I am using camelot for pdf table extraction using the below code:
tables=camelot.read_pdf("abc.pdf",pages='all',flavor='stream') in my system using virtual environment. But in case of others system that virtual environment throwing error for ghostscript(Can't find ghostscript DDL registry). Can we create a virtual enviornment with using ghostscript executable. So that it will work in other system as well without installing the ghostscript.
I currently work on simulating a system using a Windows or Linux based software, that can export FMI 2.0 compliant models. Can I run that exported FMU from within a Simulink model running on a Mac?
I tried exporting the FMU from a Linux machine and when I attempted to run the model on Mac, I got an error “Cannot load the library”
You need to export an FMI model containing a MAC compatible binary, as in compiled for MAC. The FMI standard has defined a folder structure so that an FMU can contain binaries for multiple architectures. Most prevalent are probably linux and windows in 32/64 bit but MAC is certainly an option.
Clarify if the tool you export the FMU from supports MAC or at least an FMI export for that architecture.
If your exporting tools supports export of C-Code FMUS (you find it in the sources folder of the FMU, when you unpack the zip file), you can recompile it for mac, e.g. using the command line call or GUI of fmpy. (add platform binary), see e.g.,
I have a Simulink model which imports FMU exported from Dymola. I want to run many simulations on this Simulink model by varying some parameters. I want to make use of HPC available in the office. Since HPC runs on the Linux platform, I am not able to use the same FMU on Linux, because of missing binaries for Linux (.so file).
Approach 1:
Since Dymola uses separate FMU build scripts for linux, the best approach would be to install the linux version of Dymola in a VM on your PC and simply export your model there. Your existing license should mostly work as long as your VM can access network locations.
Approach 2:
The FMU compilation in windows is done using a batch file
[Path to Dymola Install]\bin\buildfmu.bat
turn on echo in the batch file and you should see all the steps. Set your compiler to GCC, Export as Source code FMU and recreate all the compilation steps in Linux. This will be tedious and might have windows-specific steps so there is a good chance it won't work out.
I have installed Unity 3d on my Linux system.I have downloaded the Window version of the standard assets (.exe) since there is no option for installation in Linux, I tried installing the Standard assets(.exe) through wine... but im getting an error that unity requires windows 7 or more... But since this is Linux i cant help it.Is there any other way?
You can't expect .exe program to work on Linux out of the Box without the help of visual machine or some other software such as Wine. You don't even need the exe program to install the Standard Assets. You can get it directly from the Asset store from your Linux.
It's recommended that you use other OS at this time because the Linux version of Unity is still in experimental mode and you may have problems with it in the future.
You just download unity using the following link,
Unity 5.1 for Linux
It will contains standard asset also. Don't forget to select standard assets while installing.
I'm building a [NodeJS] <--> [AngularJS+more] app which uses NodeWebkit (https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit) in order to create Desktop Apps (linux, windows, osx).
In a final version, I would like to include the server in the desktop version so as to create a Standalone application. The problem is that I would need to install Imagemagick in the destination machine, as it is a requirement for image treatment (not a big deal, I only resize images and convert them into png).
The question is: Is there any portable version for any OS that I can use por this purpose? Or Is there any nodejs plugin for simple image treatment that is self-installed (just using npm) and doesn't need any other program to be installed?
Thanks in advance.
Let me know if there's any detail that it's not well specified.
I've written an application on c++ with QT providing GUI and database connectivity, and the chosen driver being SQLITE. When i was working on my own system (updated to latest version Ubuntu desctop 11), where Qt4 SDK and sqlite are installed, everything worked. However, attempt to launch my executable on target PC ended in failure.
Here is my pro file:
# Project created by QtCreator 2011-05-22T09:15:05
QT += core gui sql
TARGET = Peacecourse
SOURCES += main.cpp\
mainwindow.cpp \
HEADERS += mainwindow.h \
peaceCon.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.ui \
CONFIG += static
#wince*: DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN += qsqlite
For deployment all i did was copy my executable file (as that worked on my own system). As a result, i got message about lack of QSQLITE driver, and naturally program didn't run any further.
Some pieces of information about target system: it is Ubuntu, moderately old, as far as i ould determine; i have no root priviledges on it and installing QT there is quite out of question. It, however, has a Sun Virtual Box, and in principle creating desired environment on virtual machine is possible. However (i blame poor hardware there) when i tried to do that, i was stopped in my tracks on the step of copying QT installation file in the virtual machine's desctop by file system error.
Another thing is, there is no QT there but sqlite is installed.
How can i demonstrate the work of my application on the system i described? How can i create asingle-executable distribtion of my application?
Another problem arose on 'clen' Ubuntu 11.04 (without any updates, qt or sqlite). After attempting to launch the application, i get message:
error while loading shared libraries: libQtSql.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That raises another question for me: how can i make this library embedded in my application to eliminate the need for .so file?
You need to deploy the sqlite plugin as well : it's in plugins/sqlrivers in your sdk
Most probably, you'll want to have a look to this page, about building installers (check generic section)
If I remember correctly, deploying this file in a subfolder named correctly is enough.
You can have a look at Qt official doc to have a clear view on how plugin are searched at runtime.
Basically, you might have to call QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath() with your binary path and deploy your plugin in a subfolder named sqldrivers. Putting simply the folder in the current path won't be enough.