Is cx_Oracle 5.3 compatible with Oracle client 19.10? - linux

We upgraded our Oracle DB and oracle client from 12.1 to 19.10.
Our application server have below setup
OS is Linux
Python version is 2.7.5 and there is no plan to upgrade the python version yet
cx_Oracle library version is 5.3
A quick test shows the application works fine but I am wondering if I need to upgrade the cx_Oracle library? Does it have a support expiry date? I tried to google it, read the information on its Github page but can't find any statement that answers my question.

This combination hasn't been tested. But since the Oracle Client libraries keep compatibility it is likely to work, subject to whatever underlaying enforced changes have been made to the Oracle libraries, perhaps to drop unsupported TLS versions or whatever has occurred in the 8 years since 12.1 was released that I don't know about. You application testing should be the final confirmation.
You should definitely set a goal to update to Python 3 so you can get the latest cx_Oracle version.


Django 2.0 website running on a Django 4.0 backend

I am using an old version of Windows, windows 7 to be precise and it seems to only be compatible with Python 3.4 which supports Django 2.0 but heroku doesn't support it anymore
So I want to know if I can manually edit the requirements to Django 4.0 and the required Python version in github.
I haven't yet tried anything as I am new to this
Consider using docker to run your application:
This would allow you to set your python and Django version.

Mirth 3.11.0 Upgrade on Linux Without GUI

My mirth is running on an AWS EC2 instance. I want to upgrade the version of Mirth Connect running there. I am currently using 3.8.0, which I want to upgrade to version 3.11. However, I haven't found any good instructions or scripts for performing the upgrade that does not involve GUI tools. Does anyone know where I can find such a script or instructions?
In place upgrades are not safe, given enhancements within Mirth Connect itself and JRE. Many changes might have happened across versions 3.9 and 3.10. I suggest getting the appropriate tar.gz file version from the NextGen website then installing version 3.11.0 as a second instance while assigning different HTTP and HTTPS ports. You can then export channels in version 3.8 and do incremental imports to version 3.11.0 while you monitor closely. The command line interface documentation here offers an easier way to handle channel exports and imports.

After the Notes 11 upgrade i can not debug databases give apache poi libraries error

I'm using Apache poi 1.3.1 library in many database for xpages export/import actions. when I upgrade notes 10 to 11 and notes 11 give me a library errors.
Since I see that the library is installed but the compiler doesn't resolve the bundle, I expect that it's the Target Platform bug described here, with the workaround being to add the data/workspace/applications/eclipse directory to your TP: . That recurs frequently during any upgrade involving 9.0.1FP10 through to current versions.

How to install Python 3.8.1 on RHEL 8?

This is really frustrating.
I want to install the latest version of Python (at the time of this issue: Python 3.8.1) on RHEL 8, (RHEL being one of the most widely used distributions of Linux).
I would like to type:
#dnf install python
and have it install the latest version of Python.
I can't do this, and I do not know why.
When I go to and click on 'install for Linux' I get a link to the source code.
There are no instructions there as to what to do with the source code.
I do not understand why this is.
I don't want the source code, I want to install python 3.8.1 executables for my platform (RHEL 8).
I search on how to install python 3.8.1 from source and get a long list of dependencies that I have to install and a long list of steps.
Is this because it is a very rare thing for companies to run Python on Linux?
Can we get together here and make it easy for folks to install Python on Linux?
I'm willing to pay money out of my daily earnings to setup a RHEL 8 repo to get Python 3.8 there if IBM/Redhat is not willing to do this.
Why does the official Python organization hate Linux?
Why does IBM / Redhat hate Python?
Can we bring the two together in peace and harmony so that they just get along?
This is very frustrating, I should be able to knock this task out in a few seconds, and it has turned into hours.
The same amount of hours to figure out how to do this is probably done every day by developers all over the world that want to install/run the latest version of Python on Linux (CentOS / RHEL).
Python 3.8 Application Stream is currently available with RHEL 8.2 beta. Since we support every new version of Python (3 years) that we release, we need to make sure that it's stable before bringing it to RHEL and the many hardware architectures it runs on. This is also important as customers expect technologies to be production grade. This table shows that over the years, we have officially supported more than one Python version simultaneously. You can download RHEL 8.2 beta from here. RHEL 8 was released with 2 versions of Python (2.7 and 3.6) because it's an important technology for us. We've used it ourselves for many years in building RHEL components and, among others in this industry, we had to rebuild it to 3.x (from 2.7).
FYI - new versions of Python and other components are released as Software Collections on RHEL 7, and as Application Streams on RHEL 8. The benefit of these is that the version of Python that's installed will have exactly the same packages and components for each system it's install it on. This simplifies things a lot (as you point out, it's complicated) and minimizes the "it works on my machine" issue.

gp_dump utility of greenplum not available

Can anyone tell me why is the gp_dump utility is not available with greenplum database by default? If I have to use it then what is the source to download and way to enable it? I have gone through a lot of online resources but nothing relevant could be found
Are you using Greenplum v6.x?
The latest version of gpbackup is located here:
and if interested, the corresponding s3 plugin here:
gp_dump is a very old, deprecated backup utility for Greenplum.
The older python based gpcrondump/gpdbrestore utilities are still bundled in Greenplum 4.3.x and 5.x versions, but do not support Greenplum 6.x and thus removed.
The newer Golang based gpbackup/gprestore utilities support Greenplum 4.3.22 and later, Greenplum 5.5 and later and Greenplum 6.0 and later all in the same binary.
Let me know if you have additional questions.
Try using pg_dump since Greenplum is a fork of postgres.
