dependencies or use Spring Boot ( or search Google for the many examples of bundling Spring dependencies with your application.
For MySQL: refer to
