Sublime Text 4 Center View - sublimetext4

Is there any way to center the code view in sublime text 4 without going full screen? Distraction free mode centers the text but it removes line numbers and puts the application in full screen mode.

You can simply set the following preference to have text always centered, even when not in distraction free mode:
// Draws text centered in the window rather than left aligned
"draw_centered": true,


vim x/y scrollbar hiding my commands and being really anoying

i'm a new vim user since 2 weeks and i've currently have my biggest trouble for the moment on vim.
i always have a x and y scrollbar on my vim and the x one is very anoying because it cover my commands.
here is a screenshot of the scrollbars that appears when i use terminal inside of vim using `:term` / `:!dir` or even when i save my vimrc or source it (`:so ~/.vimrc`)
if there is any solutions to it i will be really grateful, thanks for reading
This is an issue with your layout settings in Powershell and Ubuntu. Right click on the top bar of either program, go to Properties and then go to the Layout tab. You can check the Wrap text output on resize box and that should get rid of your horizontal scrollbar, thereby allowing you to use Vim as normal. Alternatively, in the same menu, you can decrease the width of the screen buffer size so that it is smaller than the width of the window size.

Designing for full screen

Summary: I'm having a big problem with layout design in my project... I want to set it up in fullscreen mode, but I can only set it in a specify resolution, because of that, when I click to maximize my program, it goes like image #2... I tried to anchor buttons in "Top,Left,Bottom,Right" but the mess is bigger (image #3).
What I need: I want to make a single layout for a fullscreen mode in any screen resolution...
Image 1 below
Image 2 below
Image 3 below
When I use fill mode...
If I understand right and you want everything to stretch when you resize your form then you should dock your tablelayoutpanel (fill) and the same with your buttons.

How can I move the Gimp Text Tool (not the text layer)

when editing text in gimp the text tool is displayed on the screen.
Sometimes the text tool is blocking my view when adjusting or if I zoom in a lot, is not displayed in the visible portion of the screen.
How can I move the text tool itself, so that it is in a place where it does not obstruct any important part of the image.
Btw: This is the text tool:
You can't (this is a rather common complaint).

How to center text if there isn't enough newlines to get text to the center in sublime?

While coding in Sublime Text 3 if I get to the bottom of the page and try to use the show_at_center command I won't get able to get the current line all the way up to the center of the page because there isn't enough new lines. So I have to manually hit enter a bunch of times to get the text to come back up. Is there a way around this? Like some sort of command that: moves the text to the center of the screen even if there is only blank space below and no newlines.
Open your user preferences (Preferences -> Settings-User) and add the following setting:
"scroll_past_end": true
This allows you to keep scrolling the view all the way down until the last line is at the very top of the window.

How do you change the color of a cursor so you can see it on a black background?

I'm using TextEdit to transcribe sections of 26 moleskine notebooks that I've filled up over the past 7 years. I changed the background to black and the text color to gray, which is great for the eyes except I cannot see the cursor. This makes it hard to edit, as you can imagine. When I use textwrangler or sublime the cursor blinks do I extend these settings to textedit?
Thank you - first ever stackoverflow question :)
Unfortunately it looks like TextEdit does not allow configuring the color of the cursor.
Is there a way to change the cursor color in TextEdit?
