Stripe payment gateway by node js - node.js

I want transfer amount from stripe account to customer payment method within stripe
How do I transfer a amount from a stripe account to a customer account within stripe
or transfer amount from stripe account to customer created within stripe ??
thank you


Using Stripe Connect - Can Stripe payements be used without being a Stripe member

I am creating a site that will need a payment gateway to split payments for sellers when a buyer buys an item from the seller.
I have found out with Stripe Connect you can split payments which is great, but does anyone know if a buyer wants to buy an item from the seller, do the buyer and seller need a Stripe account or can the buyer and seller send and receive money without a Stripe account?
I was going to use PayPal Chained Adaptive Payments but found out that this service is depreciated.
When using Stipe Connect there are multiple parties involved:
The platform account, that's the main Stripe account
The connected accounts, these are the sellers that are connected to the platform account. Each connected account need a Stripe account (either Standard, Express, or Custom)
The customers who will buy the products, they don't need a Stripe account

How to make custom payment to a customer

I am looking for a way to make payment to a customer like a business do.
for eg. a business will ask you to fill the form with bank name, acoount number IFSC code etc.
so customer can receive a payment.
I have user who is having a digital wallet with some amount.
I want to transfer the amount to user's provided bank account on the request.
I saw stripe documentation but I am not sure if stripe support custom payment.
Stripe provides refund as per below method where I have to provide charge id string
and because of charge id stripe will refund only the amount which was charged earlier and this is linked to particular charge only.
const stripe = require('stripe')('your_stripe_key');
const refund = await stripe.refunds.create({
charge: 'charge_id_string',
amount: 100,
I want to make custom payment/refund so I can transfer users wallet available balance to bank account.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I don't think you should use Refund because you can only create a refund based on an existing charge.
You should probably look at Transfer, which allows you to send funds from your Stripe account to a connected account. In your use case, you should create a connected account for your customer so that you can transfer refunds to your customer and eventually payout to their bank account.
Visit here to learn more about Stripe Connect.

Charging customer with saved card in main account with connected account in Stripe

I know I can save a card with a customer in Stripe and use it for later. My question is can I save the customer with the card on the main Stripe onboarding account and use that customer for all sub accounts (connected accounts). Or does the customer have to be created and saved on each connected account to work.
Stripe Payment: Save token and customer and make payment later from token
Stripe connected accounts would need to have copies of those customers and cards associated with their accounts to be able to process charges for those cards/customers.
There are ways to copy payment methods from the Platform to the Connected account that are detailed here which you might find useful.

How to Transfer funds to non-connected Stripe account

I am charging a using through stripe.Later i want to transfer winning amount to their stripe account as i already got their stripe_user_id while creating a charge.Now i am using stripe transfer API to transfer amount to their account but i am getting error that you cannot transfer to a non-connected stripe account . Currently i am using the flow of connected account but that is long process in which user fills forms and provide their business details but they are just normal user?How to make the transfers to non-connected stripe account?

DocuSign API - Request Payments via Stripe - Use Stripe Test Account

I'm using the DocuSign Sandbox environment to test out sending agreements and request payment using the Stripe payment Gateway. I've added Stripe as a Payment Gateway and can add a new Payment tab to a template successfully.
I just wanted to make sure, before I send an actual envelope, how do I confirm that it will also be using the Stripe test/sandbox environment and not the live Stripe account to collect payment here? I wouldn't want to accidentally request money into my live Stripe account during testing.
You could use any stripe account and just use the 4242 fake credit card numbers to do your testing.
Here is more information about testing from Stripe
