tensorflow on raspberry pi 1b+ - linux

I'm trying to install tensorflow (to use with python) on my raspberry pi 1b+ (I know, it's old). I don't know which version I have to install. I was looking on this website: https://github.com/PINTO0309/Tensorflow-bin/tree/main/previous_versions. But my raspberry has arm6l, and this list only contains version compatible with arm7l. Can I somehow still get tensorflow working on my raspberry pi 1b+? Right now I'm using python 3.9 on it but I'm ready to downgrade if that's necessary.
I want the tensorflow to work on my raspberry pi 1b+.


How to solve the error reported by installing pytorch on the Raspberry Pi?

At the beginning, the Raspberry Pi environment was 3.9.2 (armv7l).
After searching the Internet, pytorch found that it only supports 3.8; after installing the conda environment, install pytorch under the (py36) python version 3.6.6; but as shown in the picture,
it can't Install.
Is there anyone on the forum who has encountered this problem and solved it?
At the beginning, when installing pytorch according to the official process, it will report that /home/pi/pytorch/third_party/eigen lacks the extraction file and cannot be installed.
After finding and installing the pytorch.whl file on the Internet and reporting an error, try to install the conda environment; but in conda Environment can't be installed.
Off topic, my second question is if I go to train mobilenet SSD v2 after success, can I directly use the lens for visual recognition?
Before using the public mobilenet to detect, the number of frames was only about 4.4. Later, because I felt that the FPS was too low, I wanted to train mibilenet by myself.
How about someone who has used Raspberry Pi to use FPS after training? If the FPS is too low, is it better to use NVIDIA Jetson Nano for training and detection?

How to install Node.js on a Raspberry Pi B+

I'm having trouble installing it on my Raspberry Pi B+.
I tried this but it keeps saying
## You appear to be running on ARMv6 hardware. Unfortunately this is not currently supported by the NodeSource Linux distributions. Please use the 'linux-armv6l' binary tarballs available directly from nodejs.org for Node.js v4 and later.
and i can't find a proper tutorial. Please help
Find the appropriate download from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Yours looks like: https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.9.4/node-v8.9.4-linux-armv6l.tar.xz

Eclipse Kura installation on Linux machines or VM

We know that eclipse kura can be installed on edge devices and Raspberry pi is the most popular edge device at now.
As per https://www.eclipse.org/kura/downloads.php, we can see various downloads for Raspberry pi, Intel Edition, BeagleBone and Fedora with the beta release.
But we couldn't see the download link to install it on Linux machines or VM. (Ubuntu or centos VM ). We want to install it on ubuntu machine and possible to view web UI on that machine.
EDIT(edit the question)
Is that possible to install only on Fedora ?
What are the complete steps to install kura on ubuntu or Centos ?
I believe the question was asked and answered here. To summarize, there is no generic installer for Ubuntu, Fedora, or CentOS. Kura has dependencies on both the OS and CPU architecture. The supported platforms are:
Raspberry Pi based on Raspbian: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi B+,
Raspberry Pi 2/3
BeagleBone Black based on Debian
Fedora 25 ARM
Intel Edison
The "No Net" versions of the posted installers will remove most of the OS dependencies. For CPU architectures, if you are using something other than ARMv6 HF or x86_64, you will need to compile the native libraries. The minimum native library needed for Kura to start is udev.

Xojo HTMLviewer Raspberry Pi3

I'm developing an app for Windows and raspberry pi using Xojo. I'm relying on the HTMLviewer heavily in places to render web driven content.
I have multiple Raspberry Pi 3s, reading the xojo documentation I can see that HTMLViewers are not supported on Jessie. However, I cannot run Wheezy as it will not run on the pi3 due to kernel support for ARMv8.
I have tried using Ubuntu mate on the Pi and using sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0.0, however this does not work as Ubuntu has deprecated 1.0.
I'm looking for suggestions as to how I can get the HTMLviewers working on Raspberry Pi 3. I'm open to any suggestions OS versions etc. The PI will only be used for the custom app.
Many Thanks

Get latest version of WebIOPi into Raspberry Pi

The latest version of Webiopi is WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz. It's on SourceForge. I have an earlier version installed on my Pi. I'd like to update it to the newer version. I don't know how to do that.
Also, I can't seem to find the webiopi.js client. Any ideas on that?
New to Linux. Thanks for your help. Pi is up and running, including WiFi, Apache 2.2, and secure terminal login (xterm?).
