is it possibile to use unity project as an android studio activity? - android-studio

I am trying to create an android application, of which its components are build partly on android studio and partly on unity. i can't do everything with android studio or everything with unity, so i would like a way to merge the two parts. my plan is to integrate the part built in unity as the main activity on androids studio and then create the other activities(screens) of my app on android studio and create a way to slide scroll between those screens(activities). i would like this configuration to work as a single 'precess'.
is this posible to do ?
I am still a beginner, so if I didn't explain well please tell me.
I tried to search for information that would be useful to me but on found nothing.

Yes, it's possible. You have to make an Android Export and add it to your main project. then call unity's activity which is registered on AndroidManifest and Unity part will be run.


Does Android Studio have a note section?

I don't know enough about Android Studios and was wondering if there was a note section for Android Studio. My goal is whenever I come back to my project I can read my notes on the last thing I did and what I need to work on next.
This is my first time creating an Android App and using Android Studio Application.
I do know there is a task and context tool that I could use but is there an offline version? Where I don't have to link it to YouTask, GitHub, or Jira, and etc? Just my own personal notes?
I am not aware of a notes feature specifically bit Android Studio does support custom Todos:
If you use these you can comment
// todo fix this bug
and it will show up in your todo list at the bottom of the IDE.

use intellij kotlin kt file in android studio

I have written a program using intellij and want to import the code into android studio but i can't find any tutorials that have this specifically.
I am only able to find using kotlin in andoid studio or convert from kotlin to java.
I know it will be easy and that I am not looking in the right places but could really do with a pointer, I have been trying to do it all day lol im starting to loose the will!
Not sure if I understood your question correctly, but if you have a bunch of code files and wanna import your code into Android Studio, the easiest way is to just create a new Android Studio Kotlin project, copy your code files from your IntelliJ project to your new Android Studio project, then adjust the code for Android.
If you do it inside the programs instead of in the file explorer, it will even adjust the package names for you.
Here's what I mean exactly by inside the programs:
If you want to create an Android application with the code that you write in IntelliJ. You can create an app in Android Studio and paste the code in the right place(should be in onCreate method) and manage the way that you will show the result. Also you can create an Android application in IntelliJ with the Android plugin.

How to user sketch app sources templates on android studio?

I'm looking for a way to use templates on android studio, I found out that the sketch official application is working only on MAC OS and there is an alternative called Lunacy (by Icon8) that works on windows, the problem is that even after importing the downloaded theme on lunacy I have no idea how am I supposed to get the xml/drawables that I can import into android studio, any one can help please?
Thank you
You can simply use some plugins which are created exactly for this purpose.
For example Sympli would let you to drag and drop your design into Swift or Android Studio in no time.
There is also some basic tutorial on their website for getting on board.

Cocos2dx can be used in android studio development with java?

I downloaded the cocos3.14.1 in the cocos2dx official website, and then use the online method to create a project structure, and then compiled out android
Studio version of "", and finally with the android studio to the success of this project can also be run. But then how do I develop it? Map, event, interface, logic how to write?
After importing there will be an activty inheritance Cocos2dxActivity, and a package "org.cocos2dx.lib". But I do not know what to do
You have to write most of the game logic in C++ and keep your class files in "Classes" directory.
You would have to update the android project include these C++ files.
If you're using a mac, it is easier to develop it in Xcode, and build it for android in the last step. That way you can debug all the game logic in Xcode and simulator quickly.
In the project that is initially created, your game logic starts in the AppDelegate file (by setting things like the design resolution etc), and the first scene is the "HelloWorld" scene.
Since you're new to this, why not just purchase a book and get started, or read any of the many tutorials available online.

Device doesn't render in Design tab, Android Studio 1.4

I have a problem with my Android Studio I just updated.
There is no device renders in the design tab, even if I create just a blank aka 'hello wolrd' activity as you can see on this screenshot.
I am absolutely sure I have no running background tasks, my Gradle build is finished. I tried to clean up and then to rebuild project, nothing changes. Am I missing anything?
P.S. I had no problems rendering device on Android Studio 1.3.
Ok, I got it.
I had to update my SDK to 23st version and choose this version while rendering device.
Very simple and truth be told obvious way.
