Cocos2dx can be used in android studio development with java? - android-studio

I downloaded the cocos3.14.1 in the cocos2dx official website, and then use the online method to create a project structure, and then compiled out android
Studio version of "", and finally with the android studio to the success of this project can also be run. But then how do I develop it? Map, event, interface, logic how to write?
After importing there will be an activty inheritance Cocos2dxActivity, and a package "org.cocos2dx.lib". But I do not know what to do

You have to write most of the game logic in C++ and keep your class files in "Classes" directory.
You would have to update the android project include these C++ files.
If you're using a mac, it is easier to develop it in Xcode, and build it for android in the last step. That way you can debug all the game logic in Xcode and simulator quickly.
In the project that is initially created, your game logic starts in the AppDelegate file (by setting things like the design resolution etc), and the first scene is the "HelloWorld" scene.
Since you're new to this, why not just purchase a book and get started, or read any of the many tutorials available online.


is it possibile to use unity project as an android studio activity?

I am trying to create an android application, of which its components are build partly on android studio and partly on unity. i can't do everything with android studio or everything with unity, so i would like a way to merge the two parts. my plan is to integrate the part built in unity as the main activity on androids studio and then create the other activities(screens) of my app on android studio and create a way to slide scroll between those screens(activities). i would like this configuration to work as a single 'precess'.
is this posible to do ?
I am still a beginner, so if I didn't explain well please tell me.
I tried to search for information that would be useful to me but on found nothing.
Yes, it's possible. You have to make an Android Export and add it to your main project. then call unity's activity which is registered on AndroidManifest and Unity part will be run.

Android Studio for Dart without emulator

Is it possible to use AndroidStudio (for Dart) withOUT running an emulator?
Context: I am a complete newbie and have started reading some intro books and following online tutorials. I am aiming to learn DART and FLUTTER and have successfully installed AndroidStudio and an emulator and ran some successful test projects like helloworld.
The thing is, these early example projects are VERY basic things, to teaches me about variables and syntax etc and outputs results to the console. At this point, i do not need to boot up an entire emulator (which adds a layer of clunkiness when running)... but AndroidStudio seems to insist on one being activated?
I could use "DartPad" (which i love) for simple stuff - but it's limited and i'd prefer to learn one dedicated IDE if possible.
It depends on what you are actually running. If you are using Dart alone, you should be able to run it. Personally, I do these kinds of projects within IntelliJ Idea - which Android Studio is based on anyway, but doesn't come with the Android "overhead". Microsoft Visual Studio Code is another valid option that many people use.
If your project is based on Flutter (i.e. it contains UI), you need a "device" to run on - it might be the Android emulator, iOS simulator, Chrome or native (experimental).

Create Kotlin Library

I am trying to achieve what is extremely simply in other languages, however I am new to Kotlin and Android Studio.
I wish, when creating a project, to reuse code by having it in a seperate directory to the project, but to be able to create instances of a Kotlin class in a given project, and also to be able to edit the class definitions and rebuild the 'library' in that open project
Before anyone shoots me I have read
Create a Kotlin library in Android Studio
this however does not work and simply results in

Can't add resource file to xamarin android project in Visual Studio for Mac

Trying to add resx-files to my cross platform project. I was starting to look at the links for the toolkit but that seems to work only for VS for windows and I'm running Visual Studio of Mac on a... ...well, mac. Thought I wouldn't let that stop me and proceeded adding the resx-file manually and started with my Android project.
I've created a separate PCL project where I'd add my resource files. Creating the first AppResources.resx works fine and adding terms to that file updates the designer file accordingly, so far so good. However, when I try to add a second language and name the file according to examples I've seen online such as I get an exception in the UI stating that the "File ..../Resources/AppResources.resx already exists.".
I'm hoping to use the same approach for my ios project so the solution should not limit that application.
Any help is appreciated!

Sharing own module across projects Android Studio

I'm struggling badly with moving from Eclipse to Android Studio.
Basically, I get that an Android Studio project is more like a workspace and a module more like a project...
However, in the Android Studio start page you can only create projects, so how do you share a module (i.e. a project in eclipse terms) across projects?
Basically, I have a number of apps that use a shared library I've created, in Eclipse all I do is flag it as a library and in each project simply link to it.
I have absolutely no idea how to do this in Android Studio. The examples for creating modules seem to take you as far as creating a module for no real purpose other than to use it within one app.
I first imported my library as a project in android studio, but that proved pointless, thinking that was how to do it because I want it kept separate in my version control system.
I then created a temporary module inside my app, but then it stores it within the project and in my other apps I cannot find a way to import the modules, so I really don't see what the point of a module is when it's embedded in a project and can't be separated or referenced anywhere else.
Thanks for any help.
Consider your library project name common-lib
Open build.gradle of the projects to which you want to add library add add the following
dependencies {
compile project(':common-lib')
and sync gradle
