Can't find documentation mentioning passport.initialize() method - passport.js

Neither passport.js, nor passport-local docs mention passport.initialize(). Is it deprecated? Can anyone post a link to the proper documentation?


Generate Swagger Documentation for existing NodeJS server

I'm trying to document my API using Swagger, but if I do the documentation by myself and manually, I'll spent a lot of time, and then I saw this question on SO, and the last answer is about the express-oas-generator that seem's to be a good tool.
Generated my documentation with success, but the POST didn't made my Payload documentation, and without this, some developer could thought that my POST don't need a payload to send
All that I did was following the documentation, made some test's using the API and call the methods using POSTMAN. The express-oas-generator, generates the documentation, but without the payload in POST method.
Someone has already pass through this ?

Any suggestions for what Node.js modules I should use for user log ins?

I am building a website with the MEAN (mongodb, express, angular, node js) stack. I want users to be able to create an account on my site as well as integrate with facebook/twitter accounts. The main two options I am considering right now are Passport and Express-jwt.
I have been able to find examples of integrating Passport into node/express, but no examples of how to handle things on the front end with angular. Is this hard to do?
My main concern about express-jwt is that I have not found examples of using that with facebook log ins while there is passport-facebook for passport. Thanks for your help.
By Far the best for authentication is Passport. See the link If this could prove of worth to you. Also go through the article can also be productive. Hope this is what you were asking.

How to call freebase api using nodejs ExpressJS or Superagent

I have this Freebase query and need to use it in NodeJS + ExpressJS or NodeJS + Superagent. I tried Google API module and the Freebase module (that doesn't npm install!), but i'm very confuse about how to use. I dig into google and documentation without success. I already have my Google Freebase API Key and read in some web posts that always need to use it and in others that it's not necessary. I'm very confuse about it.
For future generations who google here like I did, the npm module is now working and appears to be awesome.

Node.js or Express.js REST API document generator

I'm working on a restAPI using Express.js and I'm wondering if there is a way for me to generate API documents that allow a user to view API definitions or possibly even try out the API call?
What you are looking for is a good JavaScript documentation generator. I found a decent one here
This will allow you to use just Express as OP asked.
Swagger isn't for generating docs, it's for making APIs. So you are going to need to learn a full system to get that feature.
I found a couple more here that I haven't fully looked into yet which seem promising:
Docco here JSDoc here and an article on Documentor for Node
Swagger is an amazing project for auto generating API documentation. It includes an Express module.
I found this library to be very useful when it comes to keeping your documentation and route declaration logic close together:
If you use Postman while developing you might already have a Postman collection containing the most relevant calls.
If that is the case Postman has a docs feature

authentication using node.js and mongoose and expressjs and passportjs

Guys where can I get an example of authentication using node js and mongodb and passportjs using the username and password entered in the text fields.I am unable to figure out the stuff given in passportjs website.Can I get a simple running example of this type and from where?
You could implement this feature even easier by using passport-local-mongoose that offers an integrated solution for passport, passport-local and a mongoose model. You can find documentation and examples at the github page.
Btw: I'm the author of this module.
Have you taken a look at this page of the passportjs guide?
